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Having Kathryn go back to Chicago made Peter and Olivia's relationship easier. Peter took what Olivia said to heart, and he got rid of everything that was Kathryn's and he put the pictures of them in a box in the attic. She told him not to get rid of them because she didn't want him to just try and get rid of part of his life, but she didn't want them in the house where they would upset him.

Peter and Olivia focused on the upcoming arrival of their child, which they weren't too sure was going to be a girl, even if Noah was very adamant that it was. They tried to think of names, but none seemed like they would work since they didn't even know what the baby was and haven't met it yet.

While they waited the last long 8 weeks, Olivia and Peter tried to do what real people who are in relationships do, which was possibly going on a date every once and awhile. Olivia was lucky that Noah and Jesse got along so well because that meant he could sleep over there while Olivia and Peter went on their date.

"It's weird that we've been together for going on 7 months, and we haven't had a real date yet," Olivia spoke, as she and Peter walked hand in hand towards the restaurant they planned on eating it. Then afterward they were going to see a movie, yet Olivia knew she was going to fall asleep during it.

"Liv, we are doing everything completely out of order. And it hasn't even been a full 7 months." He laughed softly. Olivia looked at him for a moment before shrugging.

"I know it's all out of order, but I love what we have now. And now that the front window is fixed and Kathryn is doing whatever she does in Chicago, we can just be a family."

"Want the ring back?" Peter asked as he opened the door for Olivia.

"Like I said when we made up, don't test your luck, Stone."


Peter watched the movie as Olivia rested her head on his shoulder and snored softly. She probably only made it through the trailers at the beginning of the film, before falling asleep as she does at night, all snuggled up and laying her head on Peter's shoulder.

As the movie finally got over, Peter shifted a bit and placed a gentle kiss to Olivia's forehead. She yawned before going to roll over, but then she realized that she wasn't at home.

"I slept through the whole thing, didn't I?" She asked.

"Yeah, but I enjoyed it." He smiled. She pushed herself up slowly and pulled her shirt down a bit before running her hands through her hair as the crowd left. Peter stood and helped her pull her jacket on before pulling his own on. He grabbed her hand again before they headed for the stairs.

"I miss having energy." She frowned.

"You are almost done, Liv. This is the last 8 weeks and then we will have the baby and you still won't have energy but then I won't have any either." He laughed softly. He kept his hand on her lower back as they walked down the stairs and ended up being the last ones out of the theater. 

"I'm excited... like I was supposed to start a family when I was younger, and I was hoping to be married before I got pregnant, but I'm excited. Good stuff like this doesn't happen to me that often, but we are getting a baby and I'm so fucking excited about it." She grinned, as Peter tossed his cup into the garbage.

"I'm glad you are excited because this is like some real shit happening." He laughed.


Once a week, Peter and Olivia continued to go on dates and did that up until Olivia was 36 weeks pregnant and she started maternity leave. She was way too tired and just wanted to spend time at home with Noah and Peter. But Peter was a rare sight starting then because there was a huge case he was working on and it was going to be a difficult one to win. 

He tried to come home more often because he knew how his girlfriend needed help and because Noah has been asking for help in regards to baseball because he had decided he wanted to try out for t-ball once the season started.

Peter sat at his desk half asleep when his office door opened after a light knock. He looked up and saw Olivia and Noah standing there. He could see that Olivia was exhausted looking, and he knew he probably looked the same.

"What are you two doing here? It's late." Peter spoke.

"I've called you a few times, but you didn't pick up," Olivia spoke, as she shifted a bit in her spot.

"I'm sorry. My phone died and I haven't charged it yet. Let me pack up and we can go home." Peter spoke.

"We aren't going home, Peter," Noah replied.

"What? Why?" Peter asked.

"I called my doctor, and the pains I've been having all day but refused to complain about to you when we talked at lunch, are real contractions. We have to get to the hospital." Olivia replied. Peter felt wide awake as he heard those words.

"It's like what, 12 days early? Liv!" Peter exclaimed.

"I know, but it's happening and we need to get to the hospital. Amanda is going to meet us there."

"Oh god, uh, do you have your bag? Both of you?" Peter asked, as he quickly gathered his stuff up and walked over to them. He wrapped his arm around Olivia's waist before they started out of his office.

"Both are in the car. But I need you to put the car seat in eventually. It's in the back." Olivia replied. She took a shaky breath and held her stomach as her face grew red.

"This is really happening." Peter breathed, as he rubbed her back gently. She nodded slowly before grabbing his arm and squeezing it a bit.

"Yeah, it is. And I think we should get going now." She groaned. They stood there until Olivia recovered, then Peter kissed her deeply and smiled.

"Let's go then. Noah, you are finally going to be a big brother!"

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