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Olivia stayed in the room while Peter's doctors asked him questions and performed small tests on him. But when they weren't talking to him but talking to each other, Peter was staring at his wife. Olivia looked down at him and smiled softly at him.

"Hey, love. You are doing so good. I'm so very proud of you." Olivia spoke before she leaned down and placed a soft kiss to his forehead. Then she rubbed his cheek and he grunted a bit.

"Mr. Stone?" One of the doctors asked. Olivia looked into his eyes before speaking.

"It's his beard. He hates it." Olivia spoke, and Peter blinked once to express that his wife was correct.

"I'll go ask Gloria to round up some supplies to give him a good shave. Mrs. Stone, he knows where he is and who he is. I believe that he'll be ready to breathe on his own soon and to start talking to us." One of the doctors spoke.

"Good. But I need to warn you now, that I will not be leaving my husband's side until he wants me too. So don't even try to kick me out." Olivia warned, and they nodded as both cracked a smile.

"Yes, ma'am. We will leave you two alone and go get Gloria."


Gloria got the stuff so Peter could get a shave, but when she started to put the shaving cream on his face, he grunted again and stared at his wife once again.

"He wants me to do this. Would you mind seeing if my kids can come back in? I know that Hadley and Noah have a lot to say to their father, and the twins have gotten so big-"

"I'll go get them. Just be careful. You can see where his cuts were, and they have healed mostly. But the bruises might still be painful." Gloria spoke, before leaving the room. Olivia looked at her husband and smiled before moving forward in the process.

"I have missed you so much, Peter. I've missed seeing you being more than just a body lying in a bed. You are so much more than that. I get to see your eyes when I look at the girls, but it's not the same. And I haven't been taking care of myself. You'll be probably pissed off at me and tell me off when you can start talking again, but I'll take it." Olivia breathed, as she carefully shaved the beard from her husband's face.

He watched her and didn't feel scared at all. He knew that she wouldn't nick him, because she never has. He knew that she was going to be as gentle as possible to make sure he isn't in more pain than he already was.

"Kamryn and Ember can sense that something is very off. I think that they hate it just as much as the rest of us, that you are here. Not at home." Olivia breathed. She felt her husband's hand touch her hip, and she smiled.

"Already trying to get me naked, Stone?" She teased, and his eyes lit up and she knew that he was smiling even if his lips were having a hard time moving to allow it.

"Daddy, it's me, Noah. And Haddie. Aunt Casey is holding the twins." Noah breathed, as he held Hadley's hand and led her into the room. Peter didn't take his eyes from his wife until she wiped the leftover shaving cream from his cheeks.

"Peter are you good with having the kids sit with you? I can tell that Haddie is gonna want to hug you as tightly as her small arms can." Olivia chuckled, as she glanced at where Hadley was squirming in her spot where she was holding her brother's hand.

Peter blinked once, and Olivia walked around and helped to boost Hadley onto the bed. Hadley made her way to her father's head and she hugged it once again. Noah sat on the edge of the bed and held his father's hand as Olivia took the twins from Casey and sat down beside Peter's bedside.

"Gonna say something, Daddy?" Hadley asked as she rested her cheek against his.

"He can't talk because he is getting help breathing, Haddie. But he can hear you. He loves you." Olivia spoke, and Peter turned his head to look at his daughter. Hadley smiled before kissing his nose. Peter wrinkled it and Hadley started to giggle. Once again, Olivia saw Peter's eyes lit up and she knew that he probably wanted to laugh along with their daughter. Her laughter was contagious, and Noah started to laugh and the twins giggled.

 The room was full of laughter, but then it was full of Peter's gagging. Casey quickly ran from the room to get a nurse, as Noah helped Hadley from the bed and walked her away from the bed as she cried for her father. Olivia stood and with the twins still in her arms, she leaned down and started to coo gentle and loving words to Peter. She got him to calm down a bit before she and the kids were escorted from the room.


He was breathing. Not with the help of a machine, but by himself. The breathing tube was taken from his throat and he was given some water to help him stop coughing before the doctors asked him more questions. It wasn't long before Olivia was allowed back into the room.

"I didn't mean to scare the kids as I did. I just couldn't breathe with that machine. It was making me want to get sick." Peter whispered because he hadn't used his voice in so long.

"It's because you were ready to breathe by yourself, baby. And the kids are okay. They are perfectly fine. Now, I have been waiting a while to kiss you. Are you good with that?" Olivia asked, and Peter nodded.

"I'm never opposed to you kissing me." He replied. Olivia stepped closer to him before leaning down and kissing his lips. She kissed him for a while, before leaning back and rubbing his chest gently.

"Never do this again, Peter. I'll give up wine, and I want you to give up drinking."

"We will both go sober... I'm sorry for what I did. The doctors told me what happened, and I was so stupid to let it happen."

"You were. I hated you so much for leaving me with our four children. I was sure you were going to die." Olivia spoke, as anger seeped into her words.

"I might still. You may decide to kill me for putting you through this." Peter replied, keeping his face expressionless, but his wife knew he was teasing her. She grabbed his hand and drew it to her lips before kissing it softly.

"You know me too well."

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