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Peter sat beside Olivia every night. They talked and got to know each other more than they had before Olivia got pregnant and they started to fall for each other. They talked about the future and what they both hoped would be apart of their futures. 

"Has Noah came up here after school lately?" Peter asked as he laid another blanket over Olivia. She nodded as she yawned.

"Yeah. Lucy brings him up and he's here for a bit and I help him with his homework and then we talk for a bit." Olivia spoke, as she snuggled down underneath the blankets. She had been in the hospital for a week. They kept telling her no when she tried to get them to release her, and it was because she was still getting dizzy and extremely tired.

"You know, if you need someone to give Lucy a break from him, I can watch him." Peter offered, as he sat beside her and held her hand gently in his. He smiled at her, as she started to close her eyes.

"I think he'd like that. He's excited that you are around more. He's always wanted a Dad..." Olivia trailed off as she started to yawn again. She opened her eyes and smiled at Peter. He swallowed hard as he looked down at their hands.

"Get some sleep, Liv. I'm gonna go talk to your doctor. See when you can be released."

"Alright, night." She smiled, before shifting onto her side and resting her hand against her stomach. Peter quickly left the room and started to panic a bit.

He didn't even know if he could be a father to his and Olivia's baby, let alone adding Noah to that too.


Olivia seemed to have become stable overnight. The doctors monitored her through the morning before releasing her. Once again she was supposed to take it easy, but she wasn't going to be put on bedrest. Lucy came and got her, and then they went and picked Noah up from school. Olivia let Lucy go home and started to take care of Noah by herself again, after paying Lucy very well for helping out while she was in the hospital.

She was standing in the kitchen cutting up an apple for Noah because he hates eating the full apple, and she had her phone resting between her shoulder and her ear as she waited for Peter to pick up.

"Sorry that I can't come to the phone right now, either I'm in court, preparing for court, or ignoring your call. Please leave a name, number, and message. I'll get back to you soon." Peter's voice spoke, before a beep. Olivia sighed as she left her message.

"Hey, Peter. Uh, it's Olivia. I tried to call you earlier, but I feel like you are ignoring me. I'm out of the hospital and at home with Noah. The baby is doing great and so am I. Tomorrow I have a normal appointment and I can see the baby. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me, but I'm assuming you have court. So, I'll talk to you eventually? I love you..." She sighed, before taking the phone down and ending the call. She shoved it into the pocket of her sweatshirt, before grabbing the plate with the apples on it and walking into the living room.

She sat them beside Noah before sitting in one of the armchairs.

"How is that math going?" Olivia asked as she ran her fingers through Noah's curls.

"Can I be done with it? It's Thursday night and I don't have school tomorrow!" Noah exclaimed as he smiled at his mother.

"Why don't you have school tomorrow?" Olivia asked as she pulled her phone out to see his school schedule.

"Teacher day. Something that they have to do. So, can I be done?!" Noah grinned, as he stood up and quickly walked to his mother. He placed his hands against her stomach as he tried to be the cutest he could be.

"Finish your math and we can work on the other homework tomorrow after my appointment. Would you like to come and see the baby?"

"Yes! Of course, I would! Thanks, Momma! I love you so much."

"I love you too, honey. Come on, I'll help you."


Peter didn't get in contact with Olivia that night, so she just assumed he was really ignoring her. Olivia and Noah got ready early and went to eat breakfast with Amanda and Dominick before she and Noah went to her appointment.

Noah was quiet when the doctor asked Olivia questions about how she was feeling and about her recent stay at the hospital. He did start to talk when the doctor asked Noah about how he felt about getting a little sibling.

"I'm really excited!" Noah exclaimed as he sat on the chair beside the table his mother was sitting on. He was swinging his legs and bounced a bit in his chair as he smiled.

"Are you going to help change diapers?" Dr. Harrison questioned, as he turned off the lights before rolling Olivia's shirt up for the sonogram.

"No! Peter can do that, I'll just play with the baby." Noah giggled. Olivia smiled as she looked over at her son. She didn't know if Peter would be around that often because even after he said he'd move in and help Olivia, he still hasn't.

"Peter?" Dr. Harrison asked Olivia, as he squeezed gel onto her stomach.

"Yeah, the baby's father... it's complicated." Olivia frowned. 


Olivia held Noah's hand as they walked through the parking lot and towards her car. Noah was holding onto the sonogram picture and talking about how excited he was as if Olivia didn't know already. She unlocked the car and when she started to open the door next to Noah's car seat, Peter yelled Olivia's name.

"Momma?" Noah asked.

"Get in the car, honey. I'm gonna talk to him and then we will go get the new shoes you need." Olivia spoke. She helped him in, and he buckled himself up, while she shut the door.

"Liv, I'm sorry I didn't get here on time. I missed the whole appointment, didn't I?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, you did." She frowned. She crossed her arms over her bump as she eyed Peter.


"Is this going to be normal, Peter? Ignoring my calls and not showing up for appointments? What about if I needed you again? What about you moving in?" She asked.

"I-i... You said that Noah has always wanted a dad, and I don't think I can be a father to two children. Noah needs someone who won't flake, and I'm a Stone, so I'm a flake by nature." He frowned.

"Peter, you don't have to be anything you don't want to. You don't even have to be involved with our baby. It's okay. This all wasn't supposed to happen, and if it makes you nervous and uncomfortable, then you don't have to stay around." Olivia frowned. She reached into her purse and grabbed her copy of the sonogram picture and handed it to Peter.

"Here is what our baby looks like now. It's growing and getting stronger. I don't know what will happen, but I do know I want you around and to be a father to the baby. If you don't know about Noah, it's okay because I've been a damn good mother and father to him. Bye."

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