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After Fin took Noah back home and asked Lucy to call him into school, he took Peter's car to the hospital so that Lucy had the van in case she needed to go somewhere with the kids. 

Fin walked towards the ICU and found Amanda sitting in the waiting room, but Olivia was no longer with her.

"Did she go to see him?" Fin asked as he sat down beside Amanda. Amanda nodded before speaking quietly as to not disturb the other people around them.

"She did. It took her a while, but she did. Peter is really bad off, Fin. Like, he had to have surgery to release the pressure in his brain. Fin, I don't know if she knows what is really wrong with him, but once she finds out I wouldn't be surprised that she freaks out." Amanda spoke.

"She needs to freak out, Mandy. She needs to admit to herself that Peter might not make it." Fin frowned. He crossed his arms over his chest as they sat in silence.

"Did you end up telling Noah?"

"Yeah. I did. I took him back home and took Peter's car. Since you drove Olivia to the hospital yesterday to check on Haddie." Fin replied.

"How did he take it?" Amanda asked as Fin grabbed Peter's keys before handing them to Amanda.

"He didn't cry. He just kinda went still before he asked if I could take him home. I just don't want Liv to hate me for telling him. He just wanted to know why his Mom couldn't take him to school." Fin mumbled. He stood and paced for a few minutes before asking for the keys to the sedan. Then he left, and Amanda frowned.


Olivia left Peter's room once the nurses took Peter down for a few scans. Olivia settled down in the seat beside Amanda, but she didn't speak. She just stared ahead numbly. 

"How is Peter?" Amanda asked, quietly.

"Dunno. He's still in a coma. Or sedated. Or something." Olivia replied quickly and quietly.

"Want me to ask the doctors?" Amanda asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"Honestly, no one will tell me anything. They just told me that it's just a waiting period now. Do you know more than I do?" Olivia questioned.

"His brain had swelled," Amanda whispered, and she looked over and saw the tears in Olivia's eyes.

"I guess that I'll probably just have to get prepared to have a vegetable as a husband, but I will love him no matter what," Olivia replied. She stood slowly and started to pace for a bit. 

Amanda watched but didn't say a thing. She knew that Olivia was freaking out, but she didn't want to say something and make it worse.

"I wonder if Kathryn and Peter would have gotten married if this would have never happened. Like, Haddie, Noah, and I would have moved away then Peter would be breathing on his own. Probably have the two kids that Kathryn would only give him." Olivia spoke.

"Liv, don't think about that. You gotta stay strong for the kids. For Peter."

"I am tired of being the strong one. I think that I want to be weak for just a few hours. I want to cry and scream. I want to be the sad one, but I always have to be the strong one. I always have to make sure that Peter doesn't feel like a bad father." Olivia huffed. She looked back and saw that a doctor was walking towards them.

"Mrs. Stone?" He asked as he looked at Amanda. But Olivia shook her head.

"I'm Peter's wife." She breathed. The doctor nodded.

"Mrs. Stone, your husband just suffered from a seizure." He spoke, and Olivia closed her eyes tightly as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Is he still alive?" Olivia breathed.

"He's on full life support at the moment. We just need to wait and see if he wakes up." He replied. Olivia felt like sobbing, but she just squared her shoulders and nodded.

"Okay. When will you be bringing him back again?" Olivia asked.

"In a few hours, Mrs. Stone. For now, I recommend that you go home and get some rest. This is going to be a very long few weeks, months, or even years." 

"So you are telling me that I pretty much just lost my husband, and my children might never be able to see him again?" Olivia asked, but the doctor didn't reply. He just gave a tiny nod before turning and walking away. Olivia balled her hands into fists as the tears quickly slipped down her cheeks.

"I'll take you back home, Liv. Fin brought up Peter's car." Amanda spoke.

"We did our whole relationship backward. I got pregnant, then we dated, then we got married. Amanda, this is fucking payback for doing everything wrong." Olivia huffed, before grabbing the keys from Amanda's hand before stomping out.


Olivia asked Lucy to stay with her and the kids until a different arrangement could be figured out. Olivia didn't talk to Noah about what had happened to Peter, and Noah didn't ask. They faked happiness for the sake of Hadley, Kamryn, and Ember. 

Olivia got a call from Peter's nurse and as soon as the kids went to bed, she headed back up to the hospital. She went into Peter's room and saw her husband laying in his bed just like before. She didn't know if she'd ever see him open his eyes again, or see that adorable smile that made her heart skipped a beat. All she wanted was for him to live and to at least bit a little bit like his old self.

"He had three other seizures while we were running tests on him." A soft voice spoke, and Olivia looked over her shoulder and at an older nurse. She walked over and gently placed her hand on Olivia's shoulder.

"What do you think is going to happen?" Olivia asked quietly.

"I think that he is going to fight his way back to you. I heard that you have kids. How many?" The nurse asked.

"Four... we have twins that aren't even 7 months old yet." Olivia breathed.

"Don't give up on him yet, Mrs. Stone. Because if you give up, he will too."

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