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Peter walked into Olivia's hospital room, and Olivia's eyes lit up when she saw her husband and the twins.

"How are they doing?" She asked, as she pushed herself up and reached out for the twins.

"They are doing great. Five pounds each. They are so strong." Peter grinned. He laid the babies in his wife's arms, before sinking down in the chair beside her. Olivia looked at her daughters and started to cry. Peter knew that she was just so happy, that she couldn't hold back the tears any longer.

"Ember has absolutely no hair... I don't understand that since Hadley had hair when she was born, and Kamryn has a full head of hair..." Olivia spoke because she didn't really know what else to talk about. She was assuming that Peter had already thought about everything that she was going to say about their daughters.

"I was a very bald baby," Peter spoke, and Olivia looked at him and smiled.

"I just don't know what to say. I'm so happy. I just can't believe that they are here and that I'm holding them."

"We can't hold all of our kids at once now. Like, do you remember shortly after Hadley was born, and you found me in the nursery rocking her and Noah?" Peter asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"I do... I cried when I saw that... Okay, I know that you just got here. But I think it's time Hadley and Noah meet the babies."

"I'll go get Hadley then we can wait for Noah to get out of school. Kamryn and Ember, take care of your Momma. And if she does something crazy, just know that it's because she loves you so much."


Peter went and picked up Hadley from Lucy, before heading to Noah's elementary school. Peter held Hadley close and he talked to her and told her how smart she was when she pointed out the butterflies and the birds when they flew by.

"Daddy?" Hadley asked, and Peter turned and looked at his oldest daughter.

"Yes, Haddie?" Peter replied.

"Where Momma?" She questioned, and Peter smiled before kissing her temple gently.

"Momma is at the hospital with your baby sisters," Peter replied.

"Baby?" Hadley asked, her voice full of confusion.

"There were two babies in your Momma's belly. That's why it was so big. And now the babies are here. You have two baby sisters." Peter spoke, and Hadley just looked at her father as she grew more confused.


"Yeah, two. Kamryn and Ember. We told you about them, Haddie." Peter spoke, and Hadley just shrugged her little shoulders a bit before resting her head against her father's shoulder.

"Where Noah?" Hadley asked, and Peter laughed softly.

"He'll be running out here to see us in about 3 minutes, Haddie. You seem more excited about seeing your big brother than you are about meeting the babies." Peter laughed softly.

"I love Noah, Daddy!"

"I know you do, Hadley. I know you do."


Peter and the kids went up to the hospital as soon as they could get out of the completely packed parking lot. Noah kept asking about how the babies were doing, and if his mother was doing good.

"She's good... but she has to stay at the hospital longer than she had when Hadley was born because she had the babies a different way this time," Peter spoke, as he turned into the hospital parking lot.

"She had to go back into surgery, huh?" Noah asked, and Peter nodded.

"Yeah. Unfortunately. But she's good, Noah. Now, when we get in there, you need to wash your hands so we don't get Kamryn and Ember sick." Peter spoke, and Noah nodded.

"I will never hurt them, Daddy! I promise you that I'll protect them and Hadley till the day I die." Noah spoke, passionately. Peter felt tears sting his eyes.

He knew he should've protected Pam when he had the chance. But instead, he let her get murdered and shoved into a mental hospital just because he was too busy living his own life.

He wishes that he would have done more to make sure his sister was alive and in a good place when he finally brought kids into the world.


Olivia continued to lay in her hospital bed as her children met the babies. Peter had left shortly after he left the kids with Olivia. Olivia didn't know where he went, but she knew something had happened to make him upset.

"Noah, did something happen to your Daddy?" Olivia asked after the nurse took the twins down to the nursery to have some more test ran.

"What do you mean?" Noah asked, as he took his sweatshirt off and went to ball it up, but then Olivia reached out and took it from him before folding it up.

"Well, your Daddy seems upset. Did you say-"

"I love Daddy... I didn't mean to hurt him if I had."

"I know you didn't, sweet boy... It's just he is so upset."

"I guess he got quiet after I told him that I'd protect Hadley, Ember, and Kamryn till the day I die..."

"There it is." Olivia breathed.

"I did make him sad..." Noah trailed off as tears welled in his blue eyes.


"I keep hurting him!" He cried, before climbing off the bed and quickly going into the bathroom. Olivia frowned as she looked at Hadley. The little girl had turned her body around to look at the bathroom door to see why her brother had run in there.

"Noah, your Daddy didn't manage to protect his sister. He's heartbroken because he couldn't do anything to protect his sister. He didn't even promise to protect her at any point. He's just angry because he's a grown man and he hasn't been able to do as much for his sister as you have been able to do for your sisters." Olivia spoke.

"So I didn't hurt him?" Noah sniffled, as he opened the bathroom door and looked at his mother and sister.

"No. You didn't. He is just hurting himself right now. But everything will be okay, love. Get back over here and tell me about school." Olivia spoke. Noah hesitantly walked over to her.

"He's just probably sitting in the car, right?" Noah asked, and Olivia bit her lip.

"I hope so."

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