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But Peter didn't come back that night. Hadley was released later that night and she went home with her mother and baby sisters. Noah was at home with Lucy, and as soon as his mother and sisters got home, he ran straight to Hadley and hugged her tightly. 

"I okay, 'oah." Hadley mumbled since her brother was holding her so tightly.

"I'm so sorry, Haddie. Are you feeling better?" Noah asked as he held his sister at arm's length before looking her over. She had a few hives on her neck and arms, but the doctors said that they would go down and if they didn't, Olivia was to bring her back in the morning for some more treatment.

"I okay." She repeated before turning and looking up at her mother.

"Yeah, you are fine, Haddie. Wanna go to bed?" Olivia asked as she shifted the babies up since they were slipping a bit.

"Yeah, I sleepy," Hadley replied, and Olivia nodded. Lucy took the babies from Olivia, and then Olivia picked up Hadley before heading towards her bedroom.

Noah was following close and even helped tuck in his baby sister. Once Hadley was tucked in and dozing, Olivia took Noah to his room and helped him change before getting him into bed. She sat on the edge of his bed and gently rubbed his chest.

"I love you, sweet boy." Olivia smiled tiredly.

"Where's Daddy?" Noah asked, and Olivia frowned.

"He's taking some time for himself. That scare with Haddie really hurt him." Olivia replied.

"Momma, it wasn't his fault. It's that stupid hole in the screen that let this happen." Noah replied.

"What did I say?" Olivia asked.

"Not to say stupid." Noah frowned, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Babe, Daddy has lost so much. And this is the second time where we could have lost Hadley. Well, actually the forth." Olivia spoke.

"She could have died when she was in your belly, huh?" Noah asked, and Olivia nodded as she closed her eyes to stop herself from crying.

She could still see when her stomach started to swell. Or when she felt Hadley move for the first time. Those were the times she wanted to get memories of the most, but then she'd get flashes of when she fainted or when she fell on the ice. She hated herself for almost letting Hadley get hurt because she was stubborn and didn't listen to when people told her what to do.

"We had some close calls, Noah. But there will not be any bee related close calls anymore. Would you like to sleep in my bed tonight?" Olivia asked, and Noah nodded quickly.

"I'd like that... then you won't be lonely!" He exclaimed, but Olivia was going to be lonely without the man she loves beside her.

"Yeah, I won't be lonely."


Peter went to the bar and sat and just drank all night. He was told to leave at six in the morning, so he stumbled out of the bar and out onto the dimly lit sidewalk. He looked down one way then turned his head and looked down the other. But there was no way he could think of that would lead him home.

He just shook his head as he thought about his daughter getting stung again. He opened the damn windows, and he was the one that let the bee fly in and sting his sweet little Haddie.

Peter ran his hands over his face before stumbling forward a bit. His steps were very shaky and unsure, but he had to find a way to a place he knew. Either home, his old office, the precinct. He just couldn't stay at the bar any longer.

Peter walked in the middle of the road and kept mumbling Hadley over and over again. All he wanted was his daughter to be happy and healthy. That is all he wanted for all of his children and his wife.


Peter wondered why she kept putting up with all of the shit he pulls. He turned to face the east and the sun started to fall onto his face. He closed his eyes and felt the early morning warmth.

But then he heard the sound of a car and he turned around just in time for a truck to strike him.


Olivia woke up earlier the morning after Hadley was stung because she knew she had more to do because Peter still wasn't home. She took care of her morning needs, like showering and drinking coffee, before she got Noah up and ready for school.

Lucy showed up at 7 and mentioned something about one of the side roads being closed down due to an accident. 

"What way did you end up taking? You live near Noah's school." Olivia spoke.

"Just go the long way. Don't take the short cut." Lucy smiled, before looking over at Noah who was finishing his yogurt.

"Lucy?" Noah asked, and his sitter smiled at him.


"Can I stay home with you?" He asked, and his mother and sitter laughed.

"Nice try, little monster. We need to head out." Olivia spoke, before going over the morning and the rest of the day with Lucy.

Once Olivia and Noah were ready to leave, they took the elevator before walking through the courtyard and to the parking lot.

Olivia was making sure Noah was buckled in when she heard her name spoke. She turned around and saw Amanda and Fin standing there.

"Oh, hi. What can I help you two with?" Olivia smiled as she stepped back and shut the door to her van. Amanda walked over to her before grabbing her arm and moving them away from the van.

"Is Lucy here?" Fin asked as Olivia eyed them.

"She is upstairs with the girls. Why?" She asked.

"Because we need you to go to the hospital. Right now." Amanda breathed.

"Noah has school and we all have work. Is it a case?" Olivia questioned, as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Liv, Peter was hurt this morning," Fin spoke, as he reached out just in case she needed him to support her.

"Uh, no. Peter is probably heading home right now. He loves his days with the girls." Olivia replied, with a small laugh. But she was really worried.

"He is in critical condition at Mercy. Liv, he was hit by a truck this morning. He has an incredibly high blood alcohol level."

"I should have gone after him," Olivia whispered.


"Hadley got stung by a bee yesterday and he blames himself. His drinking was him self destructing... I need to take Noah to school." Olivia spoke, as she tried to focus on something she knew she could do.

"I'll take him. He'll be excited to see me." Fin spoke.

"Come on, Liv. I'll take you to be with Peter." Amanda spoke, before wrapping her arm around Olivia's waist before helping her towards the sedan.

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