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Casey followed Olivia into the ICU. She kept holding her hand and when Olivia tried to veer off course, she would force her back towards the ICU where her husband was lying motionless.

"I can't go in there, Case. I have left him alone for so long, and now I'm back and I bet he hates me." Olivia breathed.

"What happened to lead him to be in a coma, Liv?" Casey asked, and Olivia looked over at the redhead before sighing.

"Uh, our daughter, Hadley, is allergic to bees. He was home with her and the twins and he opened the windows. A bee got into the apartment and stung our daughter. He was so angry at himself for letting it happen, that while I was waiting for Hadley to be released, almost completely unaffected by the sting, he went and got drunk. He was walking across the street and got hit by a truck. That's all I know about it. The bartender said that he was quiet all night until he kicked him out at 6 and Peter started to mumble something about Hadley over and over again." Olivia replied.

"I don't think you are disappointing him, Liv. I think he thinks that you are disappointed by him. Go in there and tell him that you aren't."

"I'm still pissed off at him for getting drunk and not calling me to come to get him. He might die,  and it's his fault." Olivia huffed. 

Now she wasn't sad, she was pissed off. She hated her husband for being stupid and not calling her for a ride. He let himself get hit by the truck, and now he might leave her as a widow.


The trip to the hospital was useless. Casey couldn't get Olivia to go into Peter's room, so they went to Walmart and did the shopping before going back to Olivia's apartment.

They went in and unloaded before sending Lucy home. Casey got to really meet and get to know Olivia's daughters. She sat and read Hadley a book, and really realized how much the girls looked like their mother and acted like their mother. She noted that Kamryn has Olivia's stubborn streak and that Ember has her sweetness and the ability to already care. She was sharing her toys with Kamryn like a champ.

"So, what do you think about them?" Olivia asked, as she carried out Hadley's lunch and sat it on the table so she could eat and still hang out with the rest of them.

"Are you honestly asking me that, Benson?" Casey asked, as Hadley hesitantly climbed off her lap and walked over to where her lunch was. She sat down on the floor and started to eat.

"Well, kinda..." Olivia trailed off. She sat down on the rug and lifted Kamryn up and lifted her up so she could blow on her belly. Kamryn giggled as Casey just smiled and watched Olivia in her element.

"They are amazing. Liv, your children are going to be such great members of this world. I really think that they are going to take after their parents and make a difference." Casey breathed. Olivia smiled, as she sat Kamryn on her bottom before grabbing Ember and blowing on her belly until she started to laugh louder than Kamryn even did.

"To think that I almost lost them. Even Noah." Olivia breathed.

"What?" Casey asked.

"Noah was a very sick baby. Incredibly sick. Then I was really sick while I was pregnant with Hadley. Like I had a bleed in my lung and then I fainted and had this thing or something close to this thing that was related to pre-eclampsia. Then with the twins, I didn't even know about Ember until we found out that there was bleeding between them and the placenta... a lot happened Case. I really wanted to just call you and talk to you, but then it was like we hadn't talked in years. I didn't even invite you to my wedding."

"I heard that it was quite the blowout." Casey teased, and Olivia laughed softly before holding Ember close.

"Uh, I was pregnant. We didn't get a big wedding. I wore the dress of my dreams, but we had to get married so quickly because otherwise, I wouldn't fit in my dress."

"Liv, think about all of the good stuff. Your kids-"

"Casey Novak, don't," Olivia warned, as tears burned her eyes.

"Don't what?!" Casey exclaimed, as Kamryn scooted over to Casey and reached her arms out to be lifted up.

"Don't try and get me to go see Peter. I'm angry at him."

"You're angry at Daddy?" Hadley asked as she looked over at her mother as she smashed her PB&J so it could fit in her mouth easier. And because she loves making messes.

"Look what you did now, Casey." Olivia huffed. She stood and sat Ember on Casey's lap before retreating to her bedroom as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Case?" Hadley asked, and Casey looked over at Olivia's daughter.

"Yeah, honey?"

"Take me to see Daddy?" She asked, and Casey looked at Olivia's bedroom door before nodding.

"Sure, why not?"


It was against the hospital's rules, but Casey pulled some strings and carried the twins into Peter's ICU room while Hadley walked beside her. Casey sat the twins at the foot of the bed before quickly boosting Hadley up onto the bed.

Hadley slowly crawled up to where her father laid and she rested her small hand against his bruised and prickly face.

"Daddy?" The small girl questioned, as she looked at her father with so much confusion covering her face.


"I'm gonna kiss him, Aunt Case. Like Snow White." The little girl spoke, and Casey nodded slowly because she didn't want to break the little girl's heart. She didn't want her to not believe in fairy tales.

Hadley moved as close to her father as possible before standing on shaky legs. She placed her hand against the wall before leaning down and kissing her father on his forehead.

She rested her cheek against his forehead as she gently rubbed his cheek. She just wanted her Daddy.

"Wake up, Daddy. Now. I want you." Hadley whispered, and Casey felt tears well in her eyes. 

"What is happening?!" Olivia exclaimed, as she quickly walked into Peter's room. Hadley hugged her father's head, as Casey picked the twins up again.

"I pulled some strings and the girls are going to wake up your husband," Casey replied.

"Casey-" Olivia started, but the beeping on Peter's machine picked up a bit.

Olivia and Casey stared at the monitor as Hadley continued to rub her father's cheek as she tried to get him to open his eyes.

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