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Olivia and Peter ended up fighting about what he said to Noah. Olivia was in tears when Peter stormed off, and Noah had heard every word of what his parents had said. He walked downstairs when he heard his mother crying. He walked quietly into the kitchen and saw his mother holding onto the edge of the counter as she sniffled a bit.

"Momma?" Noah asked. Olivia quickly wiped the tears from her cheeks before turning and looking at her son. She forced a smile, but it was shaking just like the rest of her body.

"Hey, baby boy. Is your project done yet?" She asked, and Noah swallowed hard and nodded.

"Yeah. I just have to put my name on it... Momma, I heard you and Daddy fighting." Noah whispered. Olivia's eyes went wide, and she knew that he heard everything if he was down here talking to her.

"I didn't want you to know yet..." She breathed.

"If the baby doesn't make it, I'd rather know, Momma. So I can still love it." Noah breathed. Olivia's eyes went wide again.


"Really, Momma. Please don't cry... I hate seeing you cry. It seems like Daddy is always making you cry." Noah spoke, as he walked closer to his mother. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it with his tiny ones. She leaned down and hugged him tightly.

"I really don't want to lose the baby, but we can't be sure for like another 7 weeks. So please don't get overly excited... promise me that Noah."

"I promise, Momma. Let me get you a wash clothe. To clean the tears off your face." Noah spoke, and Olivia laughed softly and then nodded.

"Thank you, darling."


Noah took care of Olivia and didn't leave her side. He helped her make dinner and helped her take care of Hadley. He even tried to stay up until Olivia went to bed, but he couldn't make it that long. But Olivia was thankful for that because when Peter got home, she was alone and didn't have her little shadow there to stand up for her.

"You're still awake?" Peter asked as he glanced at his watch. It was nearly midnight, and after spending a full day with their kids, Olivia was usually exhausted.

"Yeah, I am." She breathed. She adjusted her glasses and flipped to the next page in her book.

"I think we need to talk, Liv." Peter breathed. He wanted to make sure that he and Olivia never went to go to bed angry. He wanted to make sure that that didn't end up breaking them up.

"We do." She replied. She still didn't take her eyes off of her book, but Peter knew that she was listening. 

"I'm sorry that I almost told Noah. I'm just so excited to have another baby." Peter spoke.

"I am too, but I can keep my mouth shut and you can't." She spat. Peter laughed softly as he ran his hand over the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry about that, baby." He breathed.

"Noah heard it all, Peter. He said that he'd rather know that I was pregnant, so then if I lost the baby, he could still love it."

"That kid..." He trailed off, as he sank down onto the bed, his back to his fiance.

"So at least he knows that I'm pregnant now, so I don't have to hide it like I did when I was pregnant with Haddie," Olivia spoke.

"Are we okay?" Peter asked.

"You were a dick to me. You made me cry. Noah said that you always make me cry. Or at least that is what it seems like."

"Oh," Peter whispered. He hated that he makes Olivia cry. He is a dick all the time.

"Promise me that once we are married, and this baby is here, that you won't be a dick to me for the rest of our marriage. I don't want to be married to an asshole."

"I promise, Olivia. I won't break that promise." Peter spoke. He stood and walked around to her side of the bed. She pushed her glasses onto the top of her head, and she let Peter kiss her a few times.

"Are you going to read for a bit longer or go to sleep?" Peter questioned.

"I think I'm going to take a bath." She replied. Peter nodded and he went into the bathroom to start filling the tub. He realized that she must've been stressed all day and needed some time to relax.

"Wanna join me?" Olivia asked as she walked into the bathroom with her robe in one hand and a towel in the other.

"What?" Peter asked.

"As long as you don't try to do anything, then you can join me." Olivia smiled. Peter grinned before walking over to her and hugging her tightly.

"I love you, Liv." He whispered.

"Yeah, I love you too, even when you are an asshole."


Noah went to climb into bed with his mother at nearly four in the morning, but when he got into her room, he saw his parents all cuddled together in the middle of the bed. He kneaded his tiny eyebrows together before letting out a loud sigh. He didn't want his father there right now. Not after what he did to his beloved mother.

"Daddy." Noah huffed, and Peter yawned a bit before looking over his shoulder and seeing his son there.

"Hey, Noah. Are you okay?" Peter asked.

"Go away." Noah spat.

"What?" Peter asked, wondering if Noah was sleepwalking. He has rarely talked to him like this since Olivia and Peter started to date then got engaged.

"You hurt Momma again, and you promised me that that would never happen. So get out of my house and never come back." Noah yelled. Hadley woke up in her nursery and started to cry, and Olivia sat up quickly. She felt her heart racing in her chest as she looked over at Noah.

"What is happening!?" She exclaimed, and Noah pointed at Peter.

"He promised, Momma. He promised to never make you cry again unless it was because you were so happy, but he made you sad! Make him leave, Momma!" Noah cried. Peter climbed out of bed and quickly left the bedroom to comfort Hadley, while Olivia ran her hands over her face before slowly scooting over to Peter's side of the bed and standing. She pulled Noah close and held him in her arms.

"Noah, please calm down baby. Daddy and I made up. We are okay now. We were both upset and I made him sad too."


"Noah, my love, Mommas and Daddys fight all the time. It just happens. But we aren't going to fight anymore. Please, know that I truly mean that." Olivia spoke, before pulling Noah onto her lap as she sat back down.

"Momma, I don't want to see you cry." Noah sniffled before he started to cry into Olivia's shoulder. He held onto her tightly as sobs shook his small body. 

Olivia had never expected for this to happen. That Noah would be so very angry with Peter, to the point where he told him to leave as he had. She wished that Noah hadn't overheard the fight so that he wouldn't be angry with the man who he has grown to love like a son loves his father.

So my friend isn't coming over for as long as we had planned, so on Wednesday and Thursday I will be posting three chapters for Growing Up, then on Friday I will start actively writing again.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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