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Olivia walked downstairs after naping, and she heard her boyfriend and son making dinner. She walked over to the bassinet and noticed her daughter wasn't laying in there, so she rushed towards the kitchen.

"Are you sure that's how you wear that?" Noah giggled, as Peter turned around to look at him. He had grabbed the wrap thing that Olivia had got, and Hadley was sleeping in it.

"Yeah. She's supposed to be this close to my body, bud." Peter laughed. He looked over and saw Olivia there and smiled.

"Women usually wear that, Peter." Olivia smiled a bit.

"Yeah, but I thought dads could now. Don't really like the pink though." He smirked. Olivia walked over and gently lifted Hadley from the wrap and held her close as she swayed a bit.

"How was school, baby?" Olivia asked as she looked at her son.

"It was good, but I missed you all." He sighed.

"We missed you too," Olivia admitted as she sat down on one of the bar stools.

"So, Daddy and I-" Noah started, but then he saw Olivia's eyes go wide.

"What did you say?" She asked.

"I said Daddy and I are making you dinner," Noah replied. Olivia felt tears well in her eyes.

"Did you two talk about that? Because I never heard about the fact you are calling Peter, Daddy now..." Olivia breathed.

"The day Hadley was born we talked about it. I told him I loved him, and we decided that I'm his Dad now. Are you ok-"

"I'm more than okay with that, Peter! This means our family is really coming together." Olivia cried. Peter smiled as he walked over and hugged her and Hadley.

"Good, because this is the only family I want."


Hadley slept on Peter's chest most of the night. It made it easier for Olivia to just reach over and grab her and feed her, then it allowed them to switch off when changing her diaper.

The first night was just as stressful as during the day. Hadley didn't like to sleep, and she wanted to just be rocked by her parents instead of just being held.

"Do you have to go into work tomorrow?" Olivia yawned, as she paced the room with Peter. He looked at her but didn't respond.

"Do you not know?" She asked, and he shrugged.

"I have that case coming up, so I don't know if I should go in or not. Would you and Haddie be okay here tomorrow? I could call Lucy and ask her to stop by." Peter spoke. Olivia bit her lip and knew that even if her daughter was only two days old, she'd have to get used to being alone with her because Peter does have a huge case coming up.

"We'll be okay. Why don't you get some sleep? I'll take Haddie into the nursery." Olivia spoke, but Peter shook his head.

"I'm going to help you." He spoke, before leaning over and pecking her lips.

The rest of the night, Olivia and Peter struggled to get Hadley down. She kept fighting them on it, and whenever they thought she had finally fallen asleep and were heading back to bed themselves, she woke up and screamed at the top of her little lungs.

By morning, they were all exhausted, and Peter made his escape and his plan to nap in his office before heading to court.


Olivia didn't know what to do with herself while she was home with Hadley. The baby slept a lot because she hadn't slept at all during the night. So Olivia had a lot of free time and didn't know if she should take as much time off as she had planned. She had always been the type of person to hate being home all the time, and that's all she'll be able to do because she can't introduce her newborn to the germs that she'd be introduced to in different public spaces.

She tried to take it easy because she was still recovering, but she couldn't sit still. She did laundry, showered, and made dinner for later. She made sure she held Hadley and talked to her a lot because she wanted to make sure she felt connected to her.

"Haddie, I think we should go see Daddy... don't you? I'll make sure you only don't have a covered carrier when we are in your Daddy's office." Olivia spoke. She started to pack up stuff to bring with her and Hadley, but then there was a knock on her front door. She picked up her daughter and quickly headed downstairs. She opened the front door and stopped moving.

"My God." She whispered.

"Liv?" The voice asked, and Olivia felt her heart beating out of her chest.

"W-what are you doing here?" She breathed.

"Kathleen is getting married, so I came back to town so I could walk her down the aisle. Fin gave me your address but he didn't tell me you had a kid." Elliot smiled, as he looked at Olivia. He looked her over and noticed that the baby wasn't adopted, he looked back Olivia and smiled.

"You had a baby." He breathed, and she nodded slowly, her mouth wide open.

"Y-yeah... Why did you say you were here again?" She asked.

"Kathleen is getting married. Are you okay?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"I guess I am. Uh, do you want to come in?" She asked, her voice weak.

"Kinda." He smiled. She nodded as she stepped back and let him into her house. Elliot shut the door behind them and watched as Olivia walked over and laid Hadley down in the bassinet.

"So, who is the lucky man?" Elliot asked as he looked around.

"My boyfriend, Peter Stone." She replied slowly.

"I'm glad you found a guy worth settling down with." He smiled.

"Where have you been?" Olivia asked, getting down to the deep questions.

"Portland, Seattle, LA, Vegas. Kathy and I moved around a lot." He spoke.

"I thought you got a divorce..." She trailed off.

"We were planning on it, but then we just realized that we were still in love. We worked on a relationship, and we are back in a good place. Just in time for Kathleen to get married, for Maureen to have twins." Elliot smiled.

"Oh." She breathed. She walked over to where there was a picture of Peter, Noah, and herself. She grabbed it and passed it to Elliot.

"You still have your family, and now I have one of my own." She breathed. Elliot looked at the picture with wide eyes.

"How old is your son?" He asked.

"I adopted him, so don't worry." She breathed. She was starting to feel uncomfortable having Elliot in the house without having Peter here.


"Elliot, would you mind coming back later? I need to take care of my daughter..." Olivia spoke, as she built up her walls quickly.

"Hey, I thought we were going to catch up." He frowned.

"Please. Please just leave..." She begged. Elliot nodded as he quickly left before she got angry at him. He glanced at the baby for a moment before walking out of the front door.

Olivia stared at where he had been standing before grabbing her phone and dialing Fin's desk phone.

"Olivia?" Fin asked.

"Never give anyone my address again. He left me, and I was not ready to see him." She huffed, before hanging up and starting to sob.

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