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Fin was so angry with Olivia and Peter that he couldn't even go back to the precinct. He just went straight home to clear his head. Once Peter saw Fin get in his car and drive away, he got out of his car and went straight back into the hospital. He made the walk back to Olivia's room, and when he got to the doorway, he heard her crying. He hated that all of this was taking its toll on her, but he didn't know what to do. She made it clear that this all wasn't supposed to happen, but he was wishing she would've just stayed engaged to him so she'd have someone to really talk to. He was still not much to her, which he didn't like and Olivia also didn't like.

"I swear, Peter, that I'm not this emotional all the time. I just think almost losing our baby and waking up to you being here really just pushed me over the edge a bit." Olivia spoke. She was now looking at the handsome man in her doorway. He had been so zoned out on his thoughts, that he didn't notice her noticing him.

"You didn't almost lose the baby, Olivia. All of that cramping and spotting was stress from your injury. The one you didn't tell me about." Peter spoke. He walked into her room and sat beside her again. She gave him a small nod before looking at him.

"I'm sorry. About Fin and about putting your child at risk. I just didn't want you to think that I can't take care of the baby because I fell. And god, it is such an old person thing to do. You know? Falling? God, next thing I'll slip and break my hip." Olivia huffed. She ran her hands through her hair as Peter started to smile.

"You aren't old, my love..." He trailed off. He would've continued to talk, but he called her his love, which is something he's never called her before.

"W-what?" She asked, as she quickly turned her head to look at him again.

"Sorry. This is just so weird! We were engaged but now we aren't. I worked with you, but now we don't. You were my friend, now you are my child's mother! You are right, this wasn't supposed to happen but it did and now I'm the emotional one!" Peter exclaimed.

He quickly got up from his chair and started to pace. He had tried to be calm while he waited for Olivia to wake up, but now she was awake and talking with him. She was causing his icy exterior to melt away, just because she was there. Just because he loved her.

"Peter, please. Please sit down." Olivia spoke, as he took laps around her room. As he got closer and closer to the bed, she kept reaching out to grab his hand or his arm to stop him, because his pacing was making her dizzy.

"Peter!" She finally yelled, and he looked at her.


"Sit." She spoke, calmly. Peter took a few hesitant steps back to her, before sitting back in the chair. She grabbed his hand and gently ran her thumb over it.

"What are we going to do?" He whispered, his voice quiet all of a sudden.

"It's unexpected, but just like we had planned for the first few months, we will raise the baby. It's my only chance at giving Noah a little brother or sister, and for some reason, you believe it's your only chance at having a child."


Olivia went home two days after her surgery. She had to be on bedrest for another week just to make sure she didn't do anything to cause her lung to rebleed. But being on bedrest, being a CO for the NYPD, being a mother to a 5-year-old boy, and being pregnant didn't really all go together for Olivia. She tried her hardest to not get too worked up about it, but as soon as she sat in her bed for the first time, she knew she would go nuts.

Lucy was staying with her and Noah to help out, but Olivia hated being taken care of. She was a grown ass woman who wanted to do everything and not be treated as a child.

"She's upstairs folding laundry." Lucy sighed, as she opened the front door. Lucy had called Amanda because Olivia was driving her slightly nuts. She kept asking to do stuff or trying to sneak out of bed.

"Well, at least she's keeping busy." Amanda sighed, before walking into the house. She shut the door behind her before looking at the young girl.

"Lucy, go out and get some air. I'll take over here until Noah gets out of school. You'll have to do pick up because someone who isn't annoyed of Olivia needs to stay here and keep her in bed." Amanda spoke.

"I love that boy, and I'll be more than happy to spend time with him." She sighed, before gathering her stuff and leaving. Amanda walked upstairs and saw Olivia surrounded by clean clothes. They were all folded, but it looked like now Olivia didn't know what to do.

"Geez." Amanda smiled, as she walked into the room.

"Amanda?! What are you doing here? How is work?" Olivia questioned, as she shifted around a bit.

"Well, I'm here because your lovely sitter who is helping you is going insane because of you. What have you been doing to her?" Amanda asked. She moved the laundry over to the dresser before stacking some on the bench at the foot of the bed.

"I'm sorry... I'm just so pissed off." Olivia sighed. She sank down under the blankets, before resting her hands against her bump.


"Because I want to go back to work. I want to take care of my son. I want to see Peter... surprisingly."

"You do?" Amanda smiled. She was excited to hear that Olivia wanted to see Peter.

"Well, duh! I love work-"


"Yeah. I think I'm in love with Peter. Being away from him isn't fun. Being here and not having him beside me is awful. Amanda, I'm not the type of person to fall in love. And now I am and he's so much younger than me."

Check out second note

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

Okay, so because Peter and Olivia aren't planning out anything that is happening, I'm going to make them very unprepared for when the baby comes. They aren't going to find out the gender, so if you wanted to toss out some names to help me out, for both genders, that would be amazing!

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