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Peter sat in the warehouse that his sister was killed in. He sat in the exact spot he had stood in when he watched as his sister's life was taken. He didn't know why he came here, he just knew that he was angry and sad and he didn't want to hurt Olivia and his kids if he exploded in front of them.

He heard his phone ringing, but he just took his jacket off and tossed it to the side so he didn't even try to answer it. He just needed to be alone. He just needed to figure out what he was feeling so he didn't want to leave again.

"Your twins were born this afternoon, but you aren't there with your wife and children," Amanda questioned, and Peter groaned as he ran his hands over his face.

"Amanda, I just want to be alone. Is that too much to ask for?" He asked, without even looking at her.

"It kinda is when you are married and have four children," Amanda replied.

"How did you find me? Because I haven't answered my phone so Liv didn't know where I was." Peter spoke.

"I'm a cop, Peter. I can track your phone. And when it hit near this warehouse I knew it had to be where you were. So, what are you thinking about?" Amanda asked as she sat down beside him.

She really wasn't a big fan of Peter for the longest time, but since he married Olivia she has given him more of a chance. She realized that he is actually nice and funny, and really loves his wife and children. It just made it easier for her to like him since he's married to her best friend and the father to her nieces and nephew.

"Noah said that he promised to protect Hadley, Kamryn, and Ember till the day he dies. I couldn't even protect my sister when she was alive, and I let her die here. I let her die in this fucking warehouse."

"Peter, you couldn't do anything about that. But now you need to change. You need to be a good father to your kids. Never let Liv and your kids think that you don't love them. That is all you have to do." Amanda spoke.

"I love them so much," Peter whispered.

"Then everything else will fall into place. Now, Peter, you need to go back to the hospital and see your family."

"The twins are still doing good, right?" Peter asked.

"They are fine. They are getting spoiled by all of their uncles and their siblings. But don't expect to hold either of them when we get back to the hospital, because I call dibs on Kamryn and Ember."


Peter quietly walked into his wife's hospital room. She was resting, but the crew was still in the room and holding the twins and talking quietly to Haddie and Noah.

"Where'd you go, Daddy?" Noah whispered when he saw his father and aunt as they walked into the room.

"I just had to run an errand... so, do you like them?" Peter asked, as he picked Hadley up off the floor and placed her on his hip.

"I love them, Daddy... but can we talk real quick?" Noah questioned, and Peter nodded slowly. He passed Hadley off to Dominick before he and Noah walked out of the room.

Peter was scared that Noah and Olivia had talked about what had happened and that he didn't want Peter to be his father anymore. It's happened before, and Peter was sure it was about to happen again.

"What do we need to talk about, Noah?" Peter questioned, as Noah climbed onto a chair and Peter sat beside him.

"Daddy, I didn't mean to hurt you earlier. I just want to be the best big brothers to my baby sisters as possible. I plan on never letting them get hurt, and any person who wants to be anything to them has to get through me first." Noah spoke. Peter felt tears well in his eyes before he looked over at his son.

"Noah, I had a sister named Pam... she was older than me. But no matter the fact that I was the younger sibling, I should have still protected her. I just ended up tossing her away because she was sick and I'm selfish. I didn't like that she was crazy. I didn't like that she was my father's favorite. I didn't like that she took away from me. So I hated her. That's why I didn't contact her until I moved back here after my father passed awa-"

"Daddy, my other Dad was a bad man. No matter what you have done, you are still better than him." Noah spoke, and Peter shook his head as he bit his lower lip.

"I'm not a good man, Noah."

"But you are. You can help me protect the babies. Okay? Maybe that will make you feel better."

"You are too good for me, kid."

"Nope, we are all meant to be a family. Momma tells me that all the time."

"Your Momma is smarter than she looks." Peter teased, and Noah giggled.

"I love you!"

"I love you too, kid."


Lucy came up and got Hadley and Noah before taking them home. Peter was going to go home with them, but he changed his mind and stayed with Olivia.

She slept most of the night,  and only woke up when she heard Peter talking to their daughters while he managed to feed them both at the same time.

"You two are so stinking cute. I can't believe that you are both are mine." Peter spoke, his voice soft and full of sleep. 

"Peter?" Olivia questioned.

"Hey, you are awake... how are you doing?" Peter asked.

"I'm fine. Kinda achy... but how are you doing?" She asked, and he sighed softly before looking back at the babies.

"I went to the warehouse and I sat there and just stared at the stain on the floor. I didn't do enough to take care of my sister. But our son and I talked and he still thinks I'm amazing even if I was a bad brother and son."

"You weren't bad. You were just a kid when this all went down."

"I don't want our kids to follow in my footsteps. I want them to care about and love others. If they want to do Doctors Without Borders, then I'll be more than willing to help them." Peter spoke.

"Peter, you always give yourself a hard time. You aren't as bad as you think you are. But Peter, it wasn't your fault that Pam died. It wasn't your fault that all of this stuff went down."

"I'm gonna be a good father and a good husband. If I can't live up to that, I want you to leave me, okay?"

"I'll just kick you out because I'm not hauling four kids out of our house," Olivia spoke, and Peter smiled before sighing softly.

"Let me finish feeding them, then maybe we could talk some more?" Peter breathed.

"No, we won't talk some more. I was just thinking that you and I could just go back to sleep. The babies should be good for a few hours and you look exhausted."

"I could probably sleep for a year."

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