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Olivia laid on the couch with Hadley resting against her chest as she cried quietly. Seeing Elliot again brought back so many memories and the pain that she felt when he left her. She was so happy with the family she had, but then the only man she had a decently long relationship with was back and she didn't know how to deal with it all.

"Babe?" Peter called, as he walked into the kitchen. He finished court early and decided to come home and spend some time with his girlfriend and their daughter.

"Peter? What are you doing home?" She asked, as she quickly wiped away her tears before resting her cheek against Hadley's soft hair.

"Court is over for the day and won't be starting back up until we get some medical evaluations. Were you sleeping?" He questioned, as he walked into the living room and smiled at his girls.

"No, I was just enjoying this time cuddling her. I'm glad you are home." She said as she forced a smile. Peter leaned down and kissed her a few times, before kneeling beside the couch and he ran his fingers tips gently over Hadley's back.

"Has she been good? No fits? Did she spit up on you at all?" He asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"She's slept most of the day, no matter how hard I try to keep her awake." She breathed. Peter nodded before shifting Hadley off of Olivia's chest and standing. He took the baby over to her rocking thing, and then he went back over and helped Olivia sit up. That's when he noticed a stray tear on her neck.

"Liv, were you crying?" He asked, and she shook her head.

"No. It's just hot in here."

"What happened? Because I want you to tell me, and I don't want to have to go behind your back and find out." Peter frowned.

"Do you remember my old partner? The one I told you about?" Olivia whispered, and Peter nodded.

"Yeah, I remember. What about him?" Peter questioned, and Olivia started to cry. He pulled her close and she rested her head against his shoulder as he just kept her as close to his body as possible.

"He showed up here this morning, babe. He showed up and he wanted to catch up with me. I wasn't ready to see him. I'm never going to be ready to see him!" She cried. Peter stood up and ran his hands over his face as Olivia feared he'd accuse her of kissing Elliot.

"It's okay, baby. I won't let him back into our house, okay? And you don't need to see him unless you want to. He hurt you, and he doesn't have the right to just waltz back into your life. Not now. Not ever. You go and get some sleep. I'll sit up with Hadley." Peter spoke.

"You aren't angry?" She whispered.

"I'm angry at him. You did nothing wrong. Come on, Haddie and I will join you for a nap instead of leaving you alone."


Noah and Peter went out after dinner to start batting practice. When they got to the batting cages, all but one was full so they quickly went in there and started to practice. Peter showed Noah the right stance, and he made sure he wore a helmet as Olivia insisted he had to. As Peter was getting everything going, Noah was looking around.

"Daddy!" Noah exclaimed.

"Yeah, bud?" Peter asked as he turned around.

"I've seen that guy in some of Momma's pictures. Do you know who he is?" Noah asked as he pointed to a guy and a boy with curly blonde hair. Peter knew. He just knew that that was Elliot Stabler.

"Give me a few moments, Noah. Can you just wait here, please?" Peter questioned, and Noah nodded. Peter stepped out of the batting cage and he fixed his baseball cap as he walked over to where Elliot and his son stood.

"Elliot Stabler?" Peter questioned, and he turned around. It took Elliot a moment, but then he smiled and reached his hand out to shake Peter's hand.

"Hey, Peter. It's nice to meet the man who stole Olivia's heart. Uh, Peter, this is my son Eli. Olivia was taking my wife to an appointment and they got into a car accident. If it wasn't for Olivia, Eli wouldn't be here." Elliot spoke, and Peter nodded towards Eli.

"Ah, nice to meet you both. Can I talk to you real quick, Elliot?" Peter questioned, and Elliot nodded.

"Yeah, Eli turn in your helmet and meet me in the car," Elliot spoke before he followed Peter.

Once they got away from where Noah would be able to see them, Peter let his anger show through.

"I need you to understand something, Elliot. So listen and don't you dare say a word. If you do, I'll punch your pretty boy face." Peter hissed. Elliot's eyes went wide, but he prepared himself to punch Peter.

"Olivia is the love of my life. She's the absolute best woman in this world, and I've been blessed by being allowed to love her. And what you had before was in the past. Now it's us. We are raising our daughter and son together, and you aren't welcome in our house, in her life, or in any of our lives." Peter growled. Elliot laughed, and Peter grabbed his shoulder and punched him right in the stomach. Elliot groaned and doubled over.

"I said don't say a thing, and I think laughing at me like a fucking asshole is a thing that means I get to punch you like it was a word. Now, stay away from her. Our daughter is only three days old, and you aren't going to cause Olivia to get depressed." Peter spat. He shoved Elliot before turning and walking back to where Noah was. Noah grinned at Peter as he stepped into the cage.

"Can we start now, Daddy?" Noah asked and Peter nodded.

"Yeah. Let's see how good your batting is." Peter smiled. He looked over his shoulder and saw as Elliot walked out. There is no reason for Elliot to be in Olivia's life because she has enough friends and family and she doesn't need an asshole like Elliot.

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