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Olivia and Noah walked upstairs and to where the nursery was. Olivia knew that before they knew it, the baby inside of her would be outside off her body and laying in here with all of the rest of the newborns. Olivia picked up her son and placed him on her hip as he rested his head against her shoulder.

"Do you remember when Hadley was in here?" Olivia asked quietly, and Noah nodded.

"She was so tiny, Momma. I didn't realize that she would be so tiny when your belly was so big." Noah replied, laughing a bit.

"Thanks a lot, Noah." Olivia sighed softly, but a small grin had grown on her lips. Olivia swayed back and forth a bit as Noah held on tightly to his mother.

"I don't want to not be a big brother anymore..." Noah whispered.

"Hadley isn't going to die, my love. She is strong... so very strong. She will be home with us before you know it. She just needs to get help here. Then she'll be home." Olivia spoke. She stopped swaying and she turned her head a bit to look at her son. Noah swallowed hard before kissing his mother's cheek gently.

"Do you think Daddy needs me to protect him too?" Noah asked as tears welled in his blue eyes.

"We both need you, Noah. But you don't have to pretend to not be scared... but I'm scared to death too." Olivia breathed. Noah started to sob and he clung to his mother tightly.

Olivia walked over to a small bank of chairs and she sat down on them and held her son close. He sobbed into her shirt as she held him close. But she didn't cry. She knew that crying wasn't going to help the situation. It was her turn to comfort, while her son and husband got to shed the tears.


Peter walked back to where he had left Amanda, and he saw his wife and son had finally wandered back to the seats. Peter walked over and he gently ran his hand over his wife's shoulder before he sank down beside her.

"I found out some news about Haddie." He whispered quietly into her ear. She didn't look at her, but she did nod slightly.

"She's still sedated but she has strong brainwaves and she's been moving her feet and hands around. They think she's going to be absolutely fine." Peter breathed, and his wife quickly turned to look at him.

"What?" She whispered, and he saw that she had been doubting that everything would be okay even if she acted like everything was okay for Noah's sake.

"We will have three kids in our house soon." Peter smiled before he leaned forward and kissed his wife's shaking lips. Once they had parted, Peter looked over at his son to see him staring at them.

"So?" Noah asked.

"So you are gonna still have Hadley as your baby sister. She's doing good now. Really good." Peter spoke, and Noah's eyes went wide, but he quickly climbed off of his chair and ran over to where Peter sat and quickly hugged him.

"She's strong like us, Daddy," Noah whispered.

"She's strong like you, Noah. Now, I think it's time you go home with Aunt Mandy. Can you do that for us? For Haddie?" Peter asked, and Noah nodded.

"Yeah! But tell her that I love her, okay? That I love her with my whole heart and that I promise to protect her... okay?" Noah spoke, as he ran out of breath.

"I promise."


Olivia and Peter stayed at the hospital all night, and they eventually were allowed to see Hadley. They got dressed in the yellow gown to help prevent the spread of germs, and they stood next to the small cot that Hadley slept in. Peter and Olivia each held one of her tiny hands, and they felt her respond to her parents' touch. She wrapped her tiny little fingers around her parents' fingers, and her eyes fluttered in her sleep.

"Hadley... baby girl... we love you so very much. And Noah wanted me to tell you that he loves you with his whole heart and he promises to protect you from everything. So you better not like boys till you are much older. You better hope that your Momma has a boy in her belly too, or else you and your sister are gonna be screwed." Peter spoke, and Olivia looked at him and smiled.

"Peter, I love you." Olivia breathed, as she kept her eyes on his.

"I love you too, Liv," Peter replied, but he was slightly confused on why his wife was telling him that. He knew that she loves him, and she knows that he loves her too. It just seemed like maybe this health scare with their child had made her want to tell him that she loves him.

"I'm never going to take the life you gave me... I'm never going to take it for advantage. I love this all. I know that Noah is not biologically our child, but I can see how he has changed since we got together and you became his father. He is more confident and I can see how he is going to be a great man. And I love you so much for giving me Hadley... and I was doubting my life earlier when I saw our daughter's eyes full of so much pain and I was sure that we were going to lose our baby. But through your strength and confidence that we aren't losing our baby, you help me make it through it."

"So that is why you continue to tell me over and over again that you love me?" Peter asked.

"I tell you that over and over again because you are the man I love. And you were good to me and helped me trust men again which is something I never thought I'd be able to do." Olivia breathed. She looked down at their child again, before she leaned closer and gently kissed Hadley's mess of dirty blonde hair.

"You helped me too, little one." Olivia breathed. Peter walked around to where Olivia stood and he wrapped his arms around her body and kissed the back of her head gently.

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