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Olivia laid beside Peter and just listened to his breathing. His hand was rested against her arm, and she woke up when he touched her. She had fallen asleep shortly after Peter and she had got into bed, and he had been awake then. He had watched her sleep and just tried to remember the night that everything happened. The night that changed his life forever.

It was one of the worse nights he had gone through, but it was also one of the best also. It was the night he let himself calm down and just be. He remembered how passionately he had kissed Olivia, and how she kissed him back with that same amount of passion.

"Was I snoring?" Peter yawned, as he finally woke up. Olivia looked over at him and shook her head.

"No. You weren't, thankfully." She laughed softly. She pushed herself up and ran her fingers through her hair before looking at the clock.

"It's only 4." Olivia sighed.

"Do you get up this early all the time?" Peter yawned, as he drew her back down and pushed her hair away from her face.

"No, not really. I can usually sleep in longer, but I guess not today." She breathed. She kept her eyes focused on his, and he kept smiling at her. He leaned in and kissed her gently before drawing her close.

"Try to get more sleep. If you don't wake up by, what, 6? If you don't wake up by 6, I'll wake you up and you can make me those famous pancakes."

"If you insist."


For breakfast, Noah helped Olivia make pancakes. She wasn't feeling the best, so she had decided not to partake in actually eating the pancakes, but she'd make them for Peter and her lovely son.

"Here you go." Olivia breathed, as she sat the small plate on the table in front of Peter, before grabbing the plate with pancakes on it and sitting them in the middle of the table. Noah started to dig in because he was starving, but Peter noticed Olivia not sitting down to eat with them.

"Liv?" Peter breathed.

"Yeah?" She questioned.

"Are you okay? You aren't eating." He frowned.

"I'm not hungry. I'll probably grab something before going into the precinct. I'm gonna go shower, so would you mind watching Noah and making sure he doesn't choke?" Olivia asked, and Peter nodded.

"Uh, yeah. Are you sure you aren't more than just not hungry?"

"I'm sure."


Olivia wasn't sure. She was breathing normally, but as she sat in her office for the first time in several days, she felt sick to her stomach and very tired. Her doctor told her that she would be having symptoms that might be more exaggerated because she was older, but she was hoping that this was just the pregnancy talking and not something worse. She just didn't need anything else to happen.

"Welcome back, Liv." Amanda smiled, as she walked into her boss' office.

"Thanks, Rollins." Olivia sighed.

"So, what's happening?" Amanda asked as she sat down in front of Olivia's desk. She wanted to know if she had told Peter about the fact she had fallen in love with him, or if she was ignoring her feelings.

"What do you mean?" Olivia asked as she feared Amanda had noticed that she seemed off, once again.

"Well, did you tell Peter about what you told me?" Amanda smiled.

"Oh, yeah. He slept over at my house last night." Olivia spoke. She ran her hand over the back of her neck, before reaching out and grabbing her mug full of tea. She sipped on it for a moment before looking back at Amanda.

"You know that you can tell me anything, right?" Amanda spoke, and Olivia nodded.

"I know. That's why I told you about Peter and the baby before I told Fin. Fin's pretty much my brother, but I was too scared to tell him." Olivia breathed.

"Well, then what are you hid-"

"Liv, we just got a call of a rape in Hell's Kitchen." Fin spoke, but he still seemed so cold towards her.

"Okay. Amanda and I will go check it out. Fin, I need you to finish up your paperwork. And don't say that stack of paper on your desk isn't what I know it is." Olivia spoke, as she stood and walked over to grab her jacket.

"Aren't you taking it easy?" Amanda asked.

"I'm working, Rollins. Tell Carisi to call Peter and get him over here."

"Of course you-" Fin started, and Olivia knew it was going to be a sassy comment so she stopped him.

"He's our ADA, Detective. Call him and get him over here so he can work on the case."


"There is so much blood. How did she survive this?" Amanda asked as she looked at the large puddle of blood that the victim had been found in. She looked over her shoulder and saw Olivia had moved to the edge of the sidewalk and had her hands shoved in the pockets of her jacket.

"Liv?" Amanda asked, as she walked away and to her boss. She got closer and saw how pale Olivia had grown.

"Liv!" Amanda said a little louder. Her boss looked at her before swallowing hard.

"I'm sorry. I just can't look at that right now..."

"Are you sure you are fine? You snapped at Fin, and you don't look good at all."

"I'm just tired. I swear." Olivia spoke, as her voice shook a bit. She looked at her watch before sighing.

"I'm going to head back to the precinct. Hop in."


Olivia shut herself in her office, and would only let one of her detectives in when they really needed something. Peter watched her from a distance and got really scared when he noticed her sneak out of her office and walked out of the bathroom, wiping her mouth off with a paper towel.

"Olivia," Peter spoke, as he opened her office door. She looked up from where she sat and gave him a forced smile.

"Hey, Peter. What's up?"

"This morning, you didn't eat. Amanda told me that you got upset easily with Fin. And you've been drinking tea all day. I know you like it, but darling, you are sick. You just got sick didn't you?"

"Yeah, I've been throwing up. I don't know why, but I just don't feel good today. So just please let me close myself off from the world for a bit. I just need to deal with this, and if I feel worse, I'll go tell my doctor, okay?"

"That's my baby too. Shouldn't I get a say?" Peter huffed.

"I'm not trying to kill our child, Peter! I'm just trying to deal with feeling sick without having to go into the hospital everytime I don't feel good." She whispered. Tears welled in her eyes and she quickly tried to blink them away, but they ran down her cheeks instead.

Peter walked over to her and hugged her warmly as she cried into his shirt.

"Okay, I won't force you to get help, but if you get worse, I will." He breathed, before leaning down and kissing the top of her head gently.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I'm still trying to do this kinda like my dream, so she did get sick a few times before the baby was born and I'm going to try and portray it that way. So, please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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