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Olivia got Hadley's fever down and got her to watch a movie while the twins sat in their walkers but instead of bouncing in their spots like they usually do, they were focused on watching The Little Mermaid with their big sister.

Olivia woke Noah up about a half hour before his game, and she presented him with the spare pair of pants.

"You got the stains out, Momma?" Noah asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"Not yet, baby. But, I got you a spare pair just in case this happened." Olivia replied. Noah quickly walked forward and hugged his mother tightly.

"I love you, Momma! You are the best!" Noah cried.

"Noah, tell Daddy that he's doing a good job, okay? He is just having a hard time getting used to me not being here to help him out." Olivia breathed.

"I promise, Momma. I don't want him to get sad." Noah breathed.

"Good boy. Now, go get changed. I can help you with your shoes before we leave."

"Are the babies coming?" Noah asked before he could even turn to run to his room.

"No, honey. They are hanging out here with Lucy. Tonight is all about you."

"I like nights like this." Noah grinned, and Olivia laughed.

"Go, darling."

"I'm going!"


Olivia and Peter sat next to each other during Noah's game. They cheered their son on and smiled each time he would wave at them. 

"Feeling any better?" Olivia asked as she looked over at her husband as she gently rubbed his leg.

"Uh, kinda. I'm pretty tired, but at least now I know how you feel."

"How I feel?" Olivia questioned, as she looked back out at the field and saw Noah staring off into space.

"How you feel after spending a full day with our children. Like, how you have to put out little fires all day just to keep everything moving well."

"Peter, you did do a good job. It just takes a bit. You lucked out having such good kids to be able to take care of." Olivia spoke, and Peter smiled a bit as he ran his hand over the back of his neck before looking over at his wife.

"They are really good kids. I just wish I could take care of them like you can take care of them." Peter frowned.

"It takes practice, and you'll have plenty of practice. Now, let's not worry anymore about this. We need to see if Noah gets hit by a ball because he's too focused on whatever he is looking at." Olivia laughed softly. She leaned in and kissed her husband gently before looking back at where Noah was waving at them once again.


After heading home with another participation trophy, Noah took another bath before heading to bed. Olivia left her son's room before finding her husband cleaning up the toys that had been left out from Hadley and the twins.

"I could have done that." Olivia yawned, as she walked over and opened the toy box. Peter dropped the toys in before shaking his head.

"This is apart of my job, my love. I can do this." He replied.

"Wanna make a deal?" Olivia asked.

"What?" Peter asked. He turned to look at her and noticed a small smile on her lips.

"I work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. That gives you three days with the kids, and you can take your break at work on Tuesday and Thursday." Olivia spoke.

"And if we catch a case and I have to go to trial?" Peter asked.

"Then we will both work and I'm sure that if Lucy can't watch them we could find another sitter." Olivia smiled.

"I like being home with the kids," Peter spoke.

"Are you sure you want to spend every day with them? Because I know they can get a little much at times. Especially Kamryn. She is kinda a little monster and she's only 5 months old." Olivia grinned.

"But Ember is such a sweetie," Peter replied.

"Peter, what do you want to do? Because I will support you no matter what you pick... scratch that. I will support almost everything you pick." Olivia spoke, and Peter smiled before sighing.

"I want to stay with the kids. I want to watch them grow up. I want those moments with the kids like you had with Noah when he was younger." Peter breathed.

"Okay then. I'm going to bed because I have work in the morning. You have Daddy Duty." Olivia smiled.

Peter reached out and pulled his wife close before kissing her deeply.

"We aren't going to bed anytime soon, huh?" Olivia whispered as Peter rested his forehead against hers.

"Nope. Probably not till well after ten." He smirked.


What they had going was good. Very good. Because when Olivia was working long days and missed her family, Peter would bring the kids up and she got to see them. He was always at home when Noah got out of school, and he was able to really get to know the tiny humans that he and his wife had created.

Peter truly realized that he didn't like being an ADA as much as he liked being a father and a husband. He knew that he hadn't been as happy as an ADA as he was now.

"How did she get stung by a bee?" Olivia asked, as she quickly walked towards where her husband sat holding the twins while he waited for an update about Hadley.

"I had the windows open today, and the one with that small hole in the screen must have left enough space for a bee to come into the apartment. I used her Epipen and drove her here. She was crying because it hurt, but her throat wasn't closing up." Peter spoke. Olivia took Kamryn from Peter and held the small girl close before sinking down beside him.

"Okay." She whispered.

"I'm sorry, Liv. I didn't know that the bee could get through that hole... I'm calling and getting it fixed because I never want to be the reason why Hadley has another allergic reaction." Peter whimpered. Olivia looked over at him and frowned.

"It wasn't your fault, Peter. You couldn't predict that this would happen... babe, she'll be okay. She's stronger now." Olivia spoke.

"But I let our baby get hurt." Peter whimpered. He passed Ember over to his wife before quickly walking off.

The twins looked up at their mother in confusion, and Olivia sighed.

"He'll be back, loves. He always comes back."

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