Chapter 1

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Kim Ji Hyun was serving coffee to a customer when she heard shouting coming from the other side, she went and saw a man, who was tall and bulky, shouting at someone. She then went near him and saw her colleague was bowing down and apologizing continuously. 

Ji Hyun, went in front of that man, pulled her colleague behind and asked, “sir how may we help you?” That guy looked at her angrily and said, “are you the manager?” Ji Hyun replied, “sorry sir I’m not.” Hearing this the guy sighed frustrated and said, “I’m asking her to call the manager, why can’t you just call her already!” 

Ji Hyun nodded and said, “surely sir, can you please wait I will come back.” Saying this she went inside the staff room and came back after a min and told that guy, “sorry sir our manager will take about 45 mins to come here since she is caught up with something, till then can you please tell me what the problem is?” 

The guy looked at her and said, “even if I tell you what can you do?” Ji Hyun smiled and answered, “I will try my best to solve the problem.” The guy sighed annoyed by her persistence and said, “your friend there served my coffee late and then had the audacity to drop it on my suit! You know how expensive it is!? She won’t be able to pay the money for it even with 3 months of salary, so the least you guys can do is fire such an irresponsible employee, so she learns her lesson.”

The cafe hearing this started to whisper about how this guy is bullying the employee or how he shouldn't be this rude while speaking.

Lee Rang glanced at the guy and whispered, “that’s totally a second copy, these girls won’t know that, tch!” He then glanced at Ji Hyun who was listening to that guy and minded his own business.

Ji Hyun smiled and said, “Oh my I see, sorry for causing such a huge inconvenience for you, till our manager comes, please have a seat, we shall offer your drink it’s on house.” 

Hearing that the guy smiled and sat down, Ji Hyun gestured her colleague to go make his drink, she nodded and left. Ji Hyun then continued, “and to make your work easy and not waste your time can we have a receipt of your expensive suit?” 

Hearing this the guy angrily asked, “so are you saying I’m lying?” Ji Hyun hurriedly nodded a no and said, “of course not, it’s just so we can compensate you in some way, and since we might end up firing an important employee of ours we need solid proof that she had damaged an valuable and expensive suit or else she might sue the boss and you for false accusation.” 

The guy then started to sweat, he then looked around and cleared his throat and thought, ‘if I say I don’t have the receipt they will know I’m lying it’s better I act as a nice guy and let that girl go, tch such a bad day, didn’t get money today. Why does this girl know such things!'

The guy then smiled and said, “you are right, that would take a lot of my time, so instead I will just forgive her.” Hearing this Ji Hyun smiled and said, “that’s very nice of you sir, you are such a gentleman. So how about we pay you for the dry cleaning?” The other employee got his drink and offered it to him.

The guy got up, taking his drink he said, “I’m forgiving you since I’m a nice guy. There is no need to pay for the dry cleaning since I’m forgiving her.” Saying that he went away. 

Seeing him go the girl sighed in relief and asked, “Thank you so much! But how did you do it?” Ji Hyun, looking at her, smiled and answered, “whenever this happens never panic, some of them lie to us to get money out of us. Always calm them down and ask for a receipt.” 

The girl nodded happily, but realizing something asked, “Oh no! what about our manager, she will be angry with me!” Ji Hyun smiled and said, “I never called her since I knew he was faking it, let’s resume our work now.” 

The customers near them started to laugh at how things had turned, they admired Ji Hyun’s intelligence. Both the girls bowed and apologized for causing them inconvenience, and went to their work.

Lee Rang, hearing Ji Hyun’s explanation, smiled and said, “well there still are people who uses their brains.” Satisfied with the show Lee Rang got up and left the cafe. 

He then went to his company. He reached his office and saw Yu Ri waiting for him. Seeing him she smiled and asked, “what took you so long today?” Lee Rang smiled at her and answered, “I waited back to see something interesting.” 

Yu Ri smiled and said, “intresting? What could be that, since you rarely find things to your interest.” Lee Rang smiled and said, “just something, anyways what are we doing today?” 

As soon as he asked that a lady came in and said, “Mr. Lee has called you right now in his cabin.”  Lee Rang sighed and got up and followed his brother’s secretary. 

Going inside the cabin he said, “hi Hyung, missed me already?” Lee Yeon looked at him and said, “this is not the time to joke, when will you start working seriously?” 

Lee Rang sighed and replied, “but hyung I don’t want to work, there is nothing that catches my interest, plus I like to make you angry. That's the least I could do, for what you had done to me.”

Lee Yeon looked at him and ignoring the taunt he said, “see if you keep saying that you won’t ever find anything interesting in your life. I don’t want you to just come here and do nothing, from tomorrow you are taking over the position of the COO (Chief Operating Officer).” 

Hearing that Lee Rang pouted and said, “no I don’t want to do that! Didn’t you say you knew me better then anyone, then why are you giving me such a boring post?” Lee Yeon turned a little serious and said, “the previous one was hiring the wrong people till we find a good substitute. You will have to be in that position and it’s about time you do something!” 

Lee Rang protested and said, “but Hyung!”  Lee Yeon said, “do this before she calls you, she wants you to work for real now, and for your help I will appoint Shin Joo as your secretary. Because she won’t be lenient on you now. Do you understand?” 

Lee Rang sighed and said, “fine whatever, it’s just temporary anyways!” Saying this he left Lee Yeon’s office and went to his office annoyed. Seeing him like this Yu Ri asked, “what happened?” 

Lee Rang sighed and said, “I will have to work as a COO for some time now! It’s so boring! And Hyung was pretty serious this time so there is no way I can avoid this. Plus now even the old hag has ordered me to work.” 

Yu Ri pouted seeing her bestfriend like this and said, “think of it as an adventure! I will help you when I can, okay?” Lee Rang nodded and started playing his video game till Shin Joo came. 

Extra Scene

While Ji Hyun went into the staff room to call her manager she was in panic, she started calming herself and gathering courage to talk to the person, she told herself, ‘yah you know this guy is wearing a fake! You can do it! You have to save your colleague.’ Annoyed about the situation she said, ‘People like him do so much for money, he is so annoying! I will make sure he won't even take the drying cleaning money!’ 

Saying this she went out with a confident look on her face.

Lee Rang, who was about to leave the cafe, stopped hearing Ji Hyun ask for the bill. He now wanted to see how the guy would react, well he was fully satisfied by seeing how the guy rushed out with disappointment. Lee Rang smiled at the entertainment he received and left for the company.

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