Chapter 49

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A week has passed since the team dinner, everything was going peacefully. The new couple Lee Rang and Ji Hyun were enjoying their time together as well.

It was lunch time and Ji Hyun went to have lunch with the team, since Lee Rang wasn't that hungry at that time Ji Hyun suggested to get him lunch after she has it so till then he might be hungry.

Lee Rang was completing his pending work when a notification from a business site arrived. The famous CEO of electronics has finally returned to Korea after six years with his family.

They were gonna have a tie up with them so he decided to check it out.

Here Ji Hyun decided to skip the coffee so she could get some food for Lee Rang and went to the office. She kept her purse on her table and was about to take the take away to his office when she heard a loud noise of something shattering.

Ji Hyun rushed in and saw everything that was on Lee Rang's table was down on the floor. She then saw Lee Rang breaking and throwing more things. She shouted, "Yah Lee Rang! Stop! What happened?"

Lee Rang, who didn't hear a word, was about to punch the desktop. She rushed to him to stop himself from getting hurt. She hugged him from behind and said, "Lee Rang! Calm down!"

Before she could say more Lee Rang in rage pushed her away. Ji Hyun seeing him out of control decided to call Lee Yeon. In panic she just said, "Sir please come to Lee Rang's office fast! He-" She was cut off when Lee Ranh threw the desktop away.

Ji Hyun flinched and went to him and held him tightly and with all his strength and said, "Rang please stopppp You are hurting yourself!!!" Saying that she was not able to see him hurt himself like that started to sob. Lee Rang hears her voice stop midway.

Lee Yeon now entered with a loud bang making Ji Hyun flinch more and losing the grip of the hug. Lee Yeon rushed towards Lee Rang and hugged him to calm down. Even though he didn't know what's going on, he knew that he had to calm his brother down.

Lee Rang who was in tears finally realized where he was and broke down sensing his brother's warmth. Ji Hyun, seeing him calm, sighed in relief and started to take away the broken glass pieces. She cleared the things and kept it to the side so it doesn't hurt them.

Lee Yeon broke the hug and asked, "What happened Ji Hyun do you know?" Ji Hyun nodded a no and said, "No, I just came and hearing something break I entered the office."

Lee Yeon turned to Lee Rang and asked, "What's wrong, what happened? Is it related to Ryeon?"

Lee Rang nodded a no and said, "She is married and has a child of her own." Lee Yeon's eyes widened in shock knowing who he was talking about and asked, "What!? How do you know?"

Lee Rang sighed and answered, "The owner of JS electronics is her husband. They came back from the US."

Ji Hyun decided to get him some water and bring his food while they talked so she went out.

While Lee Yeon asked, "Are you sure it's her?" Lee Rang nodded and said, "Of course! I can never forget her! You can check it on the net." Lee Yeon sighed frustratedly and said, "Calm down for now, leave it that woman was your past, she left you for money and married a man for money."

Lee Rang looked at his brother and asked, "If she only wanted money then why did she abandon me with dad and go away? Didn't dad have enough money?"

Lee Yeon not knowing what to say just patted his back and said, "Leave her, she is just some crazy woman who doesn't know what to do with her life, now focus on Ji Hyun, she was surprised to see you like that."

Ji Hyun came inside and said, "Umm Sir, how about you both sit down and have some water." Lee Yeon nodded and dragged Lee Rang to sit down. Ji Hyun offered them both a glass of water. Lee Rang taking it hissed, Ji Hyun noticed his hand was red, not with blood but due to the hard things he hit.

Ji Hyun got up and went to get some ice. Ji Hyun was worried about what could make Lee Rang react like that, who was the person they were talking about? Who hurt him so much?"

She then paced towards his office and then started to treat him. While Ji Hyun was treating him, Lee Yeon decided to check out the article seeing that it's really her, Lee Yeon let out a frustrating sigh.

Lee Rang looking at Ji Hyun focusing on treating him asked, "Hey are you okay? I'm sure I surprised you." Ji Hyun looked up and answered, "Yeah I was surprised, but Mr. Lee came at the right time."

Lee Yeon looked at her and asked, "Why are you calling me Mr. Lee? I'm your boyfriend's brother, call me oppa!" Lee Rang heard that and asked, "Why would she call you oppa!? Mr. Lee is good."

Lee Yeon replied, "You can't be serious right now! Okay how about Hyung!? Is that good?"

Lee Rang was not okay with the idea so he didn't reply, Ji Hyun seeing this chuckled and said, "You guys are so weird! But when I become a little more comfortable I will surely call you oppa Mr. Lee."

Lee Yeon proudly smiled and said, "Haha, looks like I won younger brother, anyways, before you get annoyed, I will leave, you better have your lunch, I will come to your house at night."

Lee Rang nodded and Lee Yeon went back, he knew that Lee Rang would probably want to tell Ji Hyun the truth so this was the right thing to do.

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