Chapter 13

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Shin Joo while driving, looking at Yu Ri said, “Yu Ri shi I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scold you off, you are a great person, your reactions are just different, serious situations make you excited. I shouldn’t have been harsh on you.” 

Yu Ri looked at him while pouting said, “it’s okay as long as you apologize but you better not annoy me again or I will kill you.” Shin Joo smiled and said, “I will keep that in mind Yu Ri shi, thank you for forgiving me.” and drove happily since she forgave him, seeing him so happy even Yu Ri smiled. 

Lee Rang and Ji Hyun sat in the car, after Ji Hyun wore the seat belt she told him her address and asked, “so what all things do I need to do?” Lee Rang looked at her and said, “well first off I'm sorry for being rude and serve me coffee as Shin Joo told you, I would like that.” 

He then glanced at her to see her reaction about what he just said thinking she would be angry or upset about this incident but she had a normal face, she looked at him for further instructions, but seeing him already looking at her, she then tilted her head and asked, “what else?” Hmm Lee Rang thought and said, “just follow me where I go, since it will be safe for you, you are quitting your job at the café right?” 

Ji Hyun nodded and said, “yeah I’m.” Lee Rang nodded and said, “just that, do what I say and just the normal secretary things.” Ji Hyun nodded and asked, “and what time should I report to work then?” 

Lee Rang thought and said, “well I drive on my own. I don't like others driving except it"s Yu Ri so come at what time you usually come. Ji Hyun nodded understanding all the things and sat quietly. Lee Rang looked at her she was just looking out of the window. Ji Hyun suddenly jumped and said, “oh no my cycle!!” 

Lee Rang confused asked, “what about it?” Ji Hyun worriedly said, “oh it’s just that I left my cycle at the café, I usually ride the cycle, well I will get it tomorrow, no worries.” 

Lee Rang looked at her and asked, “how are you so calm about this whole situation!?” Ji Hyun looked at him and realizing he was talking about the almost kidnapped incident replied, “well there is nothing I can do about this situation, I won't say I'm not scared but being scared and thinking about it won't help me either, so it's better I accept the situation instead of panicking. Plus there is no use of getting angry at you guys, well at first I did become angry but hearing the reason, I calmed down, plus at the end you guys did save me.” 

Hearing this Lee Rang laughed and said, “you have a very unique way of thinking.”

Ji Hyun smiled and said, “And if you are wondering why I'm not angry at you for the coffee misunderstanding, well it's simple, I know the reason behind it, it wasn't your fault nor mine so that's the end of it.”

Lee Rang hearing this tched and said, “what makes you thing I was thinking that? Why would I care how you feel?” Ji Hyun smiled hearing this and said, “Oh then I apologize for saying so.” Lee Rang just nodded it of and said, “hmm.”

After 7 minutes they reached Ji Hyun’s home and after getting down Ji Hyun bowed and said, “thank you for dropping me home, get home safely.” Lee Rang just gave a nod looking at her and drove away.

On the way to his house Lee Rang thought , ‘why did I feel like Ji Hyun figured me out? Tch what non sense are you saying Lee Rang. The main thing you should think is what stories your dear brother tells tomorrow. Probably some excuses he made up.’ Thinking that he had a flashback about the time he was betrayed by the person he trusted most, his brother. 

Flash Back 

Lee Rang was 22 years old when he was kidnappned, this is where Choi Reyon started his revenge. He had taken Lee Rang away and asked him, “want to see who your brother loves more you or his lover?” 

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