Chapter 17

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Ji Hyung and Lee Rang sat inside the car, and Lee Rang started to drive, on the way Ji Hyun looked at Lee Rang, she wanted to say something but didn’t know what to say.

Lee Rang, wanting to break the silence, asked, “are you okay?” Ji Hyun looked at him and replied, “yeah I’m fine, but what about you sir?” Lee Rang replied, “I’m good.” Ji Hyun then asked, “sir you will be going home as well right?” 

Lee Rang sighed and after thinking for a few seconds he said, “I guess, I still don’t know, but I think it’s better I distract myself, because being in my house will keep me disturbed.” 

Hearing this Ji Hyun said, “well sir, I think it’s better you go to a place which makes you happy, so instead of the incident you would remember being happy at the end of the day.” 

Lee Rang smiled hearing this and looking at her, he saw her waiting for him to respond and thought, ‘I’m sure even she would be shaken by today’s events, I should help her calm down too.’ Thinking that he said, “That’s a good thought, I like it, so Ji Hyun shi would you come with me?”

Ji Hyun thought, ‘go with him? well if that’s what he wants.’ and replied, “well if you don’t mind my company then sure I will come with you.” Lee Rang smirked at her reply and started driving somewhere.

Ji Hyun after a few minutes asked, “do you not play music while driving?” Lee Rang replied, “Well I don’t prefer noise while driving, but play some music if you want to.” Hearing this Ji Hyun said, “no I’m fine, I was just asking.” 

Lee Rang looking at her said, “it’s okay, play some music, it’s just that I have never played music while driving before so go ahead and play some music, I don’t mind.” 

Ji Hyun, hearing him give assurance, looked at him and said, “okay, but tell me if you are not comfortable.” Lee Rang nodded and said, “okay.” Ji Hyun smiled and played her car playlist she and Min Young created together. 

After a few songs Lee Rang noticed Ji Hyun getting comfortable and enjoying the music and asked, “do you not like silent rides?” 

Ji Hyun looked at him and answered, “well Min Young, my friend usually takes me to college and we always listen to music so it became my habit as well, and while biking home I always listen to music. I enjoy silent rides as well but I felt the silence between us was a little awkward so I thought it’s better to play some music.” 

Lee Rang, hearing this said, “well you did good then.” Ji Hyun nodded in reply, before she could ask if he was comfortable with the music or not Ji Hyun received a call from Min Young.

Ji Hyun picked up the call. Min Young on the line said, “yah Hyunie! what am I hearing about you? that you are with Lee Rang! and alone!?” Before Ji Hyun could say anything Min Young hearing the music said, “wait!? Are you playing our car playlist with him!? Are you on a dat-” Ji Hyun blushed at the statement and cuts her off saying, “I’m playing songs to make the situation less awkward and please calm your imaginations! I’m not-” 

Ji Hyun paused and looked at Lee Rang, and then whispered embarrassed, “and I’m not on a date with him! You just concentrate on your work. I will call you later, bye!” Ji Hyun ended the call without letting Min Young say anything else.

As soon as she ended the call Ji Hyun heard Lee Rang chuckle. Ji Hyun cleared her throat and said, “how long till we reach the place?” Lee Rang with a smile answered, “a few more minutes, but I don’t think I need to go there now.” 

Hearing this Ji Hyun asked, “why what happened?” To which Lee Rang answered, controlling his laugh, “your conversation with your friend and your reactions were enough to make me happy.” 

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