Chapter 12

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After a few minutes Ji Hyun started to gain consciousness and heard whispers, she opened her eyes slowly, she closed them again due to the bright light, and slowly opened her eyes again to see that she was in an unknown place.

She came to her senses slowly and she heard a voice, “oh she is awake.” And a hand touching her, she pushed the hand and tried to get away but because of the drug  she was weak she fell down, then looking around she weekly took the vase in her hands and said, “don’t come closer or I will hit you.” 

Lee Rang who saw her gaining consciousness was happy, but seeing she fell down he was about to go to her but controlled himself because of the guilt that this happened because of him.

Yu Ri laughed at this and said, “first try to even get up!” Lee Yeon added, "hey careful it's a 8 million won vase!" Ji A shushed them and said, “calm down, we are not going to hurt you.” Shin Joo then said, “Ji Hyun shi you are safe, don’t be scared.” 

Hearing a familiar voice she looked up to see Shin Joo, Lee Rang and for the first time face to face she saw Lee Yeon. Seeing them she asked, “huh? Mr. Shin? Where am I? What’s going on?” 

Ji A helped her get up and sit down on the sofa, Ji Hyun took her help knowing she is not a threat and thanked her. While Shin Joo offered her water. Taking it she drank the whole glass. 

Holding the empty glass she looked at them wanting answers and Ji A said, “we saved you from getting kidnapped.” Hearing this Ji Hyun said, “oh thank you so mu- wait kidnapped?” 

Then she remembered what happened before she fainted and said, “oh that ajuma, but why was I getting kidnapped and where am I? And why was a sales women trying to kidnap me?” 

Lee Yeon sighed and said, “you talk to much, just sit there and listen.” To which Ji A said, “yah stop being rude, she has the right to question whatever she wants! Plus don’t forget we got her into this!” Lee Yeon then said, “but -” Ji A cut him off and said, “don’t you dare give any reasons now.” 

Ji Hyun sat there confused on what’s going on and Lee Rang said, “stop your fighting and just get things over with.” Yu Ri added, “yes it’s annoying, we didn’t come here to see you couple fight, having this girl here is enough already.” 

Ji Hyun just sat there not knowing what to say and the couple kept quite while Shin Joo said, “I will explain everything to you. It will take a while so I hope you listen to it patiently.” Ji Hyun nodded in reply.

Shin Joo then started, “you were being kidnapped by our enemy because he thought you were close with Lee Rang, since you guys have met a few times before you worked in our company and we couldn’t bring you to the hospital because police would be involved.” 

Ji Hyun looked confused so Shin Joo said, “our enemy knew you did food delivery at his house a few times, plus since you worked at the café he regularly visits they thought you were close and him saving you made their suspicion grow.” Ji Hyun nodded understanding.

Shin Joo then said, “sorry we used you as a bait to capture them, we doubted the lady who did juice delivery, she was acting suspicious and we found out that she was keeping an eye on you and Lee Rang-nim so I deliberately lied that Lee Rang moment asked for coffee, I was going to save you before you were pushed in the car but I was a little late and you were injected, sorry for that as well.” Ji Hyun sighed, understanding what happened.

Hearing this Lee Rang complained, “if you told her to make me coffee you could have informed me about that! I was rude to her for no reason. Plus this could have gone worse! you should have informed me about all this beforehand.” 

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