Chapter 40

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While they were walking towards Lee Rang's office, he asked, "Why didn't you call me?" Ji Hyun answered, "I was about to contact you but they didn't let me leave and thank you sir for coming and saving me! If I had said the same words, they would have believed we are dating."

As they got inside Ji Hyun realized that Lee Rang was still holding her hand, she looked at it her heart skipped beats with excitement but she looked at it sadly coming into reality and said, "Sir, you are still holding my hand." Lee Rang looked at the hands and took away his hand and said, "Sorry, I didn't realize."

Lee Yeon and Shin Joo who were present at the scene downstairs came up to Lee Rang's office as well, knocking the door they both went inside. Lee Yeon acted all surprised and asked, "What's all this?"

Seeing Lee Yeon, Ji Hyun greeted him and answered, "Sir, it's all a misunderstanding, it's all rumors being spread and sir and I aren-"

Lee Rang cuts her off not wanting her to finish the sentence, "I told you before! You don't have to explain anything to anyone!" Ji Hyun looked at Lee Rang in confusion and said, "But he is your Hyung, of course he has the right to know."

Lee Rang didn't know what to reply to that answer and said, "Since he is my Hyung, I will talk to him, for now can you please get me a coffee, I need some."

Ji Hyun nodded and said, "Of course, Sir! I will be back." Saying that she left to make him coffee.

She went out only to see Min Young and her team members, she looked down not wanting to face them but what they said made Ji Hyun happy, they were actually concerned about her, seeing them worried, Ji Hyun smiled and assured them that she is okay. She then excused herself and went to the pantry as she had to make coffee.

Min Young followed her behind and said, "What in the kdrama just happened with you!? You know someone recorded the whole incident! It's uploaded in an unofficial group away from the seniors! See!"

Saying this she showed the video to Ji Hyun. Ji Hyun didn't want to see it but hearing Lee Rang's voice she looked at the video and hearing his words, she smiled.

Min Young after the video finished asked, "So girl spill the news! Are you dating him?" Ji Hyun sighed and said, "I think Mr. Lee said no gossip!" Min Young smirked at her comment and said, "Well being concerned for a friend isn't gossip you know! But you are coming back with me home anyways! Then you will have to tell me everything! I will go back for now. Bye!" Min Young went back to her floor.

Inside Lee Rang's office, Lee Yeon and Shin Joo were teasing Lee Rang the moment Ji Hyun went to make coffee.

They were teasing him about how cool he looked and imitated his words. Lee Rang, looking at them imitating him, annoyed, shouted, "Just go away!! I don't want to hear your stupid voices!! I have better work to do!"

Lee Yeon laughed and asked, "Like? Firing the employees who caused your lover so much pain? You better end up with her! If she didn't fall for you now! Then you are a loser!!"

Before Lee Rang could shout at them, Ji Hyun knocked on the door and entered, they all turned serious. Ji Hyun served all of them coffee and was about to go when Lee Rang stopped her and said, "Since you are involved in this matter, it's better you stay."

Lee Yeon agreed with him. Ji Hyun wanted to decline the offer but was interrupted by a knock on the door. Lee Rang gave them permission to enter.

It was Irene. She came after deciding what to do and say, she thought that it would only be Lee Rang and Ji Hyun, but seeing Lee Yeon and Shin Joo she got tensed.

She then bowed 90° and said, "I truly apologize for the unintentional drama I created! I was only worried about your well being! I truly didn't mean anything!" And she started crying.

She then looked at Ji Hyun and said, "I'm sorry Ji Hyun! It was all a misunderstanding! I'm sure at least you will forgive me! Help me! You understand right! How hard it is to earn a living!"

Ji Hyun didn't budge and said, "I explained to you many times, that all the accusations you put on me were all your imagination! But you never believed me and kept taunting me about it! I will not help you nor be responsible about what happens next, it was all your doing, Irene! You knew what you were doing, you had your chance to stop but chose otherwise."

Ji Hyun's words made Irene angry and furiously shouted, "Don't act so arrogant just because Lee Rang is your boyfriend and has your back! I did nothing wrong, to be honest! All I tried was to save my love from a gold digger like you."

The four of them looked at each other in awkward silence after Irene's outburst.

Lee Rang smirked and said, "I was just going to suspend you for three months, but seeing how crazy you are, it's better that you be fired. And those with you, will be left with a warning, it's your job to tell them to write an apology letter to Ji Hyun and I. You will have to pay a fine for clicking our pictures without our permission and spreading it. A guy from the legal team is outside to talk about all the details. You may leave."

Irene went out frustrated. All sighed in relief and Lee Yeon asked, "How do you attract such weirdos? That old lady, then that ajumma!"

Lee Rang, annoyed, just gestured to them to shoo away. Lee Yeon taking a cup of coffee from the tray said, "How can I leave without drinking the coffee Ji Hyun made! That would be so disrespectful!"

Shin Joo nodded and said, "Yes, after all Ji Hyun shi makes the best coffee! We can't waste it!" Lee Rang, done with their annoyance, said, "Drink fast and get out!"

Ji Hyun then bowed and said, "Well, I will go, I have work to finish." She went out and started to focus on work.

Lee Yeon and Shin Joo quickly left as well after drinking the coffee.

Extra Scene

Lee Rang was spinning on his chair while smiling ear to ear, looking at the pictures of him and Ji Hyun together. A knock on the door woke him up from his delulu moment and he cleared his throat as he sat straight.


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