Chapter 4

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It was the day of the interview, Ji Hyun reached the Lee Group office and called Min Young to ask where she was to which Min Young told her where to come, she went to the place and searched for Min Young. Seeing her she waved at her and started to go towards her, while she was going there she heard a girl speak, “you see that girl, she is the daughter of Park Group, why does she need to apply here? Now they will surely take her in, because of her we won't get a chance.” 

The girl sitting besides her just nodded in confusion as to why that girl is talking to her, Ji Hyun turned towards her and said, “it’s better you don’t interview here, since you don’t seem to trust the judgment of Lee Group or yourself.” Everyone looked at Ji Hyun and the girl, the girl just looked around and sat quietly. 

Ji Hyun then went and sat at a vacant seat, she got a message from Min Young asking what happened, to which Ji Hyun said, “I will tell after the interview, what’s your group number? Mine is 5.” Min Young replied, “lucky you mine is 7, I will have to wait more.” 

Ji Hyun replied, “don’t worry I will wait for you outside, we can then have our lunch and hang out!” Min Young replied, “yay! Let’s meet soon! All the best!” Ji Hyun replied, “hmm. All the best to you too.” 

Ji Hyun sighed and looked around, seeing how many people are applying she felt a little nervous, and prayed that she would some how make it, because even doing an internship in this company can be a huge benefit for her resume. After about an hour it was her turn and she went in.

Lee Rang who was bored doing all the interviews sighed tiredly, his brother forced him to do these interviews. He sighed looking at the clock seeing it has been an hour since they started, yet it wasn’t over.

But his face lit up when the next batch entered. He saw his miss interesting there and thought, ‘she is even here, interesting! Every meeting with her was peaking his interest in wanting to know her more, it almost felt like fate to him seeing her so many times in the past week.’

He then looked at her resume and was amazed to see her grades, she even has a scholarship, even though he doesn’t have much experience in such things, he could distinguish between who was worthy of being in this company and who was not. 

He smiled and this time even he asked a question, “what would you do if a customer blames your colleague for a mistake, would you side with your customer or the employee who is your friend?” Everyone looked at him and answered, “Of course the customer, the customers are always right/ Satisfying the customer's needs is our priority.” 

The interviewers now looked at Ji Hyun who was yet to answer, she looked at Lee Rang confidently and answered, “I wouldn’t side with anyone and focus on what the problem is, based on that I would make a decision on what to do.” 

Hearing this the interviewers were impressed, as not only she would first consider the problem which is practical, and won’t be biased on choosing the customer but also wouldn’t betray her colleague. But people next to her were mad about how they could have said that, and the girl from before even debeated, “but shouldn’t customer be our first priority?” 

Ji Hyun looked at the girl and answered, “of course, but that doesn’t mean we would do anything they say, we can’t act without knowing the situation, one mistake and it could be a loss for the company and have both of us fired.” 

Lee Rang was very happy to hear the answer, he then looked at the girl who asked that question and saw jealousy in her eyes. One of the interviewers then said, “Thank you everyone, your results will be announced in a week.”

After Ji Hyun went he was in a better mood and the hours of interview went by fast. As soon as the interview ended Lee Rang announced, “I’m sure you guys liked Kim Ji Hyun as well and the Park’s daughter Min Young did pretty good, since she is the daughter of the Park Group it’s better we get her in I want them both in, others I will tell you after you send your suggestions.”  

Hearing this they all looked at each other, they nodded and one of them said, “of course, Ji Hyun’s answer was the perfect answer, plus this question itself would portray most peoples nature, the others answered about customer being the first priority while her answer was the most  practical and logical one and Min Young is already experienced so she will be a great choice. Plus she can learn a lot here”

Lee Rang just nodded and went off not wanting to talk more with them. He went to his cabin just to see Lee Yeon waiting for him, seeing him he said, “what are you doing here?” Seeing him pissed, Lee Yeon asked, “what? Now I can’t even enter your office? When will your puberty phase end?”

Lee Rang sighed and said, “can you lecture me later? I’m tired from doing the interviews, I wasn’t even needed there but you forced me to go there.” Lee Yeon smiled at her brothers annoyance and said, “it was needed, anyways found anyone interesting?” 

Lee Rang at the mention of interesting remembered Ji Hyun and said, “yeah one of them, everyone liked her.” Hearing the word “her” Lee Yeon smiled and asked, “oh it’s a her, so is my brother falling in love?” 

Lee Rang annoyed looked at her and said, “what love!? Hyung sorry but I’m happy single I don’t want to end up like you, a puppy in love!” Lee Yeon, hearing that, asked, “yah! Puppy? You mean I wag my tail like a puppy!?” 

Lee Rang smiled and said, “of course, everyone one can see who loves who the most out of you both, you would ran to her right now if she called you!” Lee Yeon hearing that said, “tch! You are just jealous that I don’t give you time like before!” 

Lee Rang  rolled his eyes and said, “I prefer that now!” Lee Yeon smiled and went away. Lee Rang sitting on his desk saw that his brother had came here to give him his favorite drink. He smiled at the drink and drank it happily. Well Lee Yeon is not the only puppy in love, even though Lee Rang hates his brother for the past incident he can’t stop loving him either. 

Lee Rang then sighed and started to sign of the documents which were pending and analyzed the further plan they should go with. He sighed tired and said, “now I can’t do any more of this!” He looked at the time and in the intercom said, “Shin Joo Hyung get this documents, tell Hyung that I’m going home. 

Saying that he left the office. Reaching home he slept, after a few hours he woke up and saw the time, he then decided to order naengmyeon, after ordering it he realized that Ji Hyun might deliver it, he was a little happy about the fact.

The bell rang and he hurriedly went to open the door but was a little disappointed seeing it’s some guy, he then handed the money to him and taking the food closed the door.

He let the disappointment go as soon as he realized that he is thinking about her more then he should and told himself, ‘yah what’s gotten into you? Just because you bumped into her a few times doesn’t mean she has a special place in your life, stop thinking about her, she is nothing special just some women and what was with you about asking the question she knew the answer of!  Why did I even help her! . From now on you better focus on other things, Lee Rang! This girl is nothing to you nor is going to be! You are not going to fall in love or have any other emotions like that! For anyone!  You better remember that’ Giving himself a reality check he focused on his food.

Extra Scene 

After giving coffee to Lee Rang, Lee Yeon drove to a café happily. He then entered the café and waited for Ji A for sometime, but realizing she would take time he sadly looked at the window and waited for her.

The highschool girls who were a few tables away from him were admiring his handsome looks. One of the girls said, “doesn't he look like a cute puppy waiting for someone?” Hearing this her friends nodded in excitement agreeing to her statement. 

The girls were enjoying his looks and their drinks when suddenly they saw Lee Yeon smiling happily and heard him say, “Ji A here!” Looking at his smile they all thought, “How cute!! I can see his ears perking up!" 

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