Chapter 45

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The next morning Ji Hyun and Min Young reached the office. Min Young wouldn't stop teasing her about how she would meet her boyfriend. Ji Hyun done with the tease glared at her and said, "Beach you better stop or else I will go to the BTS concert without you!"

Min Young looked at her shocked and said, "You didn't! How could you blackmail me like this! This is not blackmail but you hurting me!"

Ji Hyun just blows a kiss to Min Young and said, "Now I will go bye! Have fun working!"

Min Young just smiled and went her ways.

Ji Hyun walking out of the lift yawned as last night Min Young kept her awak till she hadn't hear ever single detail. She greeted everyone and went to the pantry to make coffee. She decided to make herself a coffee as well.

While she was making coffee Ji Soo came and seeing her yawn she asked, "Oh looks like you didn't get any sleep?" Ji Hyun looked at her senior and smiled while answering, "Oh yes, I was with my best friend so we ended up sleeping late."

Ji Soo smiled and said, "Oh youth, sounds so lovey! Now I only stay up late to look after the kids." Ji Hyun gasped in surprise and asked, "Ma'am you have kids!?"

Ji Soo smiled proudly and answered, "Yes, one girl and one boy they are twins." Ji Hyun looked at her with starred eyes and said, "Oh I would love to see them sometime!!"

Seeing the coffee made she then sadly looked at Ji Soo and said, "We will talk more during lunch if you don't mind. I have to give coffee to sir now." Ji Soo nodded and Ji Hyun taking the two cups of coffee went to Lee Rang's office.

She knocked on the door and entered. Seeing her Lee Rang who was waiting for her got up and walked towards her. Taking the tray he kept it on his table and hugged her like he hasn't see her in months.

Ji Hyun blushed a little and hugged him back. After a few seconds breaking the hug Ji Hyun said, "Good morning sir!"

Lee Rang looked at her with an fake angry expression and asked, "Why did you come so late?" Ji Hyun giggled at his question and answered, "Min Young kept me up so we ended up waking up late and got her late."

Lee Rang nodded and asked, "So did you bring any food for me?" Ji Hyun nodded a no and said, "No sir, are you yet to have breakfast? Wait I will get something."

Lee Rang held her and said, "It's okay. Sit let's have coffee." Ji Hyun nodded, she sat down still feeling bad that Lee Rang doesn't have anything to eat. Lee Rang sensing that said, "I ate an sandwich on the way, I just wanted to eat something you made."

Hearing this Ji Hyun smiled in relief and said, "Oh that's great! I will make something for you tomorrow."

Lee Rang happy to hear that smiled and nodded they had their coffee. While they were having their coffee Lee Yeon entered and said, "Yoo Rangi–" He stopped seeing Ji Hyun and greeted her.

Ji Hyun smiled at him and said, "Good morning sir."

Lee Yeon nodded and sat down besides Ji Hyun and said, "You have to go to a meeting instead of me, a client came up who we had been trying to make a deal with have agreed for a meeting so you will have to meet Mr. Choi in my stead."

Lee Rang nodded a yes and answers, "Cool with me sent me the meeting details later." Lee Yeon nodded and then asked, "So are you finally dating her or not!?"

Ji Hyun who was drinking coffee coughed at the sudden question. Lee Yeon apologiztically looked at her, and hands her a tissue box.

Lee Rang who was annoyed that his brother came when he was about to ask her on a date said, "Yes we have started sating, it's our first day but my older brother doesn't had to ruin our moment."

Lee Yeon gave his signature smile while rasing his eyebrow and said, "Well there will be more to come! After all I have to pay you back! Anyways! Take her to a date, you guys can leave after lunch! It's on me!"

Saying that he went out. Ji Hyun looked at Lee Yeon with starred eyes as he got out, while Lee Rang was salty about how he couldn't ask her out and whispered, "He has to be cool! Tch!"

Ji Hyun looked at him feeling he said something so she asked, "Huh? Did you say something?" Lee Rang nodded a no Ji Hyun nodded and said, "Well I never expected to get a half say just because I would date you! Sounds so fun! Where do you think we should go?"

Lee Rang's mood became normal seeing Ji Hyun's excitement and said, "Well I'm okay with wherever you want to go, so you decide the place!" Ji Hyun nodded and said, "Okay I will select a few places, then we can chose where we want to go."

Lee Rang smiled and said, "Well we can go to multiple places as well." Ji Hyun blushed a little since he said it in a hot way and nodding her head she went out.

They focused on their work as much as they could, but it being their first day as a couple both the love birds couldn't help but catch a few glances at each other and share sweet smiles when they coincidently looked at each other.

Extra Scene

When Lee Rang dropped Ji Hyun home and gave her a kiss on the cheek as a good night kiss they didn't know a pare of relation obsessed eyes was looking at them through the window.

Saying the goodbyes Ji Hyun went in and before she could punch in the password the door opened with the thud and Min Young pulled her inside. She took her to the sofa and handing her the beer said, "You know the drill! Start and you better not leave out even a mini micro second!!"

Ji Hyun sighed at the enthusiasm Min Young had and taking a big sip of the beer she started telling her everything that happened she showed her the propose video she recorded of Lee Yeon and Ji A, then told her about her and Lee Rang's confession and everything else.

To which Min Young just kept fangirling and telling her how sweet it was! She was so excited about it she made her repeat what happened two times and even acted out with her, with this both of them slept as they were exhausted from all the jumping and screaming. 

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