Chapter 50

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Lee Rang looked at Ji Hyun after his brother left, Ji Hyun was checking if the food was still hot or not, but since it was only a sandwich Lee Rang said it's okay she doesn't have to heat it.

Ji Hyun with eyes filled with concern and care asked, "How are you feeling now sir?" Lee Rang was in a lot of guilt but gave her a small smile, holding her hand and said, "I'm sorry Ji Hyun, I must have made you worried and scared as well, I wasn't in the right mind, I'm really sorry."

Ji Hyun tightens the hold and replies, "It's okay sir, I was scared but Mr. Lee came at the right time and I wasn't hurt so please don't feel guilty. Now come on, first eat or your food will get colder."

Lee Rang nodded, he ate the sandwich quickly while Ji Hyun watched him eat in thought whether she should ask about why he was like this or not. She didn't want to be tagged as the jealous girlfriend or an insensitive girlfriend.

Lee Rang looked up to see Ji Hyun was lost in thoughts. He calls her out, making her break the chain of thoughts. Ji Hyun smiles sheepishly as if her thoughts were read.

Lee Rang, seeing that expression smirked, thinking to lighten up the mood he joked, "Why is your face saying I caught you thinking something dirty?"

Ji Hyun's eyes widened at the allegation and she shook her head sideways and embarrassed answered, "No! I was just thinking if it would be sensitive of me to ask you anything right now, I don't wanna be a insensitive person."

Lee Rang chuckled and said, "I see, so you were overthinking about such a silly matter." Ji Hyun looks down feeling guilt. Lee Rang continues, "What I mean is, you will never have to think about what you can say or ask, I would never think it's bad or insensitive, just ask it out instead of overthinking, okay?"

Ji Hyun smiled. This meant a lot to her, having a person who you don't have to think with about what to say or not is a blessing, all her life whenever she was with someone even with her parents she had to think if she should speak her mind or not.

Ji Hyun smiled a little and said, "Okay then, I will ask you after you finish your food." Lee Rang nodded yes respecting her wish and finished his food.

There was a knock on the door, Shin Ju entered and said, "Lee Yeon nim sent me here to replace the things." Saying that he let some people enter.

Shin Ju then said, "Lee Yeon nim has ordered you to go home for the day and get some rest."

Lee Rang sighed and said, "I'm okay, I can work." Shin Ju asked, "And where will you work?" Hearing the question Lee Rang looked behind and saw that his working area was a mess which was better off cleaned as soon as possible.

Ji Hyun adds, "Even I think it's better for you to go home sir." Lee Rang sighed and said, "You guys are really persistent. Let's get going."

Ji Hyun smiled hearing his reply and quickly went to get her bag.

Getting in the car Ji Hyun said, "Sir if you want you can take a nap while I drive you home." Lee Rang nodded and decided to close his eyes for a while.

They reached his place and as they got in a worried Yu Ri dashed towards them and asked, "Rangie! Are you okay? What happened?" Ji Hyun smiled and said, "Yu Ri shi, let's get him inside first." Yu Ri nodded and made way for them to get in. Lee Rang sighed tiredly as he sat on the sofa. While Ji Hyun got them some water.

Yu Ri checked Lee Rang where he was hurt. Lee Rang seeing her so worried said, "Hey chill I'm okay, I was just angry seeing that woman again after such a long time."

Yu Ri, knowing who he is talking about, asked, "Where did you see her? Did she approach you to get some money again!?" Lee Rang nodded a no and replied, "Seems like she finally found a permanent ATM and has settled down, she even has a kid now."

Hearing the information Yu Ri scoffed and asked, "Who would take such a witch!? Damn people are blind, well as long as she doesn't come into your life again I'm happy, because I don't know what I would do if it was to happen."

Lee Rang nodded and said, "Even I don't know what I would do if she comes back." Ji Hyun looked at them a little confused, she tried to complete the puzzle and the only answer that came to her mind was that they are talking about Lee Rang's ex lover who was behind her for money and they broke up.

Yu Ri then looked at Ji Hyun who was in her thoughts and said, "Ji Hyun shi, come sit down, what are you thinking about?" Ji Hyun nodded and sat down with them.

Yu Ri then said, "Ah are you thinking about that evil witch as well? She isn't worth your thoughts so let's forget her." Ji Hyun just nodded yes thinking it was better to talk about other things which will divert Lee Rang's mind.

Lee Rang realizing that Ji Hyun still doesn't know the truth and might misunderstand things said, "Umm Yu Ri I want to tell Ji Hyun the truth, how about we meet tomorrow?"

Yu Ri said, "Ah that's why she looked so confused, okay let's meet tomorrow! I will come to your office, so what should I bring for you Ji Hyun shi? Donuts?"

Ji Hyun smiled and answered, "Whatever you like, because I know it will be the best!" Yu Ri smiled and replied, "That I know, anyways i should get going, bye guys!" Saying that she left.

Lee Rang turned to Ji Hyun and said, "The woman we are talking about is my mother." Hearing the word "Mother" Ji Hyun was left surprised, because she never expected this answer. 


I hope you guys liked the chapter.

Please check out my fist original story "Our Trinket Love" and show it some support. 

Stay Happy Stay Safe 💜

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