Chapter 47

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Note : Hello everyone! I just started one of my original book called, "Our Trinket Love" I hope you check it out! It's about two business tycoon's.

All the team members after finishing their work looked at Manager Park, he feeling eyes on him looked up to see his team members looking at him with emotional eyes.

Manager Park sighed and looking at the time said, "Seems like it's already time for us to leave, I will go talk with Mr. Lee, till then you guys get ready to leave!"

All got up happily and started packing up ir re doing their makeup. Manager Park greeted Ji Hyun and asked, "So ready to go?" Ji Hyun smiled and answered, "Of course! Who isn't ready for team dinners!"

Manager Park nodded and knocked the door of Lee Rang's office. Hearing a coming he went in and greeting him said, "Sir our team has finished their work and are ready to leave for the dinner."

Lee Rang smiled a little and said, "Oh I see, how about you guys leave and reach the place, me and Ji Hyun will shortly join you after, I have already made a reservation so you don't have to wait."

Manager Park smiled and after bowing he left the office to tell everyone. The others left after telling Ji Hyun to come soon. Ji Hyun finishing the last mail got up and going inside Lee Rang's cabin saw that he was not on his chair.

Here Lee Rang who had finished his work looked at Ji Hyun. Seeing her get up he quickly hid beside a pillar to the door and waited for her to come in.

She looked around and not finding him she started to look around when she was suddenly pulled from behind. She gasped at the sudden pull. Lee Rang sensing she was scared quickly said, "It's me, calm down."

Ji Hyun who raised her other hand to back slap the person turned around and said, "You scared me Mr. Lee!" Lee Rang giggled at her cuteness and said, "Sorry, didn't mean to, anyways I wanted to say I missed you!"

Ji Hyun looked at him 'like are you serious!' and said, "I was here all day, we even went to a lunch date, let's go now others must be waiting."

Lee Rang pulls her closer and asked, "What's the hurry? After we go to the dinner we won't have personal time." Ji Hyun giggled and said, "Well I would be dropping you home sir remember?"

Lee Rang nodded a no and said, "I can't let my girlfriend drive me, I would like to drop you home safely instead." Ji Hyun smiled and said, "Well today it will depend on if we are drunk or not!"

Lee Rang hugged Ji Hyun and agreeing with her he said, "Okay! Well now let me kiss you and get recharged!" Ji Hyun broke the hug and said, "Well it will be both ways! Even I want a recharge!"

Lee Rang without wasting time kissed Ji Hyun which she gladly responded by kissing back. After a few seconds Ji Hyun broke th kiss for some air. Lee Rang took that chance to kiss her on the cheeks and said, "Okay let's go!"

Ji Hyun catching her breath nodded and said, "Yeah, let's quickly grab my things then we can leave." Lee Rang nodded and they walked out of his cabin.

Ji Hyun quickly grabbed her things and they went inside the elevator. While they go down, Ji Hyun quickly checked herself in the pocket mirror and re did her lipstick. She then turned to Lee Rang and quickly handed him a wet tissue and told him to wipe off the dark red lipstick stain.

Lee Rang just shrugged it off saying he dean't mind. Ji Hyun not liking that went to him and started wiping it of. Lee Rang smirked a little and after she was done he said, "I liked that! We should do this often."

Indirectly he was saying they sould kiss more often. Ji Hyun tches in reply and they went to the restaurant.

Reaching there they looked around, seeing the team members they went to them and greeted them. Ji Hyun sitting down said, "Sorry, I hope we weren't that late!"

Ji Soo was the one who replied, "Nah that's okay, we started, I hope you and Mr. Lee are okay with it, do you like Beef, Pork...... etc?" She asked after listing the things they ordered.

Lee Rang nodded and said, "I'm good with everything, and it's good that you guys ordered already, I was hungry." All smiled hearing his answer.

Manager Park than holding a bottle said, "Okay since the person who is treating us today, Mr. Lee is finally here, let's raise a toast!" Saying that he filled two glasses od Soju bomb and handed one each to the couple.

They all drank after doing a cheers and started their meal as soon after their order arrived.

They all tried their best to avoid making it awkward and not bring any bad experience they had with the company. But Lee Rang only hearing the good and funny stuff asked, "Is our company that good that you never had bad things experienced?"

All glanced at each other not knowing what to say, they were thinking if they should talk about it a little, but which incident can they even bring up? Which one would be appropriate? Which one would end up offending him? All of them had that thought.

Min Ju who didn't get the situation answered Lee Rang, "Well I joined recently, so I don't have such experiences to share, but I have to say, the boss before you was a pain in the ass! Always used to drop all his work on us and remove his anger on us! You are way better! You work, give us work, monitor us well and let us do the work and shout only when it's our mistake."

All who were glaring at him to open his mouth without thinking, because he was a persone who would always speak without filter and was very carefree sighed in relief knowing he gave the best answer to the question.

After that everyone agreed with Min Ju's statement making Lee Rang satisfied to know that the company is keeping their staff happy.

Lee Rang than said, "Well let's focus on our meals as well!" Everyone nodded and ate their share. The dinner then went on with talks about work and some personal life talk such as their hobbies, pet or children and just like that the atmosphere which was awkward at start soon became a chill one and everyone started to have fun.

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