Chapter 42

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“Wait!! DO YOU LIKE HIM!?”

Ji Hyun sighed sadly and nodded. Min Young jumped and said, “OMG!! That’s great news!! My best friend finally likes someone!! See I told you, you guys are a match made in heaven! But wait, why are you sad about it?”

Ji Hyun answered, “After today I’m thinking that it’s better to keep my distance with him.” Min Young said, “Oh come on! If what people will think is stopping you then stop right there! You won’t believe after Lee Rang’s great speech today my team got scared and decided to delete the gossip group!”

Ji Hyun smiled and said, “Well that’s great news! At least no more gossip!” Min Young shaked Ji Hyun lightly and said, “You are not getting the point here! Wait!”

Min Young removed her phone and she started showing the pictures, she had downloaded them before they got deleted. She showed the pictures said, “See look at Lee Rang’s expressions! It showers love for you! Then see the video again! Look how worried he was about you! YOu will know what to do.”

Ji Hyun took the phone and watched the video from the start, seeing Lee Ran’s worried face Ji Hyun smiled. Min Young then said, “He likes you! I’m sure even you know it somewhere, even if you somehow stop liking him what about him? What about his feelings? See from what I can see he genuinely likes you, the way he is looking at you in other pictures as well shows how much feelings he has for you.”

Ji Hyun looked at Min Young and asked, “Just whose friend are you? Why are you taking his side, I know you are right, I have noticed that there was a possibility that he likes me but I don’t want to be claimed as a gold digger for the rest of my life, I usually don’t care about people’s opinion but here the scale is larger many people will accuse me plus I might end up working her for a long time so everything I achieve would be connected to my relation.”

Min Young understanding Ji Hyun’s worry said, “Girl listen I’m on your side, that’s why I’m telling you what’s good for you, plus believe me, you have so much potential that people will recognize your hard work. And You seem to be more expressive after you met Lee Rang you know and I'm not just saying it, I have felt it, plus would you ever imagine yourself ending up in jail?”

Ji Hyun giggled at the last sentence and shaks her head sideways. Ji Hyun hugged Min Young realizing that what she is right and said, “Thank you, Min Young for making me realize this or I might have hurted him and myself if I took that step but are you sure he likes me? Cause he likes to tease me a lot it can be-”

Min Young playfully glared at her and said, “Yah!! Stop that unnecessary overthinking! Ohh wait! I think you wanted to hear from me that he likes you!!” Saying that Min Young started tickling Ji Hyun.

Ji Hyun started to laugh and say, “O please stop!!! Hahaha it I’m very ticklish!! Please stop! You win!” Min Young stops after a min and Ji Hyun got up and said, “Well so when do we start the fun?”

Min Young smiled and switching on her TV said, “Now! So which drama do you wanna watch first?”

They had fun the whole night and enjoyed, watching dramas, dancing and karaoke as tomorrow was a holiday.

Here Lee Rang was happy seeing the pictures, he and Yu Ri decided to meet up and hearing everything from him Yu Ri asked, “So when are you going to ask her out? Even me and Shin Joo are meeting up tomorrow.” Lee Rang smiled and answered, “Well when she is ready.”

Yu Ri smiled and said, “I hope when the next time you guys meet it would happen, here if tomorrow Shin Joo doesn’t ask me out! I will do it! I can’t wait anymore!” Lee Rang chuckled at her impatience and said, “Well all the best for tomorrow.”


It was finally Saturday, the day Shin Joo and Yu Ri looked forward to. They met at a restaurant for lunch. While looking at the menu Shin Joo said, “Yu Ri shi, I called you today so I can ask you to be my girlfriend.”

Yu Ri sighed in relief and started smiling ear to ear and said, “Finally! What took you so long! Of course!” Shin Joo smiled happily as well and they started dating. While having the lunch he said, “Tomorrow Lee Yeon nim is going to propose Ji ah ma’am so you have to come he invited you.”

Yu Ri nodded and asked, “Is Rangie going to be there?” Shin Joo nodded a yes and said, “Of course he is, even Ji Hyun is going to be there!” Yu Ri smiled and said, “Oh then I will be coming! I can’t wait.”


The next morning Ji Hyun and Min Young woke up they decided to go on a girls date and have fun. While in the mall Ji Hyun realized that on Sunday she has to go for the propose party. She then asked Min Young what she should wear which would look appropriate for the occasion.

Min Young seeing this as a chance to shop took her to a mall and they brought some clothes, well Ji Hyun just brought a outfit for the occasion.

Min Young while going back said, “Girl tomorrow is going to be a spy day for you! I can’t wait to doll you up! And make you look gorgeous!” Ji Hyun scoffed and says, “Girl, it’s not me who’s getting proposed! It’s Ji ah ma’am.”

Min Young nodded her head and asked, “Wait a minute, I’m confused! When did you get so close with them? With Lee Rang I understand but being called to a family occasion like this one, when they are very private about their life? Something seems off…..”

Ji Hyun bite her lips nervously as she was scared about being found out, she can’t let anyone know what’s going on with them and why she is so involved with them suddenly, she was thinking of an excuse when Min Young herself said, “Wait!! Does that mean Lee Yeon has accepted you as his sister in law!?”

Hearing her reason Ji Hyun was red due to blushing, she then shocked asked, “Wh- What?” Min Young nodded a yes and said, “What else would be the reason? Of course it’s because they already consider you as a family! Oh Ji Hyun you are so lucky to get their blessing before you start dating!”

Ji Hyun sighed in relief as she didn’t have to come up with an excuse anymore said, “Well you might be right, but still why do I have to doll up?”

Min Young sighed and said, “Sometimes you really are a pabo! Of course because tomorrow you have to ask Lee Rang out!” Ji Hyun stopped walking and shouted, “What!!??”

Min Young sighed and said, “Don’t act so shocked! You gotta make the first move.” Ji Hyun thinking about it for a second smiled excitedly and said, “Well that doesn’t seem like a bad idea, how about I propose him when he is about to drop me home?”

Min Young held Ji Hyun’s hand and swinged it excitedly and said, “OMG that’s a great idea! Let’s get home!! We have lot of things to do!!”

Ji Hyun chuckled and said, “Girl calm down it’s tomorrow, let’s enjoy our time! I’m hungry let’s go grab a bite.”

Min Young nodded sadly wishing that tomorrow comes quickly, she couldn’t wait for Ji Hyun to propose. They ate their lunch and went home.


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