Chapter 38

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The next morning Ji Hyun woke up and quickly got ready as she wanted to make some hangover soup for Lee Rang. While making the soup she didn't realize the smile she had on her face, she was enjoying everything, accepting the fact that she had a crush on Lee Rang made things easier but beautiful as well. She couldn't wait to meet him.

Her mother greeted her good morning. Ji Hyun looked at her and greeted her good morning she says, "Mother, I will be staying at Min Young's place for two days."

Her mother nodded and said, "Hmm that's okay."

Ji Hyun finished making the soup said, "Mom I will go bye!" Hearing the mom looking at the clock said, "You are going almost two hours early, what's going on? Even yesterday you went early."

Ji Hyun keeping the soup and rice inside a tiffin replied, "Ah yes, there is some extra work I have to take care of." Her mother nodded and Ji Hyun left the house after packing hers and Lee Rang's breakfast. Taking the bus she went to his house excited. She kept looking at the tiffin in her hands with excitement.

Reaching his house, she stopped to think if she should ring the bell or enter his house by entering the code. She then remembered the last morning and his face.

Blushing a little with yesterday morning memories she decided to ring the bell. But she stopped midway deciding to prank Lee Rang. She entered the passcode of his house and entered his house.

She then kept the food on the kitchen counter and slowly walked around towards his room. She knocked on his door loudly and said, "OPEN UP SIR!!! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!! HURRY!!!"

Lee Rang who was sleeping peacefully hearing her voice rushed out. Opening the door he looked to see Ji Hyun standing there and asked, "What happened? Are you okay?"

Ji Hyun not able to hold her laughter back started laughing and said, "Good morning sir! Sorry it was a prank."

Lee Rang sighed in relief knowing it was just a prank and said, "Well a good morning it is!"

Ji Hyun looked at him with a guilty expressions and said, "Sorry sir! You head must be already hurting you, but I got you an hangover soup, so get ready quickly while I heat it up."

Lee Rang smiled and nodded. He went in his room to get ready. While Ji Hyun went to the kitchen. She removed the food and decided to wait for a few minutes before heating as Lee Rang would take time.

She sat down and messaged Min Young a good morning and said she was excited about today. She then scrolled through social media for some time, hearing a voice of door getting closed Ji Hyun got up and started to heat up the food.

She served the food at the kitchen counter and waited for Lee Rang. Soon Lee Rang came and said, "Good morning Ji Hyun shi." Ji Hyun smiled and said, "Good morning sir! Come have the soup, while it's hot."

Lee Rang nodded and sat down. Having the soup he smiled and thought, 'This place feels more home when you are here Ji Hyun.' While having the food he asked with urgency in his voice, "Ji Hyun shi, my brother didn't say anything weird right?"

Ji Hyun smiled and nodded a no at his question, and said, "No, infact he said he was sorry for his rudeness when we met for the first time." Lee Rang nodded and they enjoyed the food while having small talks.

After he ate Ji Hyun said, "Sir should I change the dressing? How do you feel now?" Lee Rang nodded a no and said, "It's okay I'm all healed now." Saying that he showed her his hand.

Seeing it Ji Hyun felt revealed but still feeling uncertain she said, "Still it's better you keep it dressed for today sir, there is still a small bruise left." Lee Rang seeing her like that asked, "Do you really want that?" Ji Hyun nodded a yes.

Lee Rang replied, "Okay then, just put on the cream and a small bandage." Ji Hyun smiled at his reply and said, "Okay sir!" Saying this Ji Hyun started dressing his wound.

After that they left for office. Ji Hyun was the one driving, they had small talks and enjoyed each other's company.

They reached the office and Lee Rang who was in a good mood greeted his team with a cheerful smile. Seeing his smile they question Ji Hyun, so she replied that it's probably because they got the deal from yesterday's meeting. Which everyone celebrated happily.

Ji Hyun then excused herself and keeping her bag aside she went to make Lee Rang's coffee. She taking today's schedule as well went to give him the coffee.

After telling him today's schedule she left and started her work, she had to go to the legal department to give them the contract details so they can sign the deal. 

After that Ji Hyun was about to leave, but Lee Rang stopped her and said, "Ji Hyun shi, I want to tell you something, so are you free after work?"

Ji Hyun looked concerned and said, "Oh what is it something important? Because I will be going to my friend's house directly after work."

Lee Rang was disappointed hearing that, seeing him look like that Ji Hyun smiled and said, "But I can spare a few minutes! I will come to your cabin after finishing work!"

Lee Rang smiled hearing that and said, "That would be perfect! But then you don't get to complain about reaching late or not going there at all."

Ji Hyun hearing him, asks, “Huh?” Lee Rang smiled and said, “Let's leave that for tonight!” Ji Hyun smiled and nodded her head and she went out. Both were excited, Ji Hyun thinking what he might have to say and Lee Rang excited about confessing his feelings to her.

Soon it was lunch time, Ji Hyun enjoyed her lunch with Min Young as they coincidently went to the same place, their teams sat together and enjoyed their lunch.

Seeing Min Young and Ji Hyun talk Irene thought, 'She is such a gold digger, knowing all wealthy people and using them for their money. Look at how happy she is! I will destroy her happiness today!'

One of Min Young's team member asked, "How do you know Min Young Ji Hyun shi?" Ji Hyun answered, "Oh we are best friends, we met in university."

Irene hearing this said, "Wow Ji Hyun, you seem to be close to many famous people!" Min Young sensing her taunt replied, "Well what can she do? She has such a pure aura that everyone is attracted to her!"

Jisoo chuckled and said, "Oh that is true! Ji Hyun has a pure aura." Jisoo knowing Irene might be wanting to pull down Ji Hyun eyed her saying not to go out of line.

Seeing that Irene decided that she will show everyone Ji Hyun's so called "pure aura" today.

While they were going back Irene messaged in the group that their plan is on. One of the group member was with them during lunch and smiled at Irene nodding.

Ji Hyun and Min Young were in the wash room with Eun Jae, they were just chatting. When Min Young hearing her phone ring for a notification she checked her phone.

Seeing the content she gasped and said, "Ji Hyun, look at this! What's going on?" Ji Hyun confused took Min Young's phone and seeing all the pictures she gasped in shock and said, "What the heck is going on!?" Eun Jae peeped and said, "Dam! What's all this?"

PS : I chose to become evil and make y'all wait for another chapter! HAHA!


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