Chapter 36

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Ji Hyun was working when she received a phone call from the company phone. She picked up and a male voice spoke, "Hello good afternoon, I have called to confirm about today's meeting with Mr. Lee."

Ji Hyun answered, "Oh yes, good afternoon, yes the meeting is confirmed, we will be there at the informed restaurant at the given time."

Hearing this the guy asked, "Oh and may I know who are you?" Ji Hyun replied, "Ah yes, I'm Mr. Lee's secretary." The guy asked, "You will be accompanying him right?"

Ji Hyun replied, "Yes I will be with him." The guy hearing the answer said, "Oh okay, thank you for informing me, meet you at the meeting." Ji Hyun replied, "Yes." The call ended and Lee Rang came.

Ji Hyun greeted her and said, "A call came from Yoon company, confirming the meeting, I said we will be there."

Lee Rang nodded and said, "Hmm, where is the file for that meeting, we have to sign the deal if they agree with our prices." Ji Hyun answered, "Sir it's in your office."

Lee Rang nodded and said, "Hmm just so you know I was with Yu Ri." Ji Hyun looked at him and smiled and nodded a yes saying, "Ah I see, did you enjoy your lunch?"

Lee Rang went towards her and said, "Oh yes I did, well she said, something about you and I'm very shocked to hear that, I didn't expect that from you."

Ji Hyun became serious as to what Yu Ri had said and asked, "What did Yu Ri shi tell you?" Lee Rang gestured her to come closer. Ji Hyun leaned in and Lee Rang whispered, "I can't believe you forgot about such an important." Ji Hyun looked at him and whispered back, "What did I forget?" Lee Rang whispered, "Yu Ri shi told me you have forgotten your friend, your cycle at her mall."

Ji Hyun gasped remembering her cycle and said, "OMG! Yes I had totally forgot about my cycle! I will pick it up tomorrow. I will inform her and meet her as well."

Lee Rang nodded and said, "Good!"

Ji Hyun realizing that they are still talking in whispering asked, "Why are we talking in whispers?"

Lee Rang looked at her realizing that as well and standing standing straight he in a normal tone said, "Oh yes I didn't realize! Anyways let's get back to work." Ji Hyun nodded and waited for Lee Rang to go inside his office.

He turned around and walked in with a smile remembering the closeness between them.

Soon it was time for their meeting. Ji Hyun went inside Lee Rang's cabin and said, "Sir I think we should leave for the meeting." Lee Rang looking at the time said, "Oh yes, let's leave." Saying this he got up and they left for the meeting.

Reaching the restaurant they went inside, the waiter asked for their table. They went to their room. They greeted the owner of Yoon company and sat down. The owner was sweet and very polite. He even showed concern about Lee Rang's hand. 

The meeting went on and Ji Hyun minutes the meeting and took notes of their demands. Luckily their demands were under the estimated things. Lee Rang satisfied with their demands said, "Well we are okay with your conditions! So when do we sign the deal?"

The middle ages guy smiled and said, "Well as soon as you get the contract ready!" Both shared a little laugh while Ji Hyun and his secretary smiled.

Then Lee Rang said, "We should celebrate this with a good meal!" The guy replied, "Not just a meal! We have to celebrate it well!" Saying that they ordered food and drinks.

The waitress was serving them their drinks, everyone raised the toast to celebrate the deal. Ji Hyun taking a sip kept the glass aside. The Yoon owner seeing Ji Hyun not drinking said, "Looks like your secretary can't handle drinks."

Ji Hyun smiled and politely answered, "No sir, I will be the one driving so I'm avoiding alcohol." He laughed and asked, "So are you saying you can handle alcohol otherwise?"

Ji Hyun smiled proudly and answered, "Of course sir! You can call me up anytime you want company!" The guy laughed and said, "Ah! you are a good spirited person! I like you." Ji Hyun smiled and said, "Thank you sir."

His secretary then said, "Oh for today should I drink for you then?" Lee Rang hearing this glares at the guy, he takes Ji Hyun's glass and says, "Well that would be okay, I will drink double in place of her, afterall she is mine, I mean my employee and it's a celebration!"

The owner nodded and said, "Oh well then even I shouldn't hold back then! Haha."

The dinner ended after around an hour as they were drinking. Ji Hyun excused herself to go to the powder room. After doing her business she went out and noticed the secretary of Yoon.

She bowed and was about to go to their room when the secretary stopped her by holding her hand. Ji Hyun pulls out of his grip and turns around and formally asked, "How can I help you?"

The guy smiled and said, "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to ask for your phone number."

Ji Hyun smiled and said, "Well you already have the company's number, I don't think you will need my personal number. If you excuse me." Saying that she bowed and left. She knew why he asked, but decided to act ignorant as he was intoxicated.

Going in Ji Hyun sat down, the other guy came in as well and then said, "Sir, you had more than enough for today, I guess we should leave." The client realizing that said, "Oh yes! Let's call it a night Mr. Lee. It was nice dealing with you. Meet you when we sign the contract!"

Lee Rang got up and shaking his hands said, "Likewise, it's a great opportunity to have a deal with you. I will let you know when to meet again through my secretary."

The secretary answered, "Yes, we will take the leave now, bye Ji Hyun shi, meet you again." Seeing him act normal Ji Hyun smiled and said, "Yes."

They all left and seeing Lee Rang a little drunk Ji Hyun worried about him asked, "Sir why did you drink so much? You should have controlled yourself."

Lee Rang a little drank replied without thinking, "Because I didn't want that guy to drink for you."

Hearing his words, Ji Hyun blushed and thought, 'He is just drunk, let's not take it in some other way!'

Lee Rang got in the car and said, "Ha it's good I can trust you Ji Hyun, but when my new secretary comes I will have to drive myself, it will be boring."

Ji Hyun looked at him with a little guilt, Lee Rang continued, "Well I will be honest, I will miss you as my secretary, I like teasing you, your reactions are fun! I will miss them."

Ji Hyun hearing this said, "Sir, I will still be in your team, we can still meet and as you said I will always make you coffee twice a day! So you can tease me then!"

Hearing this Lee Rang chuckled and said, "You yourself gave me the permission to tease you! You can't back out now!" Ji Hyun smiled and said, "I won't sir, if you want I can promise you!" Saying that Ji Hyun giggled.

Lee Rang looked at her giggling and smiled. He was completely normal, actually he just wanted to tell her what he felt. He knew she would fell for him acting drunk, like hell he would be drunk with drinking so little.

He liked how Ji Hyun worried for him. He smiled thinking if he should continue the act a little more. Thinking so he decided to pretend sleeping. 


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