Chapter 2

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The Next Day

Ji Hyun went to her class, she sat down and offered a sandwich to her best friend and said, “here I’m sure you haven’t eaten yet.” Min Young smiled seeing her and said, “Hyunie! you know me so well!” 

Ji Hyun nodded and asked, “you have a cook in your house, yet you don’t eat your breakfast there.” Min Young, finishing the bite she had in her mouth, answered, “you ask this everyday, you know right I love your cooking so much that I can’t live without it!” 

Ji Hyun sighed at the answer and said, “okay okay, now eat fast, the professor will come any moment.” Min Young nodded and they finished their breakfast. After that their lectures started and they focused on their studies. 

After the lecture ended Min Young showed Ji Hyun her phone and said, “yah look at this! The biggest company, the Lee Group, is hiring interns, we should totally apply for it!” 

Ji Hyun taking the phone in her hands reading it and being interested said, “yeah we should, they are even giving us paid internships! This is a chance we shouldn’t miss, plus we are eligible for their criteria as well! But wait aren’t you gonna work at your own company, plus your company is like the second largest, so why so interested to work here?” 

Min Young nodded and said, “Of course I will work at my own company, but till graduation an internship won’t hurt you know, plus my dad is the one who showed me this so I’m sure Lee Yeon, the CEO knows I might apply but no cheating, he wants me to learn from him. Anyways, we have a high chance to secure this internship! The interview is next monday! In a few days! And if they think we are worthy enough we can be directly hired while we study! No need to wait until graduation, plus they will be giving paid leaves during exams, if they decide to hire us permanently! It’s like an golden egg!” 

Ji Hyun smiled and said, “yeah it saves our half year! This is great, they are offering so much benefits for their future employees, we should definitely apply.” Min Young nodded then asked, “yah! Do you have formal wear? I will have to buy it.” 

Ji Hyun realized she needs formal wear too but said, “nope I don’t.” Min Young smiled and said, “yay! We can go shopping! Let’s go now! You have an evening shift today anyways!” Ji Hyun nodded and said, “yeah okay.” 

They then reached a mall, seeing that it’s an expensive mall Ji Hyun sighed and thought, ‘let her buy from here, I will buy from Hongdae later.’ Ji Hyun smiled and entered the mall with Min Young. 

Lee Rang came inside the same mall with a sigh and asked, “why do I have to buy more formal wear when I already have so many?” Yu Ri, walking beside him, said, “Yah Rangie, let’s go now, don't be cranky because you are too lazy to shop!” Saying this Yu Ri dragged him inside. 

Ji Hyun and Min Young reached the shop and Min Young started to happily look around the shop, while Ji Hyun stood there looking at her shopaholic friend roaming around happily. 

After 45 mins Ji Hyun sighed and asked, “just how many more are you going to try? Even I’m tired seeing you try on so many clothes.” Min Young smiled sheepishly and replied, “sorry sorry, I have decided on what to buy. So let’s search something for you!” 

Ji Hyun, hearing this said, “oh no it’s okay! I’m hungry so let’s go eat now.” Min Young looked at her knowing what she meant and said, “but at least you can try just this one dress for me!! Please!!” Min Young said, pointing at a dress.

Ji Hyun looked at the dress, she liked it so she said, “okay, only because you won’t leave me alone till I do!” Saying that she went inside the dressing room to get chanced. Yu Ri came in with Lee Rang happily since now it’s her turn to shop and said, “let me just buy the new limited edition dress then we can go!” 

Lee Rang sighed, “Is this why you wanted to go shopping so badly?”  Yu Ri smiled and said, “Now come on! I will treat you your favorite food!” Hearing this was convincing enough for Lee Rang so he entered with Yu Ri.

Ji Hyun came out making Min Young shocked, seeing Ji Hyun she said, “yah! Ji Hyun, you look so gorgeous in this dress!” Since Min Young was a little loud, the employees, Yu Ri, Lee Rang, and a few other customers turned towards them.

Ji Hyung blushed at the attention and said, “thanks, now are you happy? Can I change back now?” Min Young nodded a no and said, “please let me buy you this one dress!” Ji Hyun just gave her a serious look and went back to change.

Seeing her Lee Rang said “oh isn’t that miss interesting?” Yu Ri turned to him and asked, “huh did you say something?” Lee Rang nodded a no and said, “just buy what you came for I’m hungry.” Yu Ri nodded and went to the trial room to try the limited edition. 

Ji Hyun came out dressed in her clothes and saw Min Young paying for her clothes, she went towards her, seeing she was done paying the bill Ji Hyun said, “let’s go now? I’m really hungry!” Min Young nodded at her foodie friend and they went to the food court. 

Lee Rang and Yu Ri came to the food court as well, after buying the food they started eating, ignoring the stares and comments of people calling them a beautiful couple or identifying and talking about them.

Here Ji Hyun and Min young sat down, Min Young was about to take the food’s picture, but ignoring that Ji Hyun started to eat, seeing that Min Young dramatically said, “yah how can you do that!” Ji Hyun taking a bite of her pizza said, “like this!” and continued eating her food. Min Young sighed knowing Ji Hyun doesn’t believe in taking food pictures

After finishing her slice Ji Hyun said, “you know coming with you for shopping so frequently helped me saving my colleague, a guy was trying to scam us by getting money for an inexpensive suit saying it was expensive, then I asked him for his reciet and you should have seen how he backed down and didn’t even take money for dry cleaning!” 

Hearing the incident Min Young laughed and said, “oh his face! I wish I was there to see it! But see my shopping helped you, be grateful for that! and come with me for shopping often!”  Ji Hyun tched and said “I shouldn't have told you.” 

Min Young giggled and said, “whatever, yah btw the assignment of Prof. Yang is so hard! But he gives students extra marks for submitting before the deadline.”

Ji Hyun nodded in reply, then Min Young and said, “Well I so want to skip Mr. Choi’s lecture tomorrow, he is so boring I don’t understand his way of teaching as well.” Ji Hyun again nodded not paying attention to her and concentrating on the food. 

Min Young looked at her just nodding and asked, “will you marry me?” Ji Hyun nodded a yes and said, “only if you turn into man! Pabo I’m listening to you!” Min Young, hearing her say that said, “Well I do have that much money to change my gender, but sorry love, I like myself like this.” Hearing that Ji Hyun said, “you are such a pabo!” Min Young replied, “that I know.”  and they ate while they chatted more.

Ji Hyun bidded Min Young a goodbye and went to the café where she works. Reaching there she saw her manager. She greeted her and the manager said, “oh Ji Hyun, you came I’m glad, I will be going out for some work, oh and this is Lee Woo Bin, he will start to work here from today, on the night shifts. You will be seeing each other often so I hope you get along, oh and Ji Hyun help him if he needs any help and show him around.” 

Ji Hyun nodded and said, “I will, Manager Min, have a safe trip!” The manager nodded and exited from the cafe and Ji Hyun helped Woo Bin understand the work.

Extra scene 

Lee Rang turned towards the voice of a girl complimenting her friend. He then turned to the girl and saw it was Ji Hyun seeing her he said, “oh isn't it miss interesting?” then he thought, ‘well she doesn't look that bad.’


Ji Hyun and Min Young were finding a place to sit at the food court when Ji Hyun heard whispers about something, Ji Hyun then looked towards where people were looking and saw Lee Rang and Yu Ri, but turned her gaze away when she noticed that her eyes met with Lee Rang and sat down with Min Young. 

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