Chapter 31

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Ji Hyun made him sit on the passenger seat and getting in she started driving. She was in thoughts of whether Irene did this on purpose or not. She nodded her head thinking it's good that she asked Lee Rang to get a new secretary because if Irene did this purposefully then that was bad.

Seeing her serious expressions Lee Rang said, "Ji Hyun shi, calm down, whatever you are thinking stop it. Everything is okay now." Hearing the words Ji Hyun looked at Lee Rang and giving him a soft smile she said, "Thank you sir."

Lee Rang smiled and said, "You don't have to thank me, it's no a big deal." Ji Hyun sadly smiled and thought, 'It is a big deal sir, I wish I could tell you.'

They reached Lee Rang's home. They entered and Lee Rang said, "Make yourself at home." Ji Hyun nodded. She then asks, "Sir do you want water? Or anything else?"

Lee Rang nodded and said, "Just get me some water, I will go get changed." Ji Hyun nodded and said, "Okay sir, call me if you need any help."

Hearing this Lee Rang looked towards Ji Hyun and asked, "And with what exactly were you going to help me with?" Ji Hyun looked at him confused and seeing him smirk she realized just what she said, she clears her throat and said, "Don't misunderstand, I meant if you want to get something, from your wardrobe."

Saying that she went towards the fridge and took a water bottle and started to drink water. While Lee Rang went to his room.

Ji Hyun filling a glass of water, keeping it on the coffee table sat on the sofa and wondered what she should do now. She looked at the time and there was still sometime for dinner so she decided that she would go home after she cooks.

Lee Rang came back after changing his clothes. He sat besides Ji Hyun and drank the glass of water while Ji Hyun kept looking at him, this was the first time she saw him in casual clothes. He looked simply very handsome.

After he kept his glass down Ji Hyun said, "Well sir, since it's almost dinner time should I cook dinner for you and then I will leave."

Lee Rang looked at her deciding what should he say. Seeing him take time Ji Hyun said, "Don't worry I'm a great cook." Lee Rang smiled and said, "Okay then, I don't have fresh things, how about we go get groceries?"

Ji Hyun realizing that they would be seen together said, "How about I go and just grab things I need quickly and come back while you rest?" Saying this she got up and bowed and said, "I will be back soon sir!" And went off, not giving him a chance to speak anything.

Seeing her go Lee Rang sighed and thought, "What's with her? Why do I feel that she is avoiding me?"

Here Ji Hyun got down and thought what she should cook for him. She looked around for a super market, finding one she went inside. She looked around and thought that it's better if she cooks bibimbap because his right hand was buried, it would be painful to use chopsticks. She quickly took the things needed and brought some things she wanted for herself.

On the way back her phone vibrated and she checked it. There were messages from Min Young. She was saying that many employees saw Ji Hyun and Lee Rang holding hands and going out.

Reading the messages Ji Hyun sighed angrily, now people had one more thing to gossip about her. She rang the bell and waited for Lee Rang to open the door, while she replied to Min Young, "Tell me what else they gossip, I told Mr. Lee that he should start searching for a new secretary already! I hope he finds one soon so people stop creating such novels!"

Lee Rang opened the door with a smile, but seeing Ji Hyun frustrated he asked, "Hey what's wrong?" Ji Hyun nodded a no and said, "It's nothing sir." Saying that she walked inside and looking at the time she decided to start preparing for dinner.

While she was cutting vegetables her phone vibrated again, she looked at the phone and saw it was Min Young's message, she opened it and it said, "Oh okay tell me how it goes. But I think you should tell him the real reason, he can use his authority to shut off such rumors. Plus it's better if he knows it from the start, it's no use hiding it."

Ji Hyun read the message, she thought about it and nodded her head agreeing to Min Young's words, she resumed cooking and was in her own world.

Lee Rang noticed and walked towards her and says, "I wish I could read your mind." Ji Hyun looked at him and asked, "Why do you think so?" Lee Rang answered, "Because I can never guess what's going on your mind that worries you so much."

Hearing this Ji Hyun stares at Lee Rang, this was the first time someone had ever worried about what's going inside her, she realized she was getting emotional, so she started to giggle, she then asked, "What do you think is going on my mind sir?"

Lee Rang thought for a while and giving a confident smile he answered, "Well I'm sure you are over the moon because you get to cook for me and spend time with me in my house, afterall I'm the most handsome eligible bachelor."

Ji Hyun looks at Lee Rang surprised for a second than started laughing. Seeing her laugh Lee Rang smiled and just enjoyed seeing her happy.

After a good laugh Ji Hyun said, "Sir, I never thought you were the type to brag about these kind of things."

Lee Rang smiled and said, "You are right I'm not that kind of a person, but the reason I said that for worked so I guess it wasn't that bad." Ji Hyun looks at him blushing and said, "Sir you are such a tease, you should stop, if it was anyone else they would have misunderstood you."

Saying that she served the food and said, "You enjoy the meal sir, I will take my leave. Oh and I will come to pick you up in the morning, I will bring you breakfast as well so don't worry. Bye sir!"

Actually Ji Hyun was flustered by his words, she didn't want to start getting any wrong ideas, she knew that Lee Rang was doing this to cheer her up, but she was already flustered at how he saved her and worried about her.

Lee Rang looking at her knew that she is very flustered, he cleared his throat and asked, "Well aren't you gonna have dinner with me?" Ji Hyun nodded a no and said, "I just made it for you. Mine would be ready at home that's why."

Lee Rang not wanting her to go said, "I see, but seems like that would be too much for me, have some with me, than hmm you can help me change the dressing again."

Ji Hyun remembering about that said, "Oh yes, how can I forget that, okay I shall stay." Lee Rang smiled and taking a bowl served Ji Hyun some and said, "Here you go, let's have dinner."

Ji Hyun smiled and started eating. Lee Rang taking the first bite said, "Oh~~ Indeed you are a great cook! It's just bibimbap but it tastes wonderful." Ji Hyun smiled at the compliment and said, "I told you so didn't I." Lee Rang nodded and enjoyed the food.

After they had dinner Ji Hyun after asking where the first aid box is came back and started re dressing his hand. She observed his hand and said, "Oh looks like it's not the severe, I'm glad." Saying this she smiled in relief and started to apply ointment, after that she bandaged his hand.

Ji Hyun closing the box said, "I will take a leave now sir, meet you in the morning."

Lee Rang looking at her nodded his head as a yes, Ji Hyun smiled and got up. Lee Rang was about to say something when the bell rang. Ji Hyun said, "I shall get it." Saying that she looked at the door viewer and saw it was Lee Yeon. She said, "It's Mr. Lee."

Saying that she opened th door and greeted him. Seeing Ji Hyun here Lee Yeon smiled and said, "Oh you were here, I see." Saying that he walked inside and saw Lee Rang's face and said, "Oh my lovely brother I was so worried about you!!" Saying that he went in for a hug but Lee Rang said, "You better not take a step forward! Or I will hit you."

Ji Hyun smiled at them and said, "I will go then, take care sir, I will come pick you up." Lee Yeon smiled and said, "Go back safely, thank you for taking care of my brother." Ji Hyun smiled and said, "It was my job sir, Bye sir." She bowed and left.

Extra Scene

While Lee Rang was changing his clothes he saw the lipstick stain on his shirt and smiled. He whispered, 'Should I keep this shirt as it is?'


Here Irene seeing the chats from their hate group smiled satisfied and said, "My mission will be done sooner than I thought, getting my leg twisted wasn't that bad." 

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