Chapter 10

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Lee Rang entered his house only to see Lee Yeon sitting on the couch and Shin Joo was storing food in the fridge. Seeing them he asked, “yah why are you guys here!?” Seeing him Lee Yeon said, “you are here! Yah why don’t you keep mint chocolate ice cream in your house!?” 

Lee rang scoffed and said, “I don’t want a ice cream which tastes like chocolate with pain relief patches.” Lee Yeon made a hurt face and said, “yah it tastes good, you just don’t know what real taste is!” 

Lee Rang looked at him and asked, “I'm sure you are not here to discuss your favorite ice-cream or my taste.” Lee Yeon sighed and said, “yeah I'm not, stay away from Ji Hyun.” Hearing this Lee Rang looked at his brother and asked, “what do you mean? And why?” 

Lee Yeon sighed and said, “Choi Ryeon is watching our every move? The previous COO we fired was his man, he had hired spies in our company and this time we accepted 15 interns due to that, we removed some of his men. And you saved Kim Ji Hyun. If you are close to her he might get the wrong idea and I'm sure he has eyes on you and now on her as well. So if you don’t have any relations with her it will be difficult to protect her if something happens.”

Lee Rang smiled and asked, “that’s it? Then there is no need to worry, I don’t even talk to her.” Lee Yeon started at Lee Rang for a second and said, “if you say so, anyways remember to inform us first if anything like this ever happens, what if that guy was more dangerous?” 

Lee Rang chuckled and said, “well old hags lessons would come in handy, plus this was nothing, why should I call you at 12 in the night to just inform you that I saved a girl or I’m about to do so and you caring so much about me doesn't suit you.”

Lee Yeon sighed and said, “say whatever you want, my work is done here, I hope your puberty ends soon. Shin Joo we are going.” Saying this Lee Yeon started to walk out with Shin Joo following right behind. 


Ji Hyun reached the office at the usual time and started to do her work, she looked up when a bottle was kept on a table, she saw that a old lady came there to promote vegetable drinks. 

Seeing her she smiled and greeted her with a small bow and continued to work. She looked up to feeling that someone is watching her but saw no one there so she shrugged her shoulders and resumed her work.

At night she went to the café and saw the owner, she greeted her and manager Min smiled and greeted her back and asked, “how is your hand?” Ji Hyun with a small smile answered, “it’s okay, so how was the café today? Was it hectic?” 

Manager Min nodded and said, “Of course, many people came to the café like it was a major crime scene, but the regular customers did ask about the employee’s.” Ji Hyun nodded and started her work after wearing the apron and said, “I’m thinking of quitting on night shifts after this week. I will work only during the weekends from now on.”

Manager Min sighed and said, “I understand, almost all our female staff have withdrawn their night shift, I’m glad you are at least working for a week. I can find some staff till then.” Ji Hyun just gave manager Min a smile. And after work as promised she called Min Young while going home.

Next Morning

Ji Hyun went to work, but she was hungry due to skipping breakfast so thought to make some coffee and took some snacks in the pantry, coincidentally Lee Rang came to the pantry to have some coffee as he was feeling sleepy, he had no choice but to come as Shin Joo was not there.

Seeing Ji Hyun he stood there and saw how seriously she was making a cup of coffee, then he entered inside. Ji Hyun who just sat down, seeing him she got up and greeted him. Lee Rang keeping a straight face just nodded.

Seeing him about to make coffee Ji Hyun asked, “shall I make some coffee for you?” Lee Rang was about to say no but thought for a second and said, “oh you did work at a café, yeah make me one.” 

Ji Hyun nodded and went to the counter and asked, “how would you like your coffee?” Lee Rang answered, “milk coffee with 2 tea spoon of sugar.” Ji Hyun started making the coffee as instructed. 

Ji Hyun handed him the coffee and left taking her coffee. Lee Rang smiled at her leaving figure but then noticed that she was talking with some middle age women outside the pantry. 

Ji Hyun just went out and saw the old lady from yesterday, she had came again to promote the drink. She took the drink thanking her and left. The lady then gave drinks to others and left. 

She called someone and said, “boss the girl Lee Rang saved that day, turns out she is working with him under him, plus they seem close, she even made coffee for him and he was smiling.” Hearing this the other person said, “good job So Young, keep me updated if you know anything new.” 

So Young answered, “Yes sir Eom, I will do as you say, for now I will send you the video and yes what about my payment?” Hyo Seop replied, “send the video and pictures, right after that you will get your money.” Saying this he ended the phone call. 

The next morning Ji Hyun was in the pantry making coffee when Shin Joo came and said, “good morning intern Kim.” Ji Hyun greeted him and said, “good morning.” Then Shin Joo said, “you will have to deliver Mr. Lee the coffee in the morningat this time and at 4 pm daily from now on.” 

Ji Hyun nodded and said, “okay I will do so.” Saying that Shin Joo left and Ji Hyun started to make Lee Rang’s coffee. Making the coffee she met the juice lady outside, she smiled at her and said, “oh you are here again, thank you for the juice it is very delicious.” 

So Young smiled and said, “ah how sweet of you! I will give you a free service since you are very nice!” Ji Hyun smiled and said, “thank you ajuma. I will go now.” Saying this Ji Hyun left to give the coffee to Lee Rang. 

Extra Scene 

When Lee Yeon told Lee Rang to keep his distance with Ji Hyun he felt a little sad hearing it but decided to play it cool, after Lee Yeon went away Lee Rang thought, ‘but why hearing this I feel like I don't want to stay away from her?’ 

Lee Rang sat in thoughts debating with himself then finally came to a decision, ‘she is nothing anyways, I shouldn't think anything stupid, plus why would I want someone to be in danger because of me. Yeah I can't let her get hurt. What if I won't be there to save her? Yah Lee Rang why are you thinking this!? Stop it!’

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