Chapter 18

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Lee Rang reached home and first changed his passcode. Then went inside alert to see if there was any kind of danger. After checking the whole house and seeing it was safe he sighed in relief.

He then ordered food and went to freshen up. After taking a shower, he saw his reflection in the mirror and noticed he was smiling. Seeing that he said, “oh I shouldn’t be smiling right now-”

Before he could continue his doorbell rang. In his bathrobe he went to check who it was and saw it was Yu Ri. 

Seeing her he unlocked the door and went to change into his clothes. Yu Ri came and kept the parcel on the table, she bumped into the delivery guy so she took the parcel. 

Yu Ri was drinking water when Lee Rang came. Seeing him she asked, “oh did you change the passcode?” 

Lee Rang drying his hair replied, “ah yes, I figured they would have known the passcode as well, so it’s better I changed it. It’s 3012.”

Yu Ri nodded and said, “okay.”

Lee Rang, taking the food out, asked, “So how was your date with Shin Joo?”

Yu Ri looked at him and said, “he is too slow, he won’t make a move on me.” 

Lee Rang smiled hearing that and said, “well then you do it. Sometimes he is too dumb.”

Yu Ri nodded and asked, “so how was your ride back home with Ji Hyun? was it interesting?” Yu Ri said wiggling her eyebrows.

Lee Rang nodded with a smile and answered, “yeah we went to the beach, it was fun.” 

Yu Ri, amazed, said, “wah! talk about being fast! Already dating!”

Lee Rang nodded a no and said, “nah! We just wanted to end our day with a memory to be happy about, we both didn’t want to go home.” 

Yu Ri smirked and teased, “oh already finding reasons to spend more time with each other I see~”

Lee Rang, having a bite of his food, replied, “too fast to tease, I’m just interested in her, because I like her way of thinking.”

He chuckled and continued, “you won’t believe, she didn’t get angry at us for the kidnapping because she said it was of no use as the things happened already. And today it was her idea to go somewhere. ”

Yu Ri looked at Lee Rang and smiled knowingly that this is more then being interested in someone. Because Lee Rang’s eyes showed new emotions. She then took a plate for herself and said, “btw send me miss crazy’s number.” 

Lee Rang looked at her and said, “oh yeah wait.” Saying that he took his phone and sent her Ji Hyun’s number.

Yu Ri smiled about the plan she had in her head. Lee Rang then said, “you know her expressions are very interesting! it’s going to be fun to tease her at work! can’t wait for tomorrow.”

Yu Ri smiled and replied, “pabo, tomorrow is Saturday, you will directly meet her on Monday now.” 

Hearing that Lee Rang’s smile was gone and a little disappointed said, “the fun had just started, what a bummer. Anyway, at least I have something to look forwad to.”

Yu Ri nodded and said, “So the office won’t be so boring for you now, 5 months will go by easily.”

Lee Rang looked at her and thought, ‘yeah after 5 months I will leave the office!’ Lee Rang thought in disappointment about how it would last for only 5 months then thought about how he would be free from the office and live like he wants.

Yu Ri then asked, “you should be happy right now, you got back with your brother.”

Lee Rang smiled and said, “well it will take me sometime to get back with him like we used to be. I feel guilty about what I did, even if Hyung forgave me, I’m ashamed about my past mistakes.”

Yu Ri nodded and said, “it was all because of misunderstandings Rangie! Oh Right! don’t you dare forget about me.” Hearing this Lee Rang smirked and asked, “what if I forget about you?” 

Yu Ri pouted and angrily answered, “I won’t let you forget about me! I will bite you!” Lee Rag chuckled hearing that and said, “looks like I taught you right.” Yu Ri smiled hearing him compliment. 

Then they ate in silence. After they finished their dinner they sat on the sofa. Lee Rang then looked at Yu Ri and asked, “you came alone right?”

Yu Ri who was busy in her phone looked up and answered, “yeah ofc.” Lee Rang, concerned about her safety said, “aye, you shouldn’t come alone like this, just today we experienced all this.”

Yu Ri smiled seeing him worry for her and said, “how can something happen to me? you were the one who taught me how to fight. Just three moves! remember?” 

Lee Rang smiled and nodded remembering the time when he was teaching Yu Ri self defense. He decided to teach her after she was mistreated at a bar once when she went there alone. 

Yu Ri looked at her phone as she received a notification, she smiled happy about the message and said, “Rangie, I won’t come for our sparring practice tomorrow, I have to be somewhere else.”

Lee Rang looked at her for few second and said, “oh ditching our practice, looks like you have somewhere important to be tomorrow.” 

Yu Ri smiled happily and replied, “yes, tomorrow is going to be a fun day!” Seeing her happy Lee Rang smiled then thought, ‘what should I do tomorrow?’ 

At Lee Yeon’s house

Ji A kept down the dinner and the couple sat down to eat together. Lee Yeon having the first bite said, “as always, it’s delicious.” Ji A smiled at the compliment and said, “I’m happy that you liked it.” 

Lee Yeon gave her a smile. After they ate their dinner, they sat down having their favorite dessert mint chocolate chip ice-cream. 

Lee Yeon received a phone call. He talked on the phone for sometime and came back. Ji A looked at him with a questioning gaze. 

Lee Yeon replied, “it were my people, they interrogated that guy, turns out he was recently in contact with him because he needed money, he has been giving them our company information to Ryeon and he claims that he has never seen his face, it was all on phone just like that old lady.” 

Ji A nodded and asked, “but why would Ryeon need your company information? like is it his next plan?” Lee Yeon agreed to that and said, “looks like he plans to attack the company instead of attacking us like this, looks like I will be more busy with the company.” 

Ji A looked at him with compassion and said, “I wish I could help you with the comapny.”

Lee Yeon seeing her worried said, “don’t worry, now I’m not alone, Shin Joo, Lee Rang are there with me, and turns out Ji Hyun is smarter then we expected, she will actually be a greater help than Rangie.” Saying that he chuckled.

Ji A smiled and said, “I’m happy the things got clear between the two of you.” Lee Yeon smiled and said, “yes, I missed that idiot, but now I will annoy him as much as he did.” Ji A sighed and said, “now you both will again be like tom & jerry. Halmeoni and Harabeoji will be having headaches again.” 

Lee Yeon smiled and shrugged his shoulders, gesturing, ‘it is what it is.’ 

Extra Scene 

After dropping Yu Ri home, Shin Joo looked at her disappearing figure and said, “ah it’s getting hard to control my feelings for Yu Ri shi. Should I make a move?” 

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