Chapter 14

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Ji Hyun entered Lee Rang's office after knocking and saw a stranger sitting on Lee Rang's chair. Seeing him play on his phone she doubtfully asked, "may I know your identity?" Asking that she held the cup tightly to throw at him if needed. That guy stood up with a smirk on his face and showing his ID card he said, "don't worry I'm an employee here, anyways here! I was tired waiting for you so I decided to take a seat."

Handing a phone he was about to leave but Ji Hyun kept the cup down, held him and said, "it would be better if you don't leave so soon because you still have to answer my questions."

The guy turned around, Ji Hyun took a glance at his name and said, "aren't I right Yang Seo Jin shi?" losing the grip he said "I don't think you should be wasting your time on a pawn, while your boss might be dead." Saying this he left. Ji Hyun then unlocked the phone in fear and saw a video.

Ji Hyun played the video : Oh well I'm sure you are here since you saw part 1. What did you think? My plan was to kidnap a girl that Lee Rang just met? You think I'm that stupid, I'm so happy to disappoint you.

History is repeating itself. Let's see who you will save. Your brother or Your lover! But this time I really kidnapped her, let's see who you choose to save and say hi to you brother. Saying this the person recording showed Lee Rang. Then the guy said, time is ticking. I give you time till 11 am to save anyone or both, but the one you don't save will die this time!"

The video ended.

Hearing all this, Ji Hyun panicked and rushed towards Lee Yeon's office. She went towards the office but met Min Young, seeing her this panicked she asked, "yah Hyunie what happened? Is everything okay?" Ji Hyun nodded a no and asked, "has the CEO arrived?"

Min Young, confused, replied, "yeah just, but what about him? What happened?" Ji Hyun just rushed towards his office ignoring Min Young's question, she was about to follow Ji Hyun but received a phone call.

Ji Hyun rushed inside Lee Yeon's office with a thud to see Lee Yeon and Shin Joo watching the video and in panic said, "the part 2 is here! A guy named Yang Seo Jin gave this phone to me!

He was in Mr. Lee's office! That guy has kidnapped both Miss Ji A and Mr. Lee Rang and is saying that we have time till 11 am to save them both if we miss saving anyone of them he will kill the person we weren't able to save. Hearing this Lee Yeon went near her and snatched the phone and played the video. He was about to smash the phone but Ji Hyun stopped him saying, "stop sir, this might have evidence."

Lee Yeon sighed and said, "Shin Joo ah go get the team now! we have no time left, only 1½ hour and god knows where he has taken them. Shin Joo nodded and went to call them while Ji Hyun asked, "sorry to ask but what time did you and miss Ji A last met?"

Lee Yeon knowing she is trying to help answered, "around 8:15 I think. She was going to come with me, but her company CEO, probably Ryeon's guy, called her to the office and that's when she was kidnapped. What about Lee Rang?"

Ji Hyun answered, "he dropped me home around 2:30, probably after that. I think he might have taken Lee Rang-nim far and Ji A shi near, because they won't be kept at the same place. What will we do! Police! We should call the police!"

Lee Yeon said, "for now don't panic, police would not be able to do anything, we will not involve them in this and it would be good if you stay out of this one, it's dangerous." Saying this he started to look at the video again. Ji Hyun nodded and said, "well at least let me be with you and help you find any clues."

Saying this she took the phone back and played the video again. Shin Joo who entered said, "the team will send Ji A shi's location in few minutes, we should start moving." Lee Yeon nodded and said, "let's wait for the location, you go there and save Ji A I will go look for Lee Rang. Why did that stupid bastard never wore the tracking device when I told him to!"

Shin Joo said, "Lee Yeon-nim calm down, for now finding him is more important." Lee Yeon sighed in frustration and they started to look at the video and heard train noises. Shin Joo excitedly said, "a place far but near a train station!" Lee Yeon said, "It might be possible, find isolated places near the train station." Ji Hyun then said, "I think that's an audio of a train, a passing train's sound would fade but not echo like this, I think it's an empty place."

Hearing her say this they both listened to the audio and Lee Yeon said, "good observation, Shin Joo, tell the team to find construction sites near Seoul in a 45 minute ride distance! Fast!"

Ji Hyun herself started to google about it and said, "it can be from Osan to Pyeongtaek anywhere I saw some construction sites that are put on hold sir." Saying this she mentioned some sites and said, "let's get going, we have less time."

Shin Joo entered and said, "we found Ji A shi, I sent the team but I'm going there as well." Lee Yeon nodded and said, "okay go fast make sure she is not hurt, take her home I will come there with Lee Rang. Ji Hyun shi I will be the only one going, you go work and remember don't mention this to anyone."

Ji Hyun sighed and said, "yes sir." Lee Yeon rushed out and Ji Hyun was filled with worry, she was going back to her office when she met Min Young, she asked, "yah why did you ran like that? Is everything okay?"

Ji Hyun sighed and said, "it's a family issue, I'm going home, my manager was not here so I rushed to ask Mr. Shin Joo if I can leave or not, I have to go." Min Young nodded and said, "okay you go handle the matter, call me if you need my help, do you want my car to drive home?"

Ji Hyun nodded a no and said, "I don't think I can drive I will take a taxi! Bye!" Saying this Ji Hyun left from there and entered her office seeing her Kim Ji Soo asked, "why did you rush out like that? Is everything okay?"

Ji Hyun nodded a no and said, "my brother is hospitalized I think I will be needed there. Can I perhaps come back after 2 hours?" Kim Ji Soo concerned said, "it's okay you can go I will talk to the manager, try to be back soon!" Ji Hyun nodded and bowed down thanking her she left after taking her bag.

On the entrance she saw Yu Ri coming in, she rushed to her and said, "you wanted to hangout right? The time is right now let's go!" Saying this she started to drag her but Yu Ri said, "yah who do you think you are to drag me like that!?" Ji Hyun dragging her said, "it's about Mr. Lee Rang, follow me, we have to hurry!" Hearing her mention him, Yu Ri followed her.

Ji Hyun took Yu Ri to the parking lot and said, "where is your car? fast!" Yu Ri took her to her car and they sat down. Ji Hyun putting on the seat belt said, "I want you to stay very focused and listen carefully, drive to xx place fast! Mr. Lee Rang has been kidnapped, and I have the possible places listed down so let's go fast! There is no time for panic!" Yu Ri nodded, coming into her senses and started to drive as fast as she could.

Extra Scene

While Ji Hyun was running to Lee Yeon's office she was full of crazy thoughts scared of whats going to happne to Ji A and Lee Rang, she just wished that Lee Yeon would be in his office.

Lee Yeon who started to watch the video tumbled in anger seeing Ji A's unconscious state, 'how could I let her go! What second part is this guy talking about?' as soon as I said, that Ji Hyun entered with a scared face and said, "the second part is here!' I hurried towards her and watching the video I was filled with rage, how did I let my two most important people be in such danger! Just wait Choi Ryeon when you and I face off you will beg for mercy, now you will face my wrath!'

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