Chapter 26

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Irene quietly followed Ji Hyun after few minutes and not seeing her on her desk she looked at Lee Rang’s office and through the small glass she saw Ji Hyun sitting opposite to Lee Rang.

Irene smiled and pulled out her camera and clicked a picture of them. It was nothing that people would doubt Ji Hyun about so Irene knew she has to slowly gather proof.

She decided to collect more proof of her plan and the reveal it so she gets the praises of saving her boss from a gold digger. Satisfied with the picture she went home happily imagining the whole situation in her head.

How she would show Ji Hyun’s true colors to the whole company and Lee Rang would be very grateful to her and they would become closer, she already imagined her happily ever after.

Here Ji Hyun was working and Min Young called. Seeing her call, she looked at Lee Rang. Lee Rang nodded and Ji Hyun picked up the call happily after going a little far.

Ji Hyun happily greeted Min Young. Hearing the cheerful voice Min Young asked, “Oh why are you so happy?”

Ji Hyun replied, “Well I have been missing you, are you off work?” Min Young smiled hearing that and said, “Well I’m gald you miss me, but who wouldn’t and too answer your question yeah I’m, I reached home so thought to call you, wait are you still at office?”

Ji Hyun answered, “Yeah I’m, actually we are doing Friday’s work.” Min Young sighed and said, “Ji Hyun you are such a workaholic!! But if you are alone with Lee Rang than I would understand.”

Ji Hyun sighed and said, “Ah! Not even you! Stop paring me with him, everyone thinks I’m behind him. You know one of my co-” Ji Hyun was about to continue but realizing that she would be wasting her time she said, “Oh I still have work, I will tell you everything later! Bye!!” Saying that she ended her call and returned to her place and started working.

Both of them sighed in relief after fisnihing the pending work. Lee Rang then said, “Remember to give all these documents to Mr. Park. And tomorrow we have a meeting so try to arrive early.”

Ji Hyun nodded and said, “I will keep that in mind, anything else sir?” Lee Rang nodded a no and said, “Let’s go I will drop you.” Ji Hyun remembering Irene’s words said, “Oh no it’s okay sir, I can go on my own.”

Lee Rang, feeling some discomfort in her voice, said, “Well your wish, I offered you a ride because you have to take those bags with you.” Lee Rang finished while pointing at the bags.

Remembering the bags Ji Hyun gasped and said, “Oh I almost forgot about them! I can’t go in public transport, But sir won’t it be tiring for you?” Lee Rang nodded a no and said, “Hmm well how about this, since the meeting is quite early how about you come and get me? Drop me home and come pick me up tomorrow.”

Ji Hyun looked at him shocked. A car! That to such expensive car, she will have to take it home?

Ji Hyun knowing that’s a more practical idea said, “Oh okay I will do that.” Lee Rang smiled knowing that he succeeded and said, “Okay then let’s go.” Ji Hyun carefully took the bags.

They went down and Ji Hyun went to get the car. She puts her bags in the backseat and went to  Lee Rang, she was about to go open the door for him but the security guard did that. Lee Rang got in and puts on his seatbelt seeing that Ji Hyun started to drive the car.

Lee Rang closed his eyes as he was tired. Ji Hyun looked at him and seeing that he has fallen asleep went to the navigation and searched for his home. Getting it she turned on the navigation and went started to drive.

Lee Rang who closed his eyes didn’t even realize that he fell asleep. It was almost impossible to fall asleep when someone else was driving. After a 15 minute ride Ji Hyun stopped the car as they reached Lee Rang’s home.

Ji Hyun looked at him, not wanting to disturb him while he is sleeping. But knowing that’s what she has to do. She said, “Sir, get up, we have reached your house.”

Lee Rang hearing her voice woke up surprised that he actually fell asleep. He knew he could never. But he then said, “Oh I wasn’t asleep, I was tired so I closed my eyes, anyways thank you, and yes take care of my car!”

Ji Hyun said, “Of course sir, I wouldn’t let anything to happen to it. Good night sir.” Lee Rang replied, “Hmm good night.” Saying that he got off the car. Ji Hyun bowing her head went off to her home.

Ji Hyun then searched for her place, she started driving, on the way she yawed and said, “Ah looks like seeing Mr. Lee I’m feeling sleepy too, gotta reach home early so I can sleep. Should I play some music?”

Ji Hyun asked herself.  Then answered, “Oh but it’s sir’s car I shouldn’t use it freely.” Saying that she decided to play music on her phone. Lee Rang, who just got home, wondered how he was able to sleep so easily while someone else was driving. But another voice inside his head said, Ji Hyun wouldn’t be considered as a stranger.

He smiled thinking that, but since he was very sleepy he went to sleep. Here Ji Hyun finally reached home. She went in and saw Ha Eun was still awake. Seeing her she asked, “Oh Ha Eun shi, you are still here?” Ha Eun looking at her came said, “Oh yes, I was waiting for you so I can talk to you.” Ji Hyun nodded and asked, “Is it very important?”

Ha Eun hearing this thought if she should say this right now or not because Ji Hyun did look tired. Ha Eun then said, “Well it can be discussed tomorrow as well, should I heat the dinner while you get freshen up?”

Ji Hyun smiled and said, “Well it’s okay, I’m too tired to eat anything. You should go rest as well. Thank you for your hard work.” Ha Eun smiled and said, “It’s my duty.” Saying that she left and went upstairs to her apartment.

Lee Yeon had rented an apartment above Ji Hyun’s house for Ha Eun so she could easily keep an eye on them and keep Lee Yeon updated.

Extra Scene

Ha Eun while going to get groceries saw Hyun Sik skipping the coaching class he got an admission to after fighting with his parents and was smoking.

Seeing this she thought she can't directly interfere but she should let Him Hyun know, as Hyun Sik is still a minor and he shouldn't be doing such things.

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