Chapter 24

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Yu Ri seeing Ji Hyun said, "Oh Hyunie!! Come sit next to me!!" Ji Hyun smiled and sat beside her. They had bonded over yesterday's events. They both actually felt that they have known each other for years.

Everyone looked at them thinking how they suddenly became close. But keeping that aside they decided to talk about the matter they came here for.

Lee Yeon said, "Since everyone is here I will start the meeting." After a pause he continued, "Well turns out Ryeon had his people in our company to spy on our company's work and deals. I think he will be attacking us in business next and will stop with all these kidnapping games."

Ji Hyun sighed in relief knowing she won't be in any life threatening situations anymore. Lee Yeon then said, "But we will have to be ready for a company war anytime. He can attack the company in any form, fake news, leaking information, snatching deals or stealing designs. We will have to be ready for everything."

Everyone nodded understanding his words. Shin Joo then said, "Oh here, we got your tracking devices ready." Saying that he handed Lee Rang, Yu Ri and Ji Hyun their devices and told them where they have to attach it.

Ji Hyun attached the tracking device to her watch as it was a thing she never went with out. After that Ji A said, "It's better we order food then talk about other things." Lee Yeon smiled and said, "Don't worry the food should be on its way. Yu Ri smiled and said, "Oh thank god! I was hungry!! Oh Ji Hyun shi I brought the stuff we bought. I kept in on your table."

Ji Hyun looked at her shocked and said, "Oh no, you shouldn't keep such expensive things in lose like that what if it gets stolen!!" Saying that she rushed to get the bags. Everyone looked at her through the glass and saw her checking everything and giggled at her innocence, who would do that with so much security. But they didn't say anything to her as she seemed to be so serious about it.

Ji Hyun sighed seeing that everything is there and got the bags inside, she turned to Lee Rang and asked, "Can I keep them here till I go home?" Lee Rang who still had a smile nodded his head as a yes. Ji Hyun happily kept the bags in the corner and sat down.

Lee Rang then wanting to tease Ji Hyun asked, "Hyung, Shin Joo aren't you guys curious on why these two were together? And what they did?" Hearing this Lee Yeon nodded and said, "Oh yes, what's this sudden news of you guys hanging out."

Lee Rang added, "Not only that they even ended up in jail." Ji Hyun looked down scared about everyones reaction while the other three hearing this were in shock.

Yu Ri in defense said, "Well we just beat some sense into perverts. It's not our fault! Rangie stop teasing us already. And seeing that Rangie was interested in Ji-"

Yu Ri stopped mid sentence realizing what she was about to say, Lee Rang glared at her Yu Ri cleared her throat and corrected herself saying, "I mean after the incident I became intrested in her and wanted to know her. Plus I wanted to buy her some gifts as a thank you to save Rangie."

Everyone smiled at her gesture. Lee Rang then said, "Yah Yu Ri you didn't have to do that."

Soon the food came and they all talked, while Ji Hyun listened to their stories with a smile. It was fun to hear the Lee brothers have so much fun in their childhood and seeing Lee Yeon feed Lee Rang a boiled egg she giggled.

She then remembered Hyun Sik and thought, 'would we have a good bound like them if the family situations were better?' She came out of her thoughts when Ji A said, "Now it's better I leave." Hearing this everyone nodded and Lee Yeon said, "Yes I have to go to a meeting in thirty minutes as well." Yu Ri got up and said, "I will get back to my company as well."

All of them left and Ji Hyun got up and cleaned he boxes away. After throwing it she was about to leave when Lee Rang stopped her and said, "I thought you were a great human, but it seems like Ji Hyun accepted a bribe to save me, so you had an ulterior motive to save me."

Ji Hyun nodded a no and said, "No!! Yu Ri shi forced those things on me, I'm grateful that she brought me things but I didn't want them." Seeing her reply like that Lee Rang smiled and said, "Oye calm down, I'm just teasing you."

Ji Hyun sighed and said, "Sir please stop teasing me~~ Since morning you seem to enjoy teasing me!" Lee Rang chuckled and said, "I can't stop, I like seeing your reactions they make me happy." Ji Hyun looked up and blushed at his words and asked, "Huh?" Lee Rang cleared his throat and said, "I meant it's a good time pass, you can go now."

Ji Hyun went out. Irene, who was looking for her, saw her coming out and seeing the slight blush in her face asked, "What were you doing in sir's cabin?" Ji Hyun looked at her in confusion and asked, "Why do you ask so?"

Irene cleared her throat and said, "Well I was just curious, I thought sir had a meeting but it seems like you guys were alone." Ji Hyun glared at her and said, "What do you want to say?" Irene looking at her expression sighed and said, "I just meant that you can't date Mr. Lee, he is out of your league."

Ji Hyun hearing her words said, "How delusional are you to think I would date him when I just started working here? And I don't think it's any of your business whether I'm alone with him or not or am I dating him or not. Now if you excuse me I have work to do."

Saying this Ji Hyun went to her seat and sat down. She was angry at how anyone would think such things and whispered, "People don't really use logic these days. I can't believe people think I would date Mr. Lee, I don't even know him properly. Seriously people like to imagine and gossip so much that their brain is filled with shit like this. I don't have any choice, I'm with him to save my life! Not to date!"

Ji Hyun then started to do her work trying to get what happened out of her head.

Extra Scene

Lee Yeon after greeting a goodbye to Ji A turned to Shin Joo and said, "Looks like Lee Rang is opening up to Ji Hyun. I can't wait to tease him!! I can finally take my revenge on him, troubling me all the time! What do you think, Shin Joo? I should start thinking of good dialogues."

Shin Joo smiled and said, "I will fully support you Lee Yeon nim!! I'm really happy to see you get close again."

Lee Yeon smiled and said, "So am I. I feel like what's happening isn't that bad! I finally got to make up with that annoying brat!"

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