Chapter 6

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Waking up Ji Hyun got ready for the day, she wore the dress Min Young gifted her. She went to the kitchen, cooking a simple breakfast she left for her job, all nervous and excited, she then remembered about how she offended the COO, but she brushed it off, deciding she will just avoid meeting him as much as she can. 

Ji Hyun got down and saw Min Young standing there with a car. Seeing that Ji Hyun smiled and said, “UwU someone got a new car~~” Min Young smiled and said, “and don't you look beautiful!? Appa gave it to me saying it will save my time. Get in or we will get late.” Ji Hyun nodded and they got in the car. 

They enjoyed their ride with some music. Ji Hyun turned to Min Young and said, “yah don’t come to pick me up everyday, it will be a hussle for you.”  Min Young smiled and said, “hmm okay, but tell me when you need a ride, I will come pick you up.” Ji Hyun smiled and replied, “oh I will.” 

They reached the office and telling their names to the receptionist, they showed their internship email. The receptionist smiled and guided them to their assigned department so they can get their ID card and know what they have to do. 

First Min Young was guided to her department as it was below Ji Hyun, they both bidded a goodbye and then the receptionist guided Ji Hyun to the department and left. Ji Hyun went inside and greeted the person. Seeing her they said, “oh it’s you Kim Ji Hyun, we have lots of expectations from you! You were one of the best candidates.” Ji Hyun smiled at the compliment and bowed again and said, “thank you sir! I will work hard to meet your expectations.” 

The manager giving her ID card said, “you will work in my team. We are team 1, there are total 4 teams. And yes we work with the COO Lee Rang. We choose you in this team as we noticed you specialized in management plus you have a good sense in handling problems.” Ji Hyun panicked at the thought of working with the COO but said, “okay! I will do my best!”

The manager smiled and said, “oh how can I forget to introduce myself, I’m Park Seo Jin.” Ji Hyun smiled and said, “nice to meet you Manager Park.” Manager Park nodded and then took her to introduce the workplace and the work she has to do, after explaining everything he asked, “any questions?” 

Ji Hyun nodded and asked, “is there any one who will be an intern in this team?” Mr. Park smiled and answered, “no we have divided the interns into their specialty and there are other 3 interns in this department but they are in different teams.” 

Ji Hyun nodded understanding and Mr. Park said, “if you have any questions or you need anything ask Kim Ji Soo will help you. I will go now.” Ji Hyun nodded and Mr. Park left, Ji Hyun sighed and sat down, she then looked at the files that were kept for her and went through them. Getting a good understanding she started to work. 

One of the worker came and seeing her work already said, “looks like you already know what to do.” Ji Hyun turned to the voice and got up greeting her, “hello I’m the new intern Kim Ji Hyun. I’m in your care.” 

The lady smiled and said, “hello I’m Kim Ji Soo, nice to meet you. Let’s work well together.” Both of them shared a smile and started their work. Soon the other employees came and they introduced each other. 

Here Shin Joo entered Lee Rang’s office and said, “yah you should at least great the interns that are under you!” Lee Rang looked at Shin Joo annoyed and said, “I don’t want to.” 

Shin Joo sighed and said, “let’s go before I call Lee Yeon.” Lee Rang got up annoyed and said, “why can't you guys just leave me alone!! I don’t wanna work anymore.” 

Lee Yeon entered and said, “I knew you would say that! If you want to be like that, then I will cease your cards.” Hearing this Lee Rang said, “yah Hyung now you are blackmailing me! Two can play this game!” 

Lee Yeon sighed and said, “I’m doing this for your own good! Lying around and playing games won’t make you successful.” Lee Rang sighed and said, “aren’t you making enough!? Why do I have to do this?” 

Lee Yeon sighed and said, “will you ever try to understand why I tell you to do these things?” Lee Rang angrily replied, “and will you ever try to understand me?” 

Looking at the things getting heated Shin Joo sighed and said, “both of you guys stop this please! Lee Yeon nim, I think it’s better you go now.” Lee Yeon looked at Shin Joo who nodded at him assured and left.

Shin Joo looked at Lee Rang and said, “Lee Yeon is serious this time, he might really block your cards as it's orders from her to not tolerate such behavior of yours, but you know he can’t force you to do things you don’t want to. So why don’t you make a deal with him?”

Lee Rang interested said, “continue!” Shin Joo then said, “tell him you will work seriously for 6 months and if you still don’t want to work you can quit.” Lee Rang smiled and said, “well okay, if he agrees after six months I will be free!” Saying this he got up and with Shin Joo and left to meet the new interns. 

They started with team 4. Lee Rang met them with a professional smile on, and encouraged them with some sugar courted words, after meeting the 3 teams, only team 1 was left. Lee Rang stopped for a second realizing Ji Hyun will be at the team and remembered their yesterday’s conversation. 

But he brushed it off and putting on a confident face he entered the room of team 1. Seeing him everyone got up and greeted him, while Ji Hyun bowed a little more so she could hide herself. 

Lee Rang nodded at them and they all stood straight, Lee Rang talked with them a little and said, “oh welcome to the company Kim Ji Hyun. Make sure the you don’t mess up.” Ji Hyun felt bad about how he talked, it reminded her of her parents but said, “I will try my best to meet everyone's expectations.” 

Lee Rang nodded and left with Shin Joo, everyone had a sigh of relief and sat down, Kim Ji Soo seeing the worried expression on Ji Hyun face said, “don’t worry to much, he is always like this, you will do good. You won’t believe it’s a big deal that he even came to greet you.” Ji Hyun smiled at her words and nodded in reply.

Extra Scene 

After meeting with other teams Lee Rang came to meet team one, seeing Ji Hyun he thought, ‘so she ended up getting that dress, well it doesn't look that bad. No Lee Rang! You shouldn't care about her! Stop thinking about her.'

After telling her not to mess up he looked at her to see how she reacted, seeing her think about something while having a pout made him smile, but controlling his emotions he left from there and thought, ‘well let's see till how much time I'm interested in her, yeah soon I will be bored anyways. The sooner the better.’

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