Chapter 44

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After dinner everyone decided to go their own ways. Yu Ri leaving with Shin Joo gestured to Lee Rang to ask Ji Hyun out today. Lee Rang just nodded a yes and shuus her away. Yu Ri smiled knowing they would start dating and went with Shin Joo happily.

Sitting inside the car Ji Hyun lets out a happy sigh of relief. Seeing her delighted Lee Rang smiled.

While putting on his seatbelt Lee Rang asked, “Would you like to go for a drive?” Ji Hyun smiled hearing his offer and said, “Of course! I would love to enjoy this night longer.”

Lee Rang decided to drive to the Han River. They both were comfortable in the silence, actually both were thinking about what to say while they asked out the other person.

Lee Rang parked the car at the see-sight point of Han River. They both saw the view for a few seconds.

Ji Hyun seeing the night view said, “No matter how many times I watch this view I always feel calm.”

After a pause gathering her courage Ji Hyun said, “Umm sir? I have something to tell you.”

Lee Rang, thinking it would be about work or about Friday, nodded and said, “Well go on, after you speak even I have something to say.” Ji Hyun smiled and said, “Well sir, what I want to say isn’t different from you. I wanted to ask if you will be my boyfriend.”

Lee Rang widened his eyes hearing her confession. Ji Hyun then continued, “Sir, I started to enjoy life more and feel more special after meeting you. Plus the way you always care for me, I'm very grateful that I had a chance to know such a wonderful and gentle man like you. I noticed how you care so much but don't show it much, I love how you are not scared about speaking your mind. I just wanted to say that slowly everything about you made me fall in love with you. So will you be the Marshmallow to my hot chocolate and make my life tastier?”

Lee Rang was shocked hearing her confession, he was never expecting to hear this from her, smiled emotionally at her words and asked, “Can I kiss you?” Ji Hyun blushed at the sudden request but nodded a yes. Lee Rang quickly leaned in for a kiss.

Lee Rang kissed Ji Hyun very passionately, pouring all his emotions in the kiss. After breaking the kiss they touched each other's forehead and caught a breath.

Lee Rang then said, “Ji Hyun shi, I’m sure you got my answer, but still I would like to tell you, you made me feel special, you make me wanna be a better man. Being with you made me want you more, knowing you and spending more time with you made me want to be with you longer. Then slowly you started living in my mind and body, making me only think about you and you became very important to me! So will you accept my feelings?”

Ji Hyun looked at him emotionally and nodded yes and said, “Yes sir! I will take all your feelings.” and smiles after saying that. Lee Rang smiled as well and giving her a peak on her lips broke their touch and leaned backwards to take something.

He then pulled out a bouquet and gave it to Ji Hyun. Seeing the flower bouquet Ji Hyun let out a small gasp in surprise and took the bouquet happily and said, “Thank you sir, they are beautiful.”

Lee Rang seeing her cute smile ruffled her hair and said, “I’m glad they are your taste.”

Ji Hyun just smiled sweetly and taking out her phone she clicked a picture of the bouquet and sent it to Min Young. Keeping the phone silent she kept it aside and said, “Sir you know, I used to think you hate me.”

Lee Rang looked at her and having a guess replied, “Why because I pushed you away?” Ji Hyun nodded a yes and said, “Yeah, but then I realized it must have been a misunderstanding.”

Lee Rang looked at her intensely and took a strand of her hair and said, “Well I didn’t hate you, in fact it was the opposite, I actually found myself being attracted to you, so wanting to stop those feelings I pushed you away.” 

Ji Hyun was shocked hearing that and a little confused so she asked, “Wait so you're telling me you were interested in me from the time I started working?”

Lee Rang nodded a no and replied, “Even before that.” Seeing Ji Hyun’s expression like he said something unbelievable Lee Rang continued, “Remember before you did the job interview, you had a guy who was trying to get money from the cafe you worked at by saying that a staff dropped coffee on his expensive suit?”

Ji Hyun kept a hand on her mouth in surprise and said, “From then? Wow! I didn’t even know you were there! So you already knew me during the interview, wow!”

Lee Rang smiled and said, “Hmm, I was in denial at first, but you! Your charm, your eyes, your smile, the way you see life, the way you shine pulled me closer to you and I couldn’t help but falling in love.”

Ji Hyun who was looking at Lee Rang the whole time, seeing the honesty in his eyes made her a little emotional. She let out a sob as this was something no one has ever told her. But she looked at him and smiled.

They just sat there for a few minutes just looking at the view. Ji Hyun yawned and looked at the time. Seeing it was two am. She said, “Sir, how about we go home? It's late, plus we have to work tomorrow.”

Lee Rang, not wanting to be away from her, said, “I don't want to, how about you come and stay at my house for the night?”

Ji Hyun chuckled and said, “Good joke sir, now let's go, I'm sleepy as well.”

Lee Rang sighed and nodded his head and said, “Okay let's go, I will  drop you to Min Young's house.” Saying that he started to drive.

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