chapter 43

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Next Evening

Ji Hyun was ready to go to the surprise proposal. Lee Rang would be coming any minute now. Min Young was more excited than Ji Hyun, while she was nervous.

The bell rang. Ji Hyun held back her breath gathering courage to go towards the door. Min Young pulled Ji Hyun up and said, "Get going girl!! Remember your plan! And make me proud!!!!" Saying that she started to walk behind her.

Ji Hyun nervously nodded and walked towards the door. They saw in the camera it was Lee Rang. Min Young squealed in excitement and opened the door and greeted him. Lee Rang greeted back normally, since their families were closed they had dinner together often and visited each other's family house as well.

Lee Rang's eyes then fell upon Ji Hyun. Seeing him he smiled softly. Ji Hyun went closer and said, "Hello Sir." Min Young glared at her for calling him sir, Ji Hyun tried her best to ignore the glares.

Lee Rang nodded and said, "Well let's get going, or else we will be late." Ji Hyun nodded and turned to Min Young. She said her goodbye and they went to his car.

Min Young watched him take her. Seeing him open the door for her and put a hand so she wouldn't get hurt clapped her hands in excitement. And seeing them go she wished Ji Hyun good luck.

After Lee Rang started driving he said, "Well you are looking pretty good in this." Ji Hyun smiled and said, "Thank you for the compliment."

Lee Rang just nodded his head and asked, "Are you feeling better?" Ji Hyun, knowing he was referring to the incident that happened on Friday said, "Yes sir, I'm feeling better! Thank you for the concern, but were you okay with the incident? I was so busy in my thoughts I didn't ask you."

Lee Rang wanting to tell her that he was beyond okay held himself back as he thought it's better if he confessed his feelings while they go back but said, "Well I'm okay since I always deal with such things."

Ji Hyun nodded her head. Lee Rang's phone rang constantly, and it looked like someone was messaging him. Lee Rang driving said, "Can you check who it is? It could be Hyung, he might need something."

Ji Hyun nodded and checked the phone, since there were multiple messages she couldn't read them so she was about to ask the password when Lee Rang said, "It's 0681."

Ji Hyun smiled and entering the password she started to read the messages and said, "Oh looks like we will have to get a bouquet of flowers a cake and some party crackers, Mr. Shin Joo forgot the bouquet for Mr. Lee and the cake and party crackers would be from our side as a surprise."

Lee Rang sighed and said, "I don't understand how my brother likes him when he is so dumb!" Saying that he made a u-turn to buy the things. While Ji Hyun said, "You shouldn't say such things sir, that's rude."

Lee Rang looked at her with a smile and said, "Okay okay I won't say such things." Parking the car as they reached the place said, "Let's get down." Ji Hyun nodded and got down and walking beside him said, "It's a good thing the shops were near us."

Lee Rang nodded and they decided to buy things separately so they could shop fast. Lee Rang sent Ji Hyun to the cake shop after telling her their favorite cake and told her to wait as he will pay for it.

While Lee Rang went to buy some flowers. After buying the flowers and keeping them in the car he went to the cake shop. After getting the things they went to the restaurant, hoping they weren't very late.

They reached there and were about to go in when Shin Joo and Yu Ri dragged them towards the staff entry and got them in. Shin Joo looking at the requested items said, "Thank you so much for buying the things!"

They both just nodded and Ji Hyun asked, "So when do we go in?" Shin Joo replied, "Well Hye Ja imo will call us in." Ji Hyun nodded in reply. WHile they waited Yu Ri went towards Ji Hyun and hugged her and said, "Nice to meet you again! I have so many things I have to talk about with you. Especially about some gossip I heard." Saying that she hit Ji Hyun's shoulder playfully.

Before Ji Hyun could say anything Hye Ja came to them and gestured to them to come in quietly. They all quietly followed her and stopped after seeing Lee Yeon about to propose. Ji Hyun quickly removed her phone and started recording it.

Here Lee Yeon and Ji ah came in and were "waiting for their order" When Lee Yeon started to propose Ji ah.

Lee Yeon said, "Ji ah thank you for coming into my life and making it more special! Loving you made me live my life more, spending time with you always made me thank the God that got us together. From the moment I fell in love with you I knew you were the person I would love to share my mint chocolate ice cream with you for the lifetime, so Nam Ji ah, will you marry me?"

Ji ah was emotional hearing the confession, tears filled her eyes. She smiled ear to ear and replied, "Yes I will marry you Lee Yeon."

Hearing the yes Shin Joo and Lee Rang crackers the party crackers while Hye Ja who took the cake toi light up the candles brought the cake. They all went to the couple and said, "Congratulations!!!!"

While Ji Ah's parents and the people working with Ji ah, Choi Suk Tae, Pyo Jae Hwan and Kim Sae Rom came in from the front door and said, "Congratulations!"

Seeing all of them Ji Ah smiled happily and asked, "Oh was this all pre planned." Lee Yeon nodded and said, "Yeah I decided to call all our close family friends."

Ji Ah smiled and said, "Thank Lee Yeon I loved it." Lee Yeon just nodded. Ji Ah's parents went to hug Ji Ah and congratulate her while others made a circle around them.

The new couple cut the cake and they all had dinner. Ji Ah while eating said, "You were clever this time, I didn't have even the slightest idea that you were planning something!"

Lee Yeon wiggled his eyebrows in pride and said, "Of course, after all I'm Lee Yeon."

Everyone chatted with each other. Ji Hyun then said, "Well I had recorded you proposing ma'am, it will be so awesome to play that at your wedding, you proposed in such a sweet way!"

Ji Ah's mother asked, "Oh dear you did? Can you show it to me? Since we were outside we couldn't hear everything properly." Ji Hyun nodded and getting up she went to show them the video. All gathered around her so they could see the footage again.

While the couple in the video sat there embarrassed about being recorded. Sae Rom seeing the video said, "We always knew Lee Yeon nin was a romantic but this is so sweet! I wish even Jae Hwan would propose to me like this!!"

Hye Ja nodded in agreement and said, "I know who wouldn't like being proposed like that, even my honey proposed me with such sweet words!"

Everyone cheered for them and asked them to speak about it and their love story. The whole dinner went with hearing Ji Ah's parents and Hye Ja and Suk Tae's love story.

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