Chapter 7

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On the way to Lee Yeon’s office Shin Joo asked, “yah why did you talked with the team 1 intern rudely?” Lee Rang looked at him and answered, “no reason, let’s go fast, I want to make the deal with Hyung.” 

Shin Joo didn’t say anything after that as he knew Lee Rang didn’t want to talk about anything till the deal was made, and he had to make sure it goes according to the plan.

Lee Rang entered Lee Yeon’s office and said, “let’s make a deal.” Lee Yeon looked at him seriously and asked, “first tell me what it is.” Lee Rang nodded and said, “I will work in the company for six months seriously, but if I still don’t like working here I will quit and you can’t force me to work.” 

Lee Yeon hearing this asked, “what will I have in this deal? Isn’t it pointless? It’s in your advantage I’m sure you will quit anyways.” Hearing this Lee Rang answered, “well in this six months I might like it and start working, this is all I can offer. So deal?” 

Lee Yeon thought for a second and said, “okay then deal, but only if you agree even if you still don’t like this job, then I want you to start searching for a thing you can do.” Lee Rang thought, ‘well I have six months to think of a plan.’ 

Lee Rang gave his world famous smirk face and said, “okay deal! Now I will go I have work to do.” Lee Yeon smiled and said, “as you wish.” Lee Rang nodded and left. 

It was lunchtime and the team decided to have lunch together since the new intern came. While they were going out team 2 came along as well, they decided to have lunch together. Ji Hyun messaged Min Young that she is having a team dinner so it’s better to meet at night. Min Young said that even she is having lunch with her team and agreed to meet later. 

Sitting together they all introduced their self to both the interns and chatted, while talking the team 2 leader said, “I was shocked to see Mr. Lee coming in our office and saying encouraging words to the intern, he said such sweet words like all the best, enjoy your time here and I hope this is a good experience for you. I heard it from other teams as well that he visited the other interns as well.” 

Hearing this team one looked at each other and then at Ji Hyun because the words Lee Rang said were definitely different. But Ji Soo smiled and said, “I know right it was quite shocking, but this year interns do look more promising so of course they deserve such words of encouragement.” All nodded while both the interns just smiled. 

Ji Hyun then thought, ‘I knew it he hates me because I said those words yesterday! I should have just kept quite! My big mouth always causes trouble. It’s better I not say anything which is not required, or else even my team will be offended.’ Thinking this she ate her lunch quietly.

It has been two weeks since then. Lee Rang started to work seriously without throwing any tantrums and Ji Hyun who had fully understood her role worked pretty well, she would always make her team members shocked, seeing her capability would always amaze them. She was learning quickly and so they decided after her first month is complete they will offer her to share her ideas as well. 

Ji Hyun had now adjusted with the work style she had, she was happy working here as she learned lot of things, she even liked her co workers, they were all nice and understanding. 

Yu Ri came to the office today since she didn’t hear from Lee Rang for two weeks. She looked at Shin Jin who was working out of his office and in anger said, “yah what did you and Lee Yeon do to force Rangie to work like this!?” 

Shin Joo looking at her said, “we never forced him, it was his decision, you can ask him.” Yu Ri turned around and entered the office and saw Lee Rang working seriously.

Seeing him like that she asked, “yah what happened? Why did you suddenly turn all serious?” Lee Rang looked up and seeing her he answered, “Hyung was annoying me about working seriously so I made a deal with him, if I don’t like here even after 6 months I can quit and he won’t force me.” 

Yu Ri smiled and said, “oh that was a good deal, you can be free after 6 months!” Lee Rang smiled and said, “yes! I’m happy with the deal, plus since I know what to do better, the work is easy now. This 6 months will go smoothly, plus I have something that might keep me entertained.” 

Yu Ri smiled and asked, “what are you talking about?” To which Lee Rang answered, “there is something.” Yu Ri just nodded and asked, “So when can we hang out?” Lee Rang looked at her and said, “let’s hang out this weekend.” Yu Ri smiled and said, “okay then you concentrate on your plan I will go now.” Lee Rang nodded and she went away.

Going out she looked at Shin Joo working with concentration and smiled but came out of thoughts and said, “you and Lee Yeon better not do anything or else I won’t spare you!” 

Shin Joo looked at her and said, “as I said before we won’t do anything! Can you just go away and let me do my work?” Yu Ri tched in annoyance and went away, she bumped into Ji Hyun who came there to give Shin Joo some files, Ji Hyun bowed down and apologized a few times, Yu Ri just annoyed said, “stop it, it's okay!” saying that she left. 

Ji Hyun sighed thinking she annoyed someone yet again, but handed the file to Shin Joo. Shin Joo smiled at her and said, “thank you, ignore her, she was just annoyed with me and talked to you rudely.” Ji Hyun hearing this smiled and said, “it’s okay, I didn’t mind it.” 

Shin Joo smiled and said, “I heard you are working quite well, I hope you are comfortable here.” Ji Hyun nodded and said, “thank you. Yes I’m comfortable, I like all my sumbae’s they are very helpful.” Shin Joo nodded and said, “that’s good.” Ji Hyun nodded and bowed down a little as she left. 

Shin Joo then giving the files to Lee Rang and saw him concentrated in his work and smiled while leaving the files. He then went to Lee Yeon’s office and said, “your plan worked, and he is working more seriously than we thought. And the interns under Lee Rang are pretty impressive. This year's batch is really good,  especially the intern named Kim Ji Hyun, she has shown good results though for some reason Lee Rang doesn't like her.”

Hearing this Lee Yeon asked, “what do you mean?” To which Shin Joo answered, “while greeting other interns he at least showed a smile and said encouraging words, but when we met team 1 he rudely told her not to mess up.”

Hearing this Lee Yeon smiled and said, "is that so, I see don't worry at least he won't trouble her or do anything bad.” Shin Joo nodded and said, “okay then I will go.” Lee Yeon nodded and Shin Joo left.  

Lee Yeon smiled knowing just why he acted that way with her and said, “so my baby brother  might finally be interested in someone. Let’s see how it turns out.”

Extra scene 

It was the weekend, Lee Rang and Yu Ri visited the café to have a drink after their outing, it was evening time. Ji Hyun was working but by her “luck” had to serve them their order.

Seeing her both thanked for the coffee and Lee Rang kept a straight face, after Ji Hyun went Yu Ri said, "ah why do I feel I have seen her somewhere." 

Hearing this Lee Rang answered, "probably near my office she is an intern at our company." Yu Ri nodded, getting her answer and focused on her food. 

Next Monday while Lee Rang was working he again thought of Ji Hyun working at the café. He decided to ask his brother something and went to Lee Yeon's office. 

Seeing him enter Lee Yeon sarcastically  asked, “what happened? Want to cancel our deal already? Lee Rang, ignoring that, asked, “yah Hyung is our internship salary less?” 

Hearing this question Lee Yeon stared at Lee Rang for a minute and answered, “no in fact we are one of the few companies that offer a paid internship and we have the highest internship salary, why do you ask?” 

Lee Rang hearing the answer thought, ‘then why does she still do that job? Oh well who cares’ and answered, “oh I just wanted to know, nothing else. I will go now.” 

Saying that he left, Lee Yeon smiled and thought, ‘Is it related to Kim Ji Hyun? Looks like my brother is definitely interested in her. I should share this with Ji A.' Lee Yeon was happy about this and focused on his work with a good mood. 

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