Chapter 33

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Ji Hyun rang the bell and waited for the door to open when suddenly.......

A deep voice greeted her, "Ah it's you." Ji Hyun froze hearing the deep voice, Lee Rang opened the door and said, "The passcode is 3012, so just come in whenever you want." Ji Hyun nodded still surprised with his morning voice, she never thought his voice would be so deep.

She quietly followed him in, noticing her not speaking Lee Rang asked, "What happened? Why are you not speaking anything?"

Ji Hyun said, "A- Ah go- good morning sir! It's just that I was thinking I came a little to early." Lee Rang smiled and said, "No you are on time, I would love you waking me up everyday."

Ji Hyun blushed lightly and clearing her throat she said, "Sir stop teasing me in the morning and go get ready."

Lee Rang smirked and asked, "So am I allowed to flirt with you after mornings?" Saying that he went away to get ready while Ji Hyun took out a bottle from the fridge and had water and sat down on the cough.

After the few minutes of silence Ji Hyun started to feel sleepy and her head started to fall down. She slowly fell asleep not even knowing it. After ten minutes Lee Rang came and saw her asleep. He smiled looking at her and going near her he kneeled down and saw her face.

Lee Rang smiled feeling great happiness, seeing her like that he kept looking at her. But seeing her move he got up quickly and said, "Good morning Ji Hyun shi! Looks like you didn't get enough sleep last night."

Ji Hyun woke up hearing his voice and got up causing them to be very close to each other, both backed away a little and Ji Hyun said, "Sorry sir, it's just that it was so quite that I fell asleep. Let's go?"

Lee Rang nodded and said, "Yeah let's go, but if you want to wash your face before we go, the washroom is there." He pointed towards the washroom.

Ji Hyun nodded and went to the washroom thinking she drooled and looking at the mirror she saw she didn't and sighed in relief and washing her face she went out and said, "I'm ready sir, let's go. Oh wait we have to do something."

Saying this she took the first aid and said, "Sir, let me change the bandage for you." Lee Rang nodded and sat down, today he was ready to obey every command Ji Hyun made.

Lee Rang was looking at Ji Hyun and noticed how carefully she was treating him as if he would break with any pressure. While Ji Hyun wanted to make sure his hand gets treated, she was guilty about how he ended up getting hurt instead of her.

After she was done bandaging she said, "Done! Now we can go!" Lee Rang smiled and said, "Yeah, thank you!" Ji Hyun shook her head side ways and said, "I should be the one thanking you sir, you saved me! Looks like you are my saviour, first you came to same me from that pervet now this."

Lee Rang smiled and said, "Than you must be my saviour as well! First you came to save my from danger then because we met you, I got closer to my brother."

Ji Hyun nodded a no and said, "You git close to him again because you wanted to, I was just a way." Lee Rang smiled at her words and said, "Well miss saviour don't worry about my hand it will heal in no time, because you did everything with so much care and love!"

Ji Hyun blushed at the word love and said, "Sir now stop teasing me already! You had enough fun with that! Now let's go."

Lee Rang nodded and asked, "Oh but where is my breakfast?" Ji Hyun smiled and said, "Don't worry, I made it, it's in the bag, I thought I would serve you but you weren't ready and it's time we reach the office so, I thought you better have it there! You know even I skipped my breakfast!"

Lee Rang smiled and said, "Oh then it's a breakfast date?" Ji Hyun rolled her eyes and said, "Let's go now!" Saying this she took her bag and started walking out.

Lee Rang taking the car keys walked out as well. They had small talks during the ride, but today Lee Rang's energy was different, he had realized that he liked Ji Hyun. He was very happy and excited about today. He wanted to spend more time with her.

They reached the company and walked to his office. The team asked how Lee Rang's hand is now. Lee Rang smiled and said, "Thank you for worrying, but it's all better, I received a good treatment."

Saying that he left after taking a quick look at Ji Hyun. Ji Hyun bit her lips shyly and greeting everyone she went to her seat, keeping her bag down, she went and made coffee for Lee Rang and herself.

Irene then asked, "Should I go and explain him the deal?" Manager Park answered, "Go after sometime he just came, and make sure you don't fall." Manager Park made a light joke, everyone giggled and Eun Jae said, "Sir come on! She is already embarrassed you shouldn't joke like that!"

Manager Park nodded and said, "I'm really sorry Irene don't take it to heart!" Irene faked a sweet smile and said, "Come on sir I know you were just joking!"

Ji Hyun finished making the coffee and carefully took the tray to her table and keeping her coffee on her table and taking out the gimbap for Lee Rang she kept it in a tray and went to his office.

Going in she said, "Sir your breakfast." Lee Rang looked up and came to her and said, "Ohh you better be careful Ji Hyun shi, wait let me come there."

Ji Hyun smiled and kept the tray at his table. Seeing only his coffee he asked, "Oh where is your coffee?" Ji Hyun smiled and said, "Sir I will have my breakfast out, at my seat."

Lee Rang nodded a no and said, "Get your breakfast here, I want to discuss something with you."

Ji Hyun sighed and said, "Okay sir now stop with all your fooling around, I won't fall for that."

Lee Rang turned serious and said, "No I'm serious, I want to talk to you about a matter." Ji Hyun seeing his expression said, "Okay sir I will be back!" Saying this Ji Hyun went to get her breakfast while thinking what Lee Rang wanted to talk about. 

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