Chapter 11

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Ji Hyun knocked on Lee Rang’s door, hearing a come in she entered and kept the coffee on the table saying, “your morning coffee sir. ”She was about to leave.

Lee Rang who was looking down as he thought it was Shin Joo who came to keep some file but hearing Ji Hyun's voice he looked up and said, “but I never asked for the coffee, if you are doing this because you are thankful or anything like that then don’t come again and just because I asked for coffee once doesn’t mean you -” 

Lee Rang paused in between, not wanting to hurt her feelings more, then said, “anyways I don’t want to spread fake rumors about me! I don't want you to be near me without any reasons, do you understand!?” 

Ji Hyun looked at him puzzled as she was confused why he was saying this when he himself ordered me t- leaving the thoughts aside she answered, “yes I got it, sorry for the inconvenience.” She bowed a little and left. Ji Hyun was about to talk with secretary Shin, but she didn’t find him so she left from there deciding to talk with him later. 

Lee Rang here looked at the door after Ji Hyun left and thought, ‘I was rude to her again, well it was for her safety if anyone saw us like that her life might be in danger, I never knew Choi Ryeon was keeping so close eye on us,  I underestimated him!  But why is he doing this? Anyways, so I don’t need to feel bad for being rude with her, instead she should be grateful.’ Assuring himself he started to do his work.

Here the lady who delivered the juice talked on the phone and said, “sir Kim Ji Hyun delivers coffee to Lee Rang daily. I saw her going to his office with my own eyes, plus she was there for some time.”

Hyo Seop, hearing this said, “okay good, then do what we have instructed you tonight. I will send men to help you. I want no mistakes, do you understand?” So Young replied, “yes sir. I will do as said, and make sure everything goes as planned.” 

Hyo Seop ended the call and turned to a person and said, “this girl seems close to Lee Rang, she was seen delivering food to him twice as well, He visits the café she works at regularly and it was confirmed that she was the girl he saved from that stalker. Let’s see how he will react and how Lee Yeon reacts seeing his younger brother sad.” 

The person hearing this smiled evilly and said, “that’s good then, I want to see them suffer every second! Make sure everything goes as planned.” Hyo Seop bowed and said, “yes sir, don’t worry I will make sure of that.” Hyo Seop left after saying this.

Ji Hyun came back to her seat in thoughts as to why secretary Shin lied or was it Lee Rang who changed his mind, but thought her boss might have not liked seeing her as he already hates her. She resumed her work not wanting to fall behind. 

At night after her shift at the café  was over, she was got ready to go home when she called Min Young, but she didn’t pick up so ending the call she sat on her cycle ready to go home when she saw the ajuma who has been delivering juice at her office, she was sitting down on the footpath holding her leg. Ji Hyun keeping the cycle back went towards her as she seemed to need help. 

Reaching there she asked, “ajuma what happened? Are you okay.” So Young looked at her and said, “oh you are the nice girl, what are you doing here so late at night?” Ji Hyun answered, “I just finished my job, but are you okay?” 

So Young answered, “oh yes, I just sprained my leg, I couldn’t walk with this heavy bag so sat down.” Ji Hyun looked at her with concern and said, “wait I will get a taxi for you! We should go to the hospital to get you checked.” Saying that Ji Hyun helped So Young to get up.

So Young smiled and said, “you are such a nice person! Here take this as a thank you, or else I will feel bad.” So Young said removing a bottle from her bag. Ji Hyun nodded a no and said, “oh there is no need of this.” So Young insisted and said, “please take it, plus doing work so late I’m sure you would be tired and hungry, take it.” 

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