Chapter 28

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Ji Hyun after seeing that the tie is perfect said, "Done!" she walked few steps back and said, "Sir have your breakfast, you have about twenty minutes. I have already gave the files you mentioned yesterday to Mr. Park."

Lee Rang nodded and asked, "Umm Ji Hyun shi, what about your breakfast?" Ji Hyun smiled at his concern and said, "I have more. Oh sir should I remake your coffee, it's probably gone cold now."

Lee Rang nodded a no and said, "It's okay, it's just been a minute and thank you for the sandwich." Ji Hyun smiled and said, "No problem sir, we will leave in around fifteen minutes." Saying that Ji Hyun bowed and taking Lee Yeon's coffee she went away.

Seeing her sandwich she decided to have the coffee with the sandwich and quickly ate 2 pieces.

While eating she checked Lee Rang's schedule again. After that she checked the file of the meeting so Lee Rang doesn't miss any important point.

She checked the clock and knocked on the door. Hearing a come in she went in and said, "Sir I think we should get going." Lee Rang nodded and they left.

Ji Hyun was driving the car and saw her brother's coaching institute and seeing that she said, "Oh that's where my brother goes to study." Lee Rang just nodded. Ji Hyun realizing she was with her boss said, "Oh I apologize I talked something useless, sir are the concepts clear to you?"

Lee Rang whispered, 'well I don't mind you talking about anything.' Ji Hyun not able to hear ask, "Yes sir?" Lee Rang replied, "Oh yes I have the concept clear."

Ji Hyun nodded and parked the car. Parking the car she said, "Wait sir." Getting out she hurriedly open his car door. Seeing that Lee Rang looked at Ji Hyun and said, "Thank you for opening the door, but don't do that again."

Ji Hyun thinking he didn't like it nodded and said, "Okay sir, I shall keep that in mind." After Ji Hyun locked the car they went to the meeting.

The meeting ended and they went back to the car. Ji Hyun was about to go to the driving seat but Lee Rang said, "I want to drive." Ji Hyun gave the car keys to him and was about to open the door for the passenger seat when Lee Rang opened the door and said, "Because a man should do it."

Ji Hyun was confused for a second but realizing what he was talking about blushed and sat inside the car. Lee Rang then closing the door went to the driver seat. Getting in he asked, "Let's grab some lunch? It's lunch time."

Ji Hyun who was hungry nodded and said, "Oh that's a great idea!" Lee Rang hearing a yes smiled and started driving. Since it was just around the corner they reached in two minutes.

They reached the restaurant and ordered food. Ji Hyun sat silently after ordering food not knowimng what to talk. Lee Rang looking at her said, "So did you enjoy with Yu Ri?"

Hearing Yu Ri's name Ji Hyun smiled and said, "Oh yes! It's been ages since someone hung out with me who didn't mind my background. You know we even went to an arcade!! It was so fun! And you know when Yu Ri shi was trying on new clothes she looked like a model! She should try modeling. Plus she is so good at playing games!"

Ji Hyun stopped talking realzing she was being chatty and said, "I mean yes I had a lot of fun sir!" Lee Rang giggled at her actions and said, "It's okay you can talk, after all we are not a normal boss and employee."

Ji Hyun embarrassedly smiled and said, "That's right sir, but it's still office hours so I thought we should-"

Lee Rang thinking of teasing her asked, "So are you saying you can talk freely with me after the office hours?" Ji Hyun looked at Lee Rang shocked not able to responde to him.

Seeing her like that Lee Rang happily smiled and said, "You are so gullible! I was joking." Ji Hyun sighed in relief and said, "Sir you should stop teasing me like that! It scares me!"

Lee Rang nodded a no and said, "Well it's for me to decide." Ji Hyun looked at him with a slight pout. But before she could say anything their food came.

Ji Hyun noticed her meal had two boiled eggs, seeing the eggs she giggled. Hearing her giggle Lee Rang looked at her and asked, "Why are you laughing at your food?"

Ji Hyun looked at Lee Rang and answered, "Seeing the boiled egg it reminded me of Mr. Lee your brother, since you named him egg supplier."

Lee Rang smiled and said, "Well he always feeds me eggs because I like them." Ji Hyun smiled hearing and said, "Yes I have seen him do so." Saying that she took one of the boiled egg she puts it on Lee Rang's plate and said, "I have two of them you can have one."

Lee Rang looked at her and smiled happily. Ji Hyun seeing that smile thought, 'He looks so happy just by getting his favirote food.'

They had their lunch quietly. Lee Rang asked for the bill. Ji Hyun removed her purse but Lee Rang said, "It's on me." Ji Hyun nodded and said, "Okay sir."

Lee Rang paid the bill and the left the restaurant. Ji Hyun was waiting outside and was thinking about Lee Rang's behaviour. She smiled and thought, 'He isn't that rude, I don't know why I thought he ever hated me. Overthinking can make us come to any conclusion.'

The car came and the vault came and handed Ji Hyun the car keys. Ji Hyun thanked him. Lee Rang came and said, "Let's go back." Ji Hyun nodded and Lee Rang taking the car keys started to drive back to the company.

They reached the company and went to Lee Rang's office. Lee Rang going in the office was surprised by Yu Ri. 

Extra Scene

“Sir, when are you planning your next move?”

A guy smiled wickedly and replied, “It's time, so be ready, now I will make sure that the Lee empire breaks down! I wanna see everyone suffer especially the Lee brothers. We will start next week.”

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