Chapter 16

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Lee Yeon looked at Lee Rang and said, "you idiot, do you still think I love you any less than I did before?" Lee Rang looked away and said, "you sent Shin Joo to your girlfriend since you knew her location, if you were given the option to only save one I'm sure you would choose her. I had experienced this before as well, remember?"

Lee Yeon sighed and said, "you are such an idiot! The time when you were kidnapped 6 years ago I didn't even know you were kidnapped! That guy just told me that Ji A was kidnapped! I don't know from where in the world you got this wrong idea but I would never leave you behind for anyone!"

Lee Rang looked at him and asked, "why should I believe you!? You never told me you had a girlfriend before! And I saw the video where you were glad she was okay that guy showed me the live video where it was clear you saved her! You didn't even feel the importance of sharing your relationship with me!"

Lee Yeon sighed in frustration and holding Lee Rang's shoulder he said, "idiot as I said I thought, no in fact he told me that he had kidnapped Ji A. Later I came to know you were the one who got kidnapped and I came to you as soon as I could! If I didn't care about you, why would I come to save you? Would have I gone there today to save you? It was all his plan to break our relationship!"

Lee Rang, hearing him say all this, realized that it was all Ryeon's plan to break them apart and what all he had done in anger, he frustrated went outside. Yu Ri was about to follow him but Lee Yeon said, "wait, I will go talk to him." And followed Lee Rang outside.

Lee Yeon held Lee Rang who was going out the building and said, "wait, now is not the time to take direct action or feel bad about what you did in the past, let's forget all that and focus on the present and what we need to do ahead. We can't waste anymore time, because there might be more of his people near us then we think, we need to take actions fast."

Lee Rang hearing this turned and said, "you are right, and I'm sorry I treated you badly and I-" Lee Yeon cutted him off and said, "I know, now stop feeling guilty and let's go back and discuss what we need to do." Lee Rang nodded and they headed back.

The others sighed and sat down, Ji Hyun looked at them awkwardly and said, "I should probably go now, I told that I will be back in the office after two hours." Ji A looking at Ji Hyun said, "I think it's better you don't go for the day, even you have got little scratches." Ji Hyun looked at Shin Joo to see what he says.

Yu Ri seeing that said, "don't go, even Lee Rang wouldn't want you to go today." Ji Hyun nodded and said, "okay then I will go home." Ji Hyun bowed down and greeted them a bye, she was walking away when Lee Rang who came back said, "you are not going anywhere." Ji Hyun looked at the brothers who had just returned.

Lee Yeon then said, "yes, it's better we explain everything to you, plus make a plan ahead." Ji Hyun nodded and came back and sat down. Lee Yeon then said, "I'm sure he knows we made up. We don't know what his plans are, so for now we have to keep an eye on the company because there are still his people in our company."

All nodded in reply and he continued, "and Yu Ri, Ji Hyun and Lee Rang we will give your tracking devices soon, always keep it with you." The three of them nodded and Lee Rang asked, "So how do we counter attack him?" Lee Yeon then said, "first we have to find out who he really is, we don't know his identity."

Yu Ri asked, "So any guesses on who this guy could be?" Lee Yeon nodded a no and said, "we checked all the people who we thought could be Ryeon, but none of them were him. So we have to know who he is in order to catch him as fast and make him pay for his crime."

Ji Hyun then said, "excuse me, but I wanted to ask, since I'm involved, will my family be in any kind of danger?" Lee Yeon looked at her and after a few seconds he answered, "well would your family mind a maid?" Hearing this Ji Hyun was in thoughts and said, "I don't know that myself, but if there was a good reason they would accept the maid, but what would I tell them about the maid's salary?" Lee Yeon smiled and said, "don't worry I will handle that part, the maid will actually keep an eye on your family so they don't get hurt."

Ji Hyun smiled happily and said, "thank you, this removes a huge weight off my shoulders." Lee Yeon smiled and said, "this is the least I could do."

Yu Ri then said, "ah I'm hungry let's eat something!" Shin Joo, hearing this said, "oh Yu Ri shi, you should have told me earlier, I would have cooked something for you." Ji A suggested, "shouldn't we just order something instead? we all are too tired to cook." All nodded and they ordered food.

Lee Rang then asked, "Ji Hyun shi, how did you find the video?" to which Ji Hyun answered, "I went inside your office with your coffee and a guy named Yang Seo Jin was there, he gave me the phone."

All looked at her and Shin Joo said, "he must have probably quit by now, or ran away, but I will tell our men to find him." Lee Yeon nodded and Shin Joo went to make the phone call. He came back and said, "our men have started searching and will report us as soon as they can."

Lee Yeon then asks, "what about that So Young?" Sin Joo answered, "she didn't have anything to say, as she only received phone calls about what she has to do, and she hasn't seen them, she would then receive her money after she reported her work."

Lee Yeon sighed and said, "okay then leave her after trying to get more information, then have our men follow her we might get some clues." Sin Joo just nodded in reply.

The food came and all of them started eating, finding it delicious Ji Hyun said, "oh it's very delicious, where is it from?" Lee Yeon proudly smiled and answered, "oh it's from my favorite restaurant 'snail bride' Ji Hyun nodded and continued savoring the flavors."

Ji Hyun's phone rang, she looked at the caller ID it was Ji Soo. Lee Rang, who sat beside her, saw the caller. Ji Hyun Picking up she said, "hello" To which Ji Soo said, "Yah where are you? it's been more than 2 hours." Lee Rang, who was beside her, took the phone and said, "Hello this is Lee Rang, she is with me for some work."

Hearing Lee Rang's voice Ji Soo said, "Oh I see, then no problem, bye Mr. Lee." Lee Rang ended the call and handed Ji Hyun her phone. Ji Hyun took it back stunned about what just happened. While Lee Rang smiled looking at her expression and said, "your food is getting cold."

Ji Hyun nodded and started eating. After the eating the food Shin Joo said, "I will go to the company as there is some work left, should I drop you off Yu Ri shi?" Yu Ri looked at him and said, "oh-" after a pause she smiled and said, "yeah okay, let's go." They got up and Yu Ri handed Lee Rang her car key and gestured, "take my car, I will take it back tomorrow." Lee Rang smiled nodding and they went away.

Lee Rang then looked at Ji Hyun and said, "let's go I will drop you back home as well." Ji Hyun nodded and saying her goodbye she left with Lee Rang. Seeing them go Lee Yeon said, "I bet they will be in a relation soon."

Ji A smiled and said, "let's see about that. Don't you have to go to the company as well?" Lee Yeon went near her and replied, "not in the mood, Shin Joo will handle everything, how about we spend the rest of the day together?" Ji A smiled and said, "with pleasure!"

Somewhere Else

On the phone call


He banged the table angrily and said, "looks like it's about time to fight face to face. Meet you soon Lee Yeon and Lee Rang."

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