Chapter 32

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Seeing her go, Lee Yeon looked at Lee Rang and said, "Looks like I came at the wrong time." Saying that Lee Yeon took out a small tub of Mint chocolate ice cream and started having it, making Lee Rang roll his eyes.

Lee Yeon then hits Lee Rang on the shoulder and said, "I heard how you got burned while saving her. Looks like my brother is becoming a man!!"

Lee Rang tched at his brother's comment and said, "I couldn't just sit there seeing her get hurt, anyways, why are you here?"

Lee Yeon smiled and said, "Why are you annoyed? Did I ruin a moment? Anyways I came here because you couldn't come, we had to talk about your new secretary."

Lee Rang nodded and said, "Ah yeah, I forgot about that. So just hire someone who speaks less." Lee Yeon nodded and said, "I will just send one of the agents. Anyways, did you get the real reason why Ji Hyun doesn't want to be your secretary?"

Lee Rang nodded a no and said, "She seems to be worrying about something but I don't know what." Lee Yeon nodded and said, "Well I have my guesses on what it can be."

Lee Rang said, "Oh you should have mentioned that before, what do you think it is?" Lee Yeon answered, "Well Shin Joo mentioned that employees were discussing how Ji Hyun dragged you out while holding your hands, and some of the girls seemed to be curious why and how she suddenly became your secretary and you know making up some stories."

Lee Rang sighed and said, "She could have told me that." Lee Yeon nodded and said, "Well you are right, but from what I know she prefers to keep quiet unless it's necessary, talk to her tomorrow."

Lee Rang nodded and said, "That I will." Lee Yeon nodded and having a bite asked, "So what are you going to do about your feelings for her?" Lee Rang looked at his brother not knowing what to do.

Lee Yeon sighed and shook his head and said, "How can my brother be so slow! Just make a move already! If you really like her, go on and tell her about your feelings before you miss the timing and it becomes too late."

Seeing Lee Rang's expression Lee Yeon sighed and said, "If you are still uncertain about your feelings, then think, what did you think while saving Ji Hyun from falling? She was not her usual self today, how did you feel knowing that? Think if it was someone else would you still feel the way you felt? As your older brother I can see how you look at her, she is a nice girl, so think about it,"

Lee Rang nodded in reply, they sat there like that for a few minutes, Lee Yeon then got up and said that his girlfriend must be missing her left. Lee Rang sighed and went to his bedroom. He laid down and thought about what his brother said.

He thought of the time when Ji Hyun was about to fall, he thought how he felt, he was scared about her getting hurt, how he didn't want even a drop of hot coffee to burn her. He then thought if he would react the same for someone else, "Sure I would try saving them from falling as well but would I be as worried as I am for Ji Hyun?" After that he suddenly remembered all their time together and he realized the answer Lee Rang smiled and said, "I have little time to make her fall for me, till she is my secretary I will have to make my move, she just sees me as her boss I will have to change that."

Here Ji Hyun who was in a bus thought about today's incidents, him treating her gently, opening the door for her, treating her food, trying to cheer her up and most importantly saving her.

She blushed remembering his concerned face. The way he asked if she was okay not caring about his hand. Ji Hyun sighed and whispered, "It was better when I thought he hated me! I shouldn't feel this way! I can't afford to have even a crush on sir, people are already talking about it, calling me gold digger. I have to stay away from him, no matter what happens, I will avoid him from tomorrow."

Deciding on that she called Min Young, just to ask if anything else was talked about her. Lucky people dropped the topic for today. Min Young then asked Ji Hyun if she can come to her house after two days because her parents would be going for a business trip. Ji Hyun agreed and they talked more till Ji Hyun reached her home.

She freshened up and ate a little dinner as she was full with her meal with Lee Rang. While eating she remembered how Lee Rang served her food, how he came to save her at the cafe she worked at.

Ji Hyun sighed as she was thinking about him again she then slapped herself and said, "Stop it Ji Hyun! Ah! If only sir didn't flirt with me today!!"

She sighed and washed the dishes and went to sleep. She woke up next morning and getting ready she started making kimbap. She made some extra for Min Young as well. Seeing her make breakfast her mother asked, "Oh Ha Eun would have made it and why are you leaving in so hurry?"

Ji Hyun greeted her good morning and answered, "Oh I have to pick up sir today so I have to leave early! Bye eomma." Her mother nodded understanding.

Ji Hyun left for Lee Rang's house quickly as she had to catch a bus as well. Getting on the bus she thought of calling him but then decided otherwise. Getting down she had to walk for a few minutes, reaching at his building she entered the lift and went to his apartment.

She rang the bell and suddenly....... 

Extra Scene

Lee Yeon enters his house and saw Ji A enjoying the ice cream. Hearing the door close, Ji A turned towards him and said, "oh you are back!"

Lee Yeon smiled and said, "Yeah I'm, and you won't believe what I'm about to tell you."

Ji A smiled and said, "We shall see about that, working on urban legends I would believe almost anything."

Lee Yeon smiled and sat down saying, "Lee Rang is in love anwith Ji Hyun and today he saved her from falling and getting burned with hot coffee."

Ji A surprised asked, "Really? That's a great news, well nothing unbelievable as I saw the way he looked at her, you brothers have the same way to look at your loved ones, so similar."

Lee Yeon nodded and said, "But I'm much cooler than him!" Ji A playing with his cheeks said, "Yeah you are cooler than him." Lee Yeon smiled satisfied with the compliment.

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