Chapter 29

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Yu Ri seeing him jumped happily and going towards him said, "Rangie! You are finally here! I waited for so long!" Lee Rang smiled and said, "You should have told me you were coming over, I would have not had lunch with Ji Hyun."

Yu Ri smiled hearing Lee Rang's words and said, "Oh I see~" Lee Rang hearing the teasing tone of her voice gave her a "Are you serious look" and said, "Well we had to go for a meeting, after that it was lunch time so."

Yu Ri looked at him and said, "Well I didn't ask anything, you don't need to give me excuses, you can go on a lunch date with her."

Lee Rang blushed and said, "What lunch date, anyways, how come you are free today?" Yu Ri walked towards the table and getting a bag said, "Well, my meeting ended soon and I was bored so I got some donuts for us, even for Ji Hyun! Call her in!!"

Lee Rang nodded and called Ji Hyun through the intercom. Ji Hyun came inside and seeing Yu Ri she smiled. They both greeted each other. Yu Ri seeing Ji Hyun wear the clothes she brought for her said, "Oh don't you look good on them!"

Ji Hyun smiled and said, "Well it's you who chose them after all!" Both smiled and Yu Ri said, "Okay come have some donuts! I brought them." Saying that Yu Ri dragged her to the sofa.

Ji Hyun was happy about gesture but declined the offer and said, "I would love that, but I have some work to complete, so I will take my leave." She bowed and left.

Seeing that Yu Ri asked, "What happened?" Lee Rang shrugged his shoulders as he didn't know anything himself.

Actually after they got back Ji Hyun had went to the washroom and heard Irene talking with Eun Jae. Irene was trying to convince Eun Jae that Ji Hyun is using Lee Rang and how she is a gold digger. Eun Jae just told her off saying that she is just overthinking it because Irene likes Lee Rang. Ji Hyun hearing that went back.

Ji Hyun then decided that it's better to keep distance from Lee Rang because she doesn't want such rumors to circulate. She decided to talk it out with Irene and let her know that she is misunderstanding things and she should avoid spreading such false things about anyone.

Ji Hyun sat down after exiting Lee Rang's office and was thinking of a way to politely talk with Irene. She then decided to do her work. Jisoo came to Ji Hyun and greeted her. Ji Hyun got up and greeted her back.

Jisoo handed her a file and said, "Hey! Make sure to give this file to Mr. Lee." Ji Hyun nodded and sat down and thought that when she gets the chance she will talk to Irene about all this. She then did her work.

Yu Ri after a while came out and seeing Ji Hyun work asked, "Hey! Is Rangie making you work a lot? You didn't even stay for donuts." Ji Hyun looked at Yu Ri and smiled replying, "Oh it's nothing like that! It's just that somethings were meant to be done urgently that's why."

Yu Ri nodded understanding and said, "If Rangie is giving you too much work call me! I will take care of him!" Ji Hyun chuckled and said, "For sure I will. But if I get fired you will have to hire me!"

Yu Ri smiled hearing this and said, "Oh that's a great idea! I should steal you away from him! It will be fun." Both just smiled at their joke and Yu Ri left.

As soon as Yu Ri was out of the sight Irene came and said, "Hey! Deliver this file to Mr. Lee."

Ji Hyun was about to take the file but Irene pulled it back and seeing the file Jisoo gave was still here said, "Hmm Ji Hyun shi, this is office hours, instead of chatting with others you should get your work done."

Ji Hyun sighed at Irene's words and said, "Irene shi, I'm glad you came I wanted to talk to you about something." Irene looked at her interested and asked, "What do you wanna talk about?"

Ji Hyun got up and said, "Well I will be honest, I overheard your talk with Eun Jae in the washroom and I want to cle-" Irene cuts her off and says, "Oh so now you like to hear people's talk? Yeah what about it? I don't think I said anything wrong."

Ji Hyun let out a loud sigh and continued, "As I was saying I want to clear things out with you, I have nothing to do with Mr. Lee, I'm just working as his secretary temporarily and I don't have any wrong ideas about him nor am I using him for money and I don't plan on doing anything you are thinking about, I'm explaining things to you because you are trying to spread bad rumors about me and I don't want that because it will affect Mr. Lee as well."

Hearing this Irene scoffed and said, "Well whatever you say the truth won't change." Ji Hyun sighed and asked, "Why do you think I would go after Mr. Lee? What would I gain? I can earn money myself."

Irene looked at her and scanned her up and down and said, "Hmm dear your clothes tell me a different story. Anyways, I have work so I better go. Oh and make sure you give this file to him, or I can gladly take your place." Giving the file Irene left without giving Ji Hyun any chance to speak further.

Ji Hyun clenched her fist in anger and annoyance. She then looked at the file and clamed herself. She then taking both the files went to Lee Rang's office and knocked the door. Hearing a come in she entered and handing the files she said, "Sir, I think it's better you find a new secretary."

Extra Scene

Yu Ri was about to get out when she encountered Shin Joo. They both got happy seeing each other. Yu Ri approached him and getting closer asked, "What are you doing this Saturday?"

Shin Joo shy about her nearness shyly answered, "No-Nothing." Yu Ri smiled and said, "Cool then it's a date! Meet you at lunch on Saturday." Saying this Yu Ri winked at him and left.

Shin Joo was left there in shock. He then saw Yu Ri walk out and thought, 'Now I shouldn't hold back.' Thinking so, he happily went back to work.

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