Chapter 53

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Next Morning

Ji Hyun got up and started getting ready for the office, she was about to leave when her mother asked, "Are you preparing for your exams? Only five days are left! You can't fail in them! You gotta get good marks or else Lee's will not take you!"

Ji Hyun realized she had indeed forgotten about her exams in the chaos of everything and said, "Mom don't worry I will be studying during my break from now on."

The mother nodded, Ji Hyun quickly got back to her room and taking her books she went to the living room and thanking Ha Eun for the lunch she got down.

She was about to walk away but seeing Lee Rang standing outside her building she smiled seeing him and rushed to him cheerfully.

Lee Rang knew she was coming for a hug so opened his arms. Ji Hyun quickly went to him and hugged him and said, "This is a pleasant surprise Lee Rang."

Lee Rang breaking the hug said, "Well be ready for everyday surprises than!" Saying that he opened the passenger door for her.

Ji Hyun got in after thanking him and Lee Rang closing the door went to the drivers seat.

Ji Hyun asked "Hey did you have breakfast? I skipped it because I woke up late."

Lee Rang smiled and said, "Look behind."

Ji Hyun looks back and saw it was some coffee and sandwiches. Ji Hyun smiled and said, "Now aren't you the best!?"

Lee Rang nods a yes and said, "So where is my reward?"

Ji Hyun replied, "Hmm wait I gotta call Min Young."

Ji Hyun called Min Young to reminds her about the exams. They both share a panic moment thinking how will they manage. But they decided to study whenever they get time.

Lee Rang hearing their discussion decided to do something for them.

They soon reached their office and while Ji Hyun was out keeping her things Lee Rang made a phone call.

Ji Hyun came in with their breakfast and keeping it on the table she gestured Lee Rang to join her.

Lee Rang sat down besides her and asked, "So I heard your exams start after five days."

Ji Hyun sadly nods a yes and said, "I forgot to study due to the things happening around me." As she said that her phone vibrates. She removes her phone to check who messaged her but before she could check it, Min Young calls her screaming in happiness.

Min Young says, "Girl!!! Did you check the message! We get off after lunch time so we can study for our exams!!! Dammm!! I'm so revealed!"

Ji Hyun looked at Lee Rang surprised and replied to Min Young, "Are you serious!? That's amazing!! This company is a life saver! Wait I will call you back in a few." Saying that Ji Hyun ends the call and checks the message.

It was a announcement from the company about all the inters who will be appearing for exams are free to leave for their studies or they can study in the company library.

Ji Hyun wiggled happily and said, "Oh my god! This is the best! Now I can quickly revise everything! Whoever decided this is an angel!"

Lee Rang smiled and her words and said, "Well, you are welcome!"

Ji Hyun looks at Lee Rang shocked and asked, "Wait did you really do this!?"

Lee Rang nodded a yes and said, "I heard you worrying about how you will manage studying so I called Shin Joo and told him to announce this."

Ji Hyun gets closer to Lee Rang and hugging him said, "You are the best! Not only you got me breakfast but you solved my problem! Thank you!!" Saying that Ji Hyun gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Lee Rang smiled and said, "Now that's too less for what I did."

Ji Hyun playfully hits his shoulder and says, "Yah you should stop teasing me!"

Lee Rang smirked and asked, "Now you are officially mine, how can I miss the chance to do so?"

Ji Hyun smiles and giving him a quick peak on his lips asked, "Okay?"

Lee Rang knew she would not PDA in the office nodded and said, "For now i can work with it."

Ji Hyun smiled and they quickly finishing the breakfast went to work.

Ji Hyun was very excited to finish all her work and start studying. The whole day everyone could see the smile she had while she was working. Eun Jae even teased her a little.

Soon lunch time hit, after having lunch with the team she quickly excused herself to go to the library.

Before going to the library she decided to tell Lee Rang she is leaving. She went in and said, "Lee Rang I 'm going to the library to study, if there is some work call me."

Lee Rang looked at her and said, "Well what if I tell you there is a better place than library?"

Ji Hyun smiled excitedly and asked, "Oh where?"

Lee Rang smirked and answered, "Here! You can study here while I finish my work. This is the best place you know! No one can interrupt you except me! And you can study comfortably."

Ji Hyun smiled and replied, "Well thats a great idea, but I think I will be disturbing you."

Lee Rang nodded a no and said, "You can never be a disturbance, stay here na, I want to be with you." Saying that he got up and walked towards her.

Ji Hyun smiled and joked, "You will get bored of me soon if you keep me close to you 24/7."

Lee Rang hugging her said, "That would never happen, I'm sure I would want to be with you more as time goes. Now sit down and start studying and tell me if you need anything, I will get you."

Ji Hyun hugging him said, "Since you are insisting so much I will stay!"

Lee Rang smiled and making her sit down went to get some of the files he needed to read, keeping them on the table sat besides her.

Extra Scene

Shin Joo after the call ended with Lee Rang went to Lee Yeon and told him the details.

Lee Yeon smiled and said, "Looks like my brother is falling harder day by day!"

Shin Joo nodded and said, "Yes Lee Yeon nim, it's fun looking at him like that."

Lee Yeon nodded and said, "That's true, now my brother is becoming cute again! I love it! Can't wait to tease him! I will go to him after lunch."

After lunch Lee Yeon went to Lee Rang's office but seeing Ji Hyun and Lee Rang sitting together and doing their work he messaged Lee Rang, "Now you are a puppy in love it seems! I can see the tail wagging hard!" 

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