Chapter 51

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Lee Rang turned to Ji Hyun and said, "The woman we are talking about is my mother." Hearing the word "Mother" Ji Hyun was left surprised, because she never expected this answer.

Looking at her surprised expression, Lee Rang asked, "Why did you think it was my past lover?" Ji Hyun nodded a yes.

Lee Rang gave her a sad smile and said, "Well it's my mother who left me, I was five years old when my mother left me to father in exchange of money and when I said I wanted to stay with her she pushed me away saying she doesn't want to live with a monster like me, because when I was in her stomach she tried some ways to kill me but everything failed and after her so many unsuccessful attempts I was born."

Ji Hyun gasped hearing this and hugged Lee Rang. She didn't know how to exactly react but she did know that Lee Rang needed assurance.

Ji Hyun said, "Sir, I'm sorry I didn't know this is what happened, trust me that lady is an idiot, some people don't deserve to be parents and she is surely one of them. It's good that she brought you there, so you could meet your brother Mr. Lee and everyone you know."

Lee Rang smiled seeing her trying to calm down, but with a voice filled with sadness said, "What angered me was the fact that she started another family, did I really not matter to her at all? If she was okay with having a family why did she abandon me? Was I not a family to her? "

Ji Hyun not breaking the hug, hearing his question got emotional, causing her to sob but she replied, "Sir, that lady didn't deserve you, you are such an amazing person, even god didn't want her to be with you, that's why they got her away from you, she is a evil person, it's good that you are away from such person."

Lee Rang chuckled hearing her explanations or you can say excuses to make him feel better and said, "I'm okay now, don't worry Ji Hyun I wouldn't want you to cry because of her."

Ji Hyun breaking the hug said, "I'm not crying because of her but you, it makes me feel sad thinking how you must have felt about yourself hearing such words and I'm not okay, I'm sad and angry at the fact that she hurt you in this way, but I'm more worried about you, even if you act like you are okay right now, I'm sure you must feel really hurt, you can share your feelings with me Lee Rang, I will be with you right here."

Lee Rang held her right cheek and said, "Thank you." Ji Hyun nodded a no and said, "You don't need to thank me. I will always be there for you no matter what."

Lee Rang kissed her forehead and said, "For now I'm feeling calm after talking with you a little, I would like to take a nap. Would you like to join me?"

Ji Hyun thought for a few seconds and said a yes. Lee Rang said, "Wait let me get us a small blanket, saying that he got up and quickly got some blankets for them. They could take a nap on the bed comfortably but Lee Rang, seeing Ji Hyun a little uncomfortable thinking about it, decided to sleep on the sofa.

Ji Hyun smiled seeing him come and opened her arms so they could share a hug. Lee Rang went to her and hugged her tightly and they both laid down on the sofa to sleep.

While lying down Ji Hyun kept caressing Lee Rang's hair. Lee Rang smiled and said, "This feels good." Ji Hyun kissed his forehead and asked, "What about this?"

Lee Rang opened his eyes and looked at her and said, "Well I wouldn't mind more of it." Ji Hyun giggled and started kissing him all over his face. After giving a few kisses she stopped and asked, "Satisfied?"

Lee Rang nodded a no and said, "You missed a place." Ji Hyun looked at him and asked, "Which?" Lee Rang leaned in and gave a peck on her lips and said, "This." And started kissing her.

Ji Hyun blushed a little but kissed him back, after a good minute Ji Hyun broke the kiss and said, "Hey you were sleepy right?" Lee Rang looked at her playfully and said, "Well it was you who took away my sleep, so you will get your share of kisses now."

Ji Hyun giggled while Lee Rang kissed her all over her face. Giving a last kiss on her forehead he hugged her and slowly fell asleep. Ji Hyun who was awake looked at him with love and whispered, "Lee Rang, I will always be with you, I will shower you with all the love you deserve. I will make sure to keep you happy always."

Lee Rang in his sleep hearing those words smiled and Ji Hyun slowly fell asleep as well.

Somewhere Else

On the phone

"Hello, looks like you are back in Korea, it's good to see you here."

"Who is this?"

"That doesn't matter, what matters is what information about you I have and how I will use it."

"What rubbish, don't call me again or I will report you to the police."

The person on the phone laughed loudly and said, "Well end the call if you want your husband to know your past, that you had a child who you abandoned."

Hearing this the concerned person was shocked and asked, "How do you know that? Who are you?"

The guy smiled satisfied and replied, "As I said, who I am and how I know all this doesn't matter, what I'm about to say will save your life."

"What do you want?"

"Hmm good, I like when people understand what they need to do, the party your husband will host. Your first son will be there, ignore his existence like you don't know him and make sure his company doesn't get the deal he is going to make with your husband or else I will make sure the whole world knows about your past."

The person scared about it said, "Okay I will do as you say."

"Make sure you don't fail."

Saying that he ends the call and looking at some photos smirked evilly and said, "I will make sure you never be happy in your life Lee Rang!"

Extra Scene

After Shin Ju made sure everything was replaced he went back to Lee Yeon's office to tell him that he was done.

Lee Yeon was in deep thoughts when Shin Ju entered.

Seeing Lee Yeon like that he asked, "What happened to Lee Yeon nim?"

Lee Yeon answered, "I have a bad feeling."

Shin Ju asked, "About what?"

Lee Yeon replied, "About that lady and that something bad will happen to us, we should be ready now! Today a second company canceled their deal with us, a third company in a week trying to cancel a deal can't be a coincidence, it might be because of Ryeon or something else, we have to figure this out."

Shin Ju just sighed knowing things will go hectic.

Lee Yeon then asked, "How was Rangie?"

Shin Ju answered, "He was okay, he went home with Ji Hyun shi."

Lee Yeon nodded and said, "That's good, let's get to work. Tell the management team to be ready if any other company cancels the deal." 

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