Chapter 23

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Next Morning Ji Hyun got ready and after having her breakfast she left for work. Reaching there she went to her floor. Entering there she was surrounded with her colleagues. Eun Jae a colleague asked, "Yah tell me how did you ended up being Mr. Lee's secretary!!" Another one asked, "Yes! Tell us how did you get so lucky! What did you do!?" Another one asked, "What, when and how did this happen!!!??"

Ji Hyun started to back away from them when she suddenly bumped into someone. Ji Hyun turned to them apologized. She looked up and saw it was Lee Rang. Ji Hyun greeted him, the other employees greeted him as well.

Lee Rang who had heard them questioning said, "Shin Joo was required to work with my brother, since she is only an intern I decided to hire her as a secretary instead, any more questions?"

Everyone nodded a no and said, "No sir, have a great day!" Saying that they all went to do their work, and Lee Rang turned to Ji Hyun and said, "What are you doing standing here, go make my coffee." Ji Hyun nodded and went to the pantry to get his coffee happily as Lee Rang helped her to avoid her coworker's questions.

Ji Soo seeing this told others, "This will be hard for her instead of being a blessing." Others nodded in agreement as they knew Lee Rang's nature, he was a person who would get angry at anything. They all were scared of him yet the girls liked him for his looks.

Ji Hyun went to Lee Rang's office to give him his coffee. She knocked the door , hearing a 'come in' she went in. She kept the coffee on his table and was about to leave when Lee Rang said, "wait a minute." Hearing this Ji Hyun closed her eyes in sadness as she thought he was going to say something regarding yesterday's event.

She turned around and Lee Rang continued, "Tell Mr. Park to come here and update me with things I missed on Friday." Ji Hyun replied, "Yes sir." She turned around but Lee Rang again called her. Ji Hyun slowly turned to him and asked, "Yes sir?" Lee Rang replied, "Oh get my today's schedule as well."

Ji Hyun replied, "I will get it right away. Anything else sir?" She asked not wanting to turn away again. Lee Rang smiled and said, "No, for now just do the things I said." Ji Hyun nodded and was about to leave in a hurry when Lee Rang said, "Ji Hyun shi!!"

Ji Hyun turned to him and forcing a smile she asked,"Yes sir!?" Lee Rang smiled innocently and said, "Nothing much, I just wanted to thank you for the coffee. Ji Hyun replied, "Your welcome sir!" Saying this went out of his office before he could call her again. Lee Rang smiled as he enjoyed teasing her. He knew she would be worried, about him bringing up yesterday's incident.

Ji Hyun enetred and told him his schedule. Mr. Park enetred and greeted him. Lee Rang nodded and asked, "So tell me what all things were done while I was absent." Mr. Park nodded and updated him on the things that were done yesterday."

Lee Rang nodded and said, "Okay so send me the important documents and Mr. Park after you attend today's meeting send the agenda through Ji Hyun. You can go."

Hearing this both turned to leave. Lee Rang smiled and said, "Oh wait." Both turned to him. Lee Rang then asked, "Mr. Park I forgot to ask, how was your weekend?" Asking that Lee Rang smirked at Ji Hyun who was embarssed.

Mr. Park, who was surprised at the unexpected question, answered, "It went well sir, me and my family had a family dinner at a restaurant." Lee Rang smiled and said, "That's good to hear. Keep having good weekends, just remember not to end up in jail. You guys can go now."

Ji Hyun cried internally hearing this.

Both turned and left. Mr. Park after getting out turned to Ji Hyun and said, "Mr. Lee is so random sometimes. Ji Hyun I wish you luck." Ji Hyun replied, "Thank you sir." Mr. Park left. Ji Hyun sat down on her chair and sighed frustratedly.

She knew Lee Rang was doing it to tease her, but she couldn't do anything about it because he was the one who helped her out. Plus he was her boss. This situation was so frustrating she truly wished that she had a time machine so she could go back and stop herself from applying for a job here. Ji Hyun then slapped herself lightly and started doing her job.

After a while it was lunch time. Eun Jae came to Ji Hyun and asked, "Let's go for lunch?" Ji Hyun nodded and said, "Wait let me just come back after asking what sir will have."

Eun Jae smiled and said, "Ah how I wish I could talk to Mr. Lee like that." Ji Hyun shaked her head and went to Lee Rang's office. She entered after he said a come in and asked, "Sir it's lunch time, would you like anything or do you have any other plans?"

Lee Rang looked up and asked, "What are you gonna do?" Ji Hyun answered, "I'm going to lunch with the others." Lee Rang hummed and said, "Get me a sandwich and if you are going to a traditional restaurant then get me naengmyeon." Ji Hyun nodded and said, "I will. But sir, which kind of sandwich should I get you?"

Lee Rang thought and said, "Chicken sandwich with cola and fries on the side." Ji Hyun nodded and went out. She came out and saw Eun Jae waiting for her. She smiled at her and they went together.

They all just reached and were about to order when Lee Rang called Ji Hyun. Ji Hyun picked up the call and spoke, "Yes sir?"

Lee Rag replied, "Get back here, it seems like we are having a meeting about Ryeon." Ji Hyun nodded and said, "Yes sir I'm on my way." Saying this she turned to others and said, "I have to go, sir called me back." They all nodded and silently wished her luck.

Seeing her go, Eun Jae said, "Now I'm glad that I wasn't chosen as the secretary." All nodded in agreement except one person, a girl who was madly in love with Lee Rang and wished that she was there instead of Ji Hyun who was just hired and get the chance to be close with Lee Rang instead.

Ji Hyun reached the office only to see everyone was there, including Ji A and Yu Ri. She greeted everyone and sat down with them on the sofa.

Extra Scene

After dropping Ji Hyun home, Lee Rang drove to Yu Ri's place. On the way Yu Ri said, "You know I had a lot of fun with Ji Hyun, i have met many few people as genuine as her. She even for a moment didn't have thoughts about using me you know. Because I brought her clothes she paid for the meals both the times."

Lee Rang smiled at Yu Ri's words and said, "Well you are right, she is the type of person who would never approach people with selfish reasons. So what did you guys do?"

Yu Ri smiled and told him everything they did like a child would tell their parents how their day went. He was a safe place for Yu Ri.

Next morning, Lee Rang got up in a great mood. From today Ji Hyun will be his secretary. He smiled and thought, 'since it's her first day as my secretary, how should I tease her?'

It will be fun seeing her reactions. I can't wait to go to the company today.

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