Chapter 39

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Irene then proceeded with posting the pictures on their company's official site with an anonymous ID. Then she wrote a caption saying, "The so called pure employee uses our COO for his money, be aware of such people."

Seeing the content Min Young gasped and said, "What nonsense is this? Ji Hyun, look at this! What's going on?" Ji Hyun confused took Min Young's phone and seeing all the pictures she gasped in shock and said, "What the heck is going on!?" Eun Jae peeped and said, "Dam! What's all this?"

They were inside the powder room. Min Young seeing Ji Hyun all panicked said, "Well Ji Hun I gotta say, the pictures are good! You look so good from this angle see!" Saying that she showed a picture to Ji Hyun.

Ji Hyun laughed at her silliness and said, "The pictures are edited to make it seem like we were intimate with each other! What the hell is going on? Why are people taking our pictures? That too without our consent?"

Min Young and Eun Jae looked at each other not knowing what to say. Eun Jae then says, "I think it's better to go to our office and talk." Ji Hyun nodded, they came out and were about to go to their floor when all the people from hate group gathered around.

Irene was the first one to speak, "I can't believe Ji Hyun, the one we thought as pure and hardworking turned out to be such a gold digger!"

Eun Jae hearing this said, "Oh Irene please stop this!" Irene looked confused and asked, "What am I even doing? Just saying the truth! Look at the pictures!" Another employee who was from the hate group said, "It's really digusting that you chose such a way for money!"

Another one added, "I know right! Here we work so hard to earn money but because of girls like her our names are destroyed too!"

Ji Hyun hearing the accusations had a flashback about the rumors that were spread by her best friend behind back, she decided to close herself and keep everything to herself after that. She now regretted getting friendly with Lee Rang, all she thought right now was that she damaged his image.

Lee Rang who wanted to call Ji Hyun for some work. Getting a notification from the site he opened the site and looking at the pictures he called Ji Hyun, but she didn't pick up, he went out only to see the team go in the elevator.

Jisoo, seeing him said, "Sir, glad you came! Did you see the post?" Lee Rang nodded and asked, "Are you all going down? Is Ji Hyun there?" Jisoo nodded and said, "Yes she is, Eun Jae just called me."

Lee Rang nodded in reply and went down with them. The news reached Shin Joo and he showed Lee Yeon the pictures, he started to admire them saying those are some good pictures but coming to know that Ji Hyun is being accused and questioned in the lobby, he decided to go and calm things down.

Here, the hate group people kept accusing Ji Hyun, Min Young noticing Ji Hyun was so silent, was about to take her away, but was stopped by the group.

Irene, seeing her so quiet said, "See, she can't even say anything now! Getting caught dating- I mean caught in her plan she has no words now!" Ji Hyun decided to be quiet, as even if she defends herself they would think she is making excuses.

Lee Rang who arrived at the scene, hearing Irene's words said, "I don't think her dating me should be any problem to you or anyone." Everyone in the lobby turned to him. He walked towards them.

Irene in an innocent voice said, "Sir, don't get us wrong, we just wish for your well being, we can't see anyone using you for money."

Lee Rang looked at her with anger and said, "Her using me or not is my look out! Even if she uses my money, I'm sure you guys would get paid in time! And speaking of salary, my brother and I don't pay you guys to gossip about our love or life affairs. So if any of you still have a problem with me dating her, you guys can quit because it would be better for the company to have people who work instead of gossiping and create such unnecessary commotion!"

Lee Rang then turned to Ji Hyun and said, "Let's go from here, you don't have to explain anything to anyone!" Saying that Lee Rang held her hand and started walking away. He stopped and turned his face and said, "The one who uploaded all this, I want them in my cabin in the next fifteen minutes!" And walked away.

One of the watchers then taunted the girls, "You girls need to get life! Why would you care who our COO dates! You wasted our time as well as made him angry!" Another one said, "I know right! What's wrong with tying a tie? And they have clearly edited the other pictures to show that they are close."

Her friend said, "Well, even if it was true, Mr. Lee isn't blind to fall just like that, it's rumored that she is the best intern to be selected, her grades speak all! I was the one to pass her for the job interview! She is more than what these delulu girls claim!"

Another said, "Anyways! Let's go to work, we don't want to waste our time!" Everyone went to their respected floors and resumed their work.

While the team one stayed with the hate group and Manager Park asked, "Irene, this was all your doing right!?"

Jisoo answered, "Of course! She was the only one going to give files since last week! This has to be her! I can't believe you would do such a thing!"

Eun Jae then added, "I should have known this is what you were up to when you tried to insult Ji Hyun all the time! I get it that you liked Mr. Lee but insulting some one like this is not done Irene!"

Manager Park hearing this said, "Let's leave all this here and keep the decision to Mr. Lee, even if you don't get fired I will have you transfer teams! I can't have such an employee like you in my team!" Making Irene realized that this situation was getting out of her hand. She looked at the hate group but saw them slowly walking away. Making her realize she is on her own.

Here, Lee Rang and Ji Hyun were in the elevator. Ji Hyun said, "Sir, I'm sorry, it's be-" Lee Rang held her hands tighter and said, "You don't have to apologize, Ji Hyun! You didn't do anything wrong! What's wrong is their thinking so please don't think about that!"

Ji Hyun sighed, she was feeling overwhelmed as this reminded her of the past, she knew nothing will go back normal, everyone will avoid her and no matter how hard she works, they will only think she is a gold digger.

She started to think negatively about how things would turn if they started dating and she should stop this feelings.

Extra Scene

Lee Yeon and Shin Joo went down to calm the situation but were surprised to see what was going on. Lee Rang was speaking up for himself. Lee Yeon smiled proudly and whispered to Shin Joo, "Damn, my brother's all grown up now! Look at him speaking!"

Shin Joo smiled giddily and said, "I know right! He looks cool right now!!"

They hid themselves as Lee Rang and Ji Hyun were coming their way and followed them by taking the next lift.


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