Chapter 8

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Lee Rang sighed and looked at the time, seeing it was 11:30 he said, “aren’t I taking this work part too seriously!? Well let’s go have a drink.” Saying this he drove to his favorite café.

Ji Hyun was sipping hot chocolate as she was waiting for the other shift worker to come so she could go home, she called her colleague and asked, “unnie, when are you getting here? I have to leave, plus Kang Min shi is on a leave today as well.”  

To which her co worker Tae Hee said, “I can’t make it, my brother is sick and I can’t leave him alone, please take my shift, tomorrow I will work at yours, and you rest.” Ji Hyun thought for a while and replied, “okay then. Take care of your brother.” The call ended.

Ji Hyun turned to Woo Bin and said, “even Tae Hee can’t make it, I will work with you for tonight and tomorrow she will work.” Lee Rang entered the café and saw Ji Hyun and thought, ‘she works at this cafe even on weekdays?’

They both greeted him and Ji Hyun asked him his order being a little awkward, Lee Rang gave his order and sat down, While Woo Bin said, “thanks Noona, I thought I would have to work alone, since both of them can’t make it.

Ji Hyun smiled and said, “it’s okay, I’m just doing my job.” Saying this she started to make Lee Rang’s order.

Lee Rang sat there while Ji Hyun was making his order and noticed that the guy with her kept staring at Ji Hyun but shrugged it off. After he got his order he got up and left deciding to eat on the way.

Lee Rang sat in his car and starting the car he went away. On the way there was a signal. While waiting for the signal to start he realized something, he remembered that the guy said only those two will be there tonight, and then the stares, then he remembered that the guy smiled weirdly while he was leaving. Feeling something off Lee Rang turned the car around and screamed, “he better not lay a finger on miss interesting!! Or else he is dead!” Reaching there he hurried inside.

Here Ji Hyun went to the staff room to relax and finish her hot chocolate. She got up and went to the register to fill her name because she as taking the night shift, when she suddenly felt a presence behind her, she turned around and saw Woo Bin was very close to her and she backed away and asked, “what do you think you are doing?” 

Woo Bin smiled evily and said, “what do you think! Tch how can I miss this chance? Tae Hee was supposed to be the target but lucky her!” Saying that he pushed her down, Ji Hyun fell, making her break the cup she held and causing a small cut in the wrist.

Before he came closed she hit his leg making him stumble, he got up and Ji Hyun took a vase which was kept for decoration in her hands, she was about to smash it on his head but he held her wounded hand tightly causing her wound to hurt and she screamed, “ouch! Leave me! It hurts!” 

At that same time Lee Rang entered the café hearing her scream he rushed towards the voice and opening the door he saw the situation, he went towrds them and broke Woo Bin’s grip from Ji Hyun and punched Woo Bin hard, he then held him and shouted, “and what do you think you are doing!” and punched him again. 

Woo Bin looked at Lee Rang angrily he was about to attack Lee Rang back, but Ji Hyun having the vase smashed it on his head making him fall down and faint due to the pain. Ji Hyun sighed in relief and said, “thank you Mr. Lee! I will always be grateful for your help.”

Lee Rang ignoring that said, “call the police!” and started to search the guys phone, but not finding it in his clothes he looked around to see where it could be and found it was kept in a position where everything would be recorded.

Seeing this Lee Rang scoffed and said, “this disgusting human!” Saving the video as it was evidence he looked through his phone just in case and his assumption were right, it turned out he was a pervert who had clicked photos of many girls in an inappropriate way. Ji Hyun after calling the police saw that Lee Rang was doing something. She went near and saw that there were many photos of her co-workers as well. 

Ji Hyun took the phone and said, “yah stop looking will you.” Lee Rang looked at her and answered, “are you an idiot!? I’m just gathering evidence.” 

Ji Hyun looked at him and said, “still you saw enough to know he is a pervert!” now wait for the police.” She then cautious looked for her picture and noticed there were some. 

She angrily clenched her fist at this. Seeing her like that Lee Rang glanced at the phone, seeing the pictures made him angry as well, but seeing she was about to delete the pictures stopping her he offered her some water and said, “calm down, the police are coming soon and he will get the punishment he deserves, don't mess with the evidence.” 

Ji Hyun looked at him and said, “you are right, thank you for helping me!” Saying this she accepted the bottle and drank water. She then called her manager to inform what happened. 

Soon the police came and Lee Rang talked to the police and showed the vidoes and photos as evidence, the police thanked him for the help for saving a girl and turning in a serious stalker. 

While Lee Rang and the police officer were talking, manager Min rushed in and asked, “yah Ji Hyun ah are you okay!? You must have been scared!!” and started to check her out.

Ji Hyun smiled and said, “I’m okay Manager Shin, Mr Lee Rang saved me.” Hearing this Manager Shin turned to him and bowed and said, “thank you so much for saving my employee! Tell me what I can do to show you my gratitude!”

Lee Rang smiled and said, “just give me the same order, as the one I have is probably cold now.” Manager Shin and Ji Hyun giggled and Manager Shin said, “of course! It's on the house!” 

The three of them thanked the officer for their help and the police went away with a fainted Woo Bin. Manager Min then held Ji hyun’s hand causing her pain, manager Shin looked at that and said, “yah look at this! And you say you are okay, let’s go to the hospital.”

Ji Hyun smiled and said, “it’s a small wound, I can treat this at home.” Manager Shin angrily looked at her and said, “sit down and wait here!” She turned to Lee Rang and said, “please wait I will make your order in few minutes.” After asking what he wants Manager Min went to make his order. 

Lee Rang then sat besides her and looked at her to check weather she is okay or not. He sighed in relief when he saw that she is not crying. Ji Hyun looked up and said, “thank you so much for coming back and helping me!” 

Lee Rang looking at her said, “no problem. Though I don’t think you needed that much help, seeing how hard you hit him.” Ji Hyun laughed hearing this and said, “well then too.” 

Manager Min came back with his order and then treated Ji Hyun’s wound and said, “should I drop you home?” Ji Hyun nodded a no and said, “I have my cycle I will go with that don’t worry.” 

Manager Min finished bandaging, Ji Hyun got up and said, “I shall take my leave now.” Manager Min said, “okay but take tomorrow and Sunday off, it's a paid leave.” Ji Hyun turned to her smiling she said, “thank you!”  Saying this she left and Manager Min turned to Lee Rang and said “thank you again for saving her!”

Lee Rang swakrdly smiled and said, “it’s okay, I did what had to be done! Anyways thanks for the food.” Saying that he got up and left.

Extra Scene 

While Ji Hyun was cycling home she smiled at the fact that Lee Rang came to save her and said, “well he isn't a bad person after all.” 

While Lee Rang was driving he thought, ‘I should have offered her a drive, it's late at night. Gotta say she is braver than she looks, and has a cute laugh.’ Realizing where his thoughts are going he told himself off, ‘Yah you better control yourself! What stupid thoughts are you even thinking! Stop getting more interested in her Lee Rang! But I do hope she reaches home safely!’

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